Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Looks like a bit of slow news day, but with plenty of commentary and analysis. I hope you find it thought provoking. As always, feel free to to add you two-bits worth.
Well, tell us something that we don't know. It already is pretty certain that the MH-17 flight was hit by a SAM ... the question now being whose?
It just amazes me how the "media" continues to carry water for Hillary and provide reasons why she shouldn't be held in violation of a host of various federal laws and rules for her arrogance ... not to mention her multiple cases of perjury ... oh, that is right, Bill avoided that because the talking meme was he was led into a perjury trap. I really want to know just what the Clintons, either of them, have to do to get busted.
This a proactive firing, to get ahead of the protest power curve. I am not excusing the officer, but please don't try to paint the victim as some innocent kid ... that dawg won't hunt.
It would seem, based on the video, that if that is the kid who got shot in Ferguson, he indeed was armed and moving back toward the action. The problem I have here folks is that all those peaceful protesters need to be doing all that is in their power to keep things peaceful and that means sitting on and disarming those who come to their protest with weapons. You do that and the cops won't have any reason to starting drawing guns.
The Animas River spill ... now, imagine it was some active mining concern that had triggered this spill, instead of the EPA. All the Eco-warriors would be out in force screaming for the heads of the company and for cessation of all gold mining in the US as ecologically dangerous. Only this mine was closed in 1923 and hasn't been worked since. So, eco-warriors, why are you not carrying hangman's ropes for the EPA guys who screwed up ... and for its corporate leadership in Washington, like at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Just asking, mind you.
Maybe, just maybe, the judicial branch will get active on reining in some of the nefarious activities of Ms. Rodham and her staff.
One question: Why was the Capitol Police officer's firearm not locked up in the police station armory, like the weapons of military personnel?
At least Gov. Jindal has a sense of humor, which seems seriously lacking over on the staff of the Washington Post.
OH MY! Does this mean that Hillary might be flip-flopping on issues just to appeal of the support group of the day ... say it ain't so. Queen Hillary would never be so cynical and crass.
This is a case worth following ... and YES, the Supremes are going to have to resolve this issue.
Another case the Supremes eventually, probably, have to rule on. Although, personally, I think the New Jersey legislature is in the pocket of the monument makers ... but this runs slam up against religious freedom (as well as economic freedom) ... something(s) that seem to be under siege these days.
An interesting commentary on why the Iranians can not be trusted ... and probably won't implement what it is required to do under the Iran deal.
Another example of how convoluted things can get in the various Middle East and Southwest Asian conflicts.
Interesting take on countering China's efforts to push its borders out ... not sure how viable the solutions are ... because they are so far off in the future they maybe overcome by events
Intellectual property rights is a pretty tough legal field to be in ... and is pointed out in this commentary, rife with legal beagles with less than stellar ethics.
I hope the Army is correct in its new training plan ... but I still am a firm believer that every soldier should be an infantryman first, and then whatever specialty he or she is in second. It may seem stupid, but it has been proven over and over again, sometimes the REMFs have to fight too ... and as the Marines say: Every Marine is a rifleman.
It does not surprise me that Saddam era former Army officers who were Sunni hardliners are providing the cadre for the ISIS military efforts ... and if we didn't see that coming, then we were missing the obvious.
This sounds like a typical Soviet-era negotiating tactic: What's mine is mine (even if I just seized it) and what is yours is negotiable.
As usual, Thomas Sowell offers a very thought provoking commentary ... this one on the GOP "debates" last week.
I, for one, don't dismiss the translations on the MEMRI site ... and so it seems what are hearing from the Iranians is rather disturbing.
I miss Joe Lieberman ... but I am afraid the group he is leading is flogging a dead horse ... but it was a pretty good horse ... and the right one to back, but the Cult of Kerry-Obama killed it.
More opponents take up the standard against the Iran Deal ... I wish I had their optimism
Ok ... cyberwarriors ... who is better AIs and robots or human hackers ... I guess we will find out.
This is not a new concept. The US toyed with the idea sometime back ... I guess it never went anywhere. Maybe the Chinese (with their faster development and construction times) will make a go of it.
China rattles sabers at India ... and gets what it wants
Iran's military (the IRGC) is funding media outlets to suppress other media outlets in Iran ... gee, who would have thunk it?
Just a reminder - the Russian military is not 10-feet-tall ... never was, really. It conventional forces always have been sort of mixed bag, it was just that there was so many of them.
Space, the final frontier ... or possibly the start of the next global conflict ... scary, ain't it.
A very excellent article on the morality or justness of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is a point we fail to acknowledge today, and that is that differentiation between non-combatant and combatant no longer exists.
Allen West makes a very excellent point here ... diversity for diversity's sake is stupid ... you want the best of the best, regardless of skin color
And in the end ... Google will end up running the world
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