Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
EEEK! What happened to July, not to mention the first seven months of this year … it all seems to be going by way too fast. I hope you have the time and energy to pause and to reflect on some of the articles below. Feel free to comment and/or chastise me on my wayward ways with my commentary that leads you to the links.
I found this commentary rather interesting, because it points out a rather painful truth that tends to explain certain inequalities. Different groups have different spending, saving and investing habits and that directly correlates to how much wealth they accrue. Maybe the fault, dear Brutus, lies not within others but within the way we invest our results of our labors.
On this issue, I happen to agree with Mr. West. I think the Navy is doing a major disservice to this officer (and probably the Marine who is equally as guilty apparently). But I predicted it would happen, because the denizens of the Puzzle Palace (the Pentagon and inside the Beltway) have rules that have to be applied no matter how many lives were saved by breaking the rules.
I personally think this federal judge who enjoined CMP from publishing anymore of its Planned Parenthood videos has his head up so far his derriere it ain't even funny. Not to mention, Public Citizen apparently found some political contributions in his recent past that shed light on his political leanings which may or may not have influenced his ruling from the bench. Still, I think 1st Amendment attorneys from every major news organization should be all over this in a heartbeat and just waiting for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to open its doors on Monday with a flood of filings to overturn this injunction. There is so much precedent to support rebuking the judge, it ain't funny ... but I doubt very seriously that they will be that many, because the progressives are just begging for this story to go away.
A criticism of FACTCHECK.ORG's report on the CMP videos. Being a skeptic, I question both sides, but it seems that the CMP are going the extra mile with releasing unedited versions of the video and transcripts ... tends to make the defenders of PP look more like spinners and parsers ala Bill Clinton and his famous statement: It depends on what the definition of is is
Bad Cop! I knew this about Ontario (where it is legal to go topless in public) ... from my pretty wife who has taught me so much on what it means to be a Canadian ... which one of my Grandfathers was ... does that make me an honorary Canadian?
Gee, it seems that the US is not the only country with border security issues with illegal migrants trying to avoid the legal ways of doing things ... maybe we could enlist the Mexican government like the Brits have enlisted the French and are trying to enlist the whole EU ... oops ... that is right, we are talking about the Mexican government here and the Democrats and progressives on the US side who want to just throw the borders open to everyone.
Does it strike anyone as a bit odd, that Mrs. Clinton worked at a job for about five of those years whose taxable wage was capped at about $200K per year? Gee, I didn't know selling books and giving speeches could bring Bill over $130 million in seven years .... that is almost $20 million a year ... wow!
Expensive colleges ... well, they are all private schools. Side note: My mother's father attended and graduated from Oberlin College Seminary and her mother attended, but apparently did not get a degree from Oberlin College Conservatory of Music a century ago. I bet it wasn't quite as expensive way back when.
So the trooper in the arrest of Brand was an asshole ... he didn't kill her ... so it really is sort of irrelevant ... unless you just want to blame the DPS for her death ... which, once he transferred her to the custody of the Waller County Sheriff's Office's jail, the DPS was out of it.
Baltimore out of control ... and nary a Republican in sight to blame it on. Sorry, Democrats and progressives, you own this one. You have controlled the city for almost 50 years ... and any problems there are due to your policies not working. Don't blame the federal government, it was the city's job and liberal policies have just not met the test.
I hate to say it, but this illustrates exactly why socialism and raising salary floors don't work ... sorry, folks, but as the person in story explains it, why work hard when it gets you nothing or even knocked back down to the same pay rung as people who don't contribute as much?
When you think about war's impact on Europe, even just in the last century, try wrapping your head around these figures about wars fought in Asia, especially over the last century (but the earlier ones seem to have been real bloodbaths in a category all their own)
This update on Curiosity on Mars ... well ... what can one really say ... this is great and great science ... besides being just down right neato cool.
Well, DUH! ... It seems Daimler-Chrysler did this study on EVs and found that for them to be accepted a whole lot of education needs to go on ... eh-yup ... that is for sure. Of course, what works in Europe, won't necessarily work in the US, despite what urban progressives want to believe.
I think Ted Cruz really must have Democrats and other denizens of the Left really worried, or they wouldn't being making such attacks. I suppose, he is all these things, but then I think the author is being a disingenuous to say that our current president isn't guilty of many of the same crimes, as are many of the top ranking Democratic Congressional leadership. Oh, that is inconvenient ... let's see how we can spin that another way so it doesn't look so bad for the Left ...
Gee, the Chinese are looking at adding three nuclear-powered super-carriers ... who'd a thunk it? Besides, I wonder if they stole the plans for the electro-magnetic cataputs from the Ford ... nah, they wouldn't stoop to that, Footnote: we borrowed the angled deck and steam catapult ideas from the Brits.
This is a little deep for me ... but I remember postulating in philosophy class in junior college, that is you had a computer big enough and powerful enough and fast enough, then you could calculate what your destiny was by taking into account for all the variables (down to gamma rays) and factoring that into some set of rule system ... this sounds similar..
Time for A-Bomb anniversary stories - Basically, this is factually true ... however, if Truman hadn't dropped the bomb, would the Russians decide to declare war at that moment? That we will never know. As for the casualty figures, I seem to remember the million dead figure came from the estimated number of Japanese dead if the invasion came to pass ... given the American experiences on Saipan, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. As for just continuing the bombing campaign with conventional forces, it ignores that ground troops would have to go in at some juncture and without the shock effects of the bomb and the Russian declaration, it probably would not have been unopposed given the unconditional surrender demand ... which by that time was pretty much a non-negotiable issue with Americans.
Tesla S in a drag race? Not quite enough ponies, but still it is a quick starter ... and if they get Ludicrous Mode working, apparently even faster off the start line ... it is just the sustained top end doesn't compare. My question: why would anyone want to go that fast in a street-legal car?
North Korea's Kim Jong-Un rattling his sabers again ... I suppose one of these days he might just swing the damn thing ... at which point all bets are off and he probably will get handed his own head ... after causing untold numbers of dead throughout the Korean Peninsula and other destruction.
Well, it will be interesting to watch how the State Department, et al, wiggle out of this mess ... assuming the judge continues to stick to his guns.
All good reasons to love Israel ... and want to see it survive
I love this pics (a few bring back my own memories) and especially the Band of Brothers shot.
As this commentator points Alexis de Tocqueville was an amazingly prescient man ... and what we are seeing now is the product of the pitfalls he warned us about.
Interesting story ... sounds as if we are being played for fools again ... not all that surprising these days.
I know this story is meant be just rhetorical questioning ... but the questions really are rather valid.
Thought provoking essay ... at least to me ... and one that makes me sigh with sadness.
And unfortunately - obscured by all the smoke and political posturing and spinning - there is enough corruption here, to borrow a favorite phrase around here, to sink a battleship.
And last but definitely least ... we all too often forget - since it has dropped of the national media's radar - that we still have thousands of American service members going in harm's way on a daily basis in Afghanistan and Iraq ... lest we forget this brave people.
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