Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Suggested Readings for Sept. 30, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Once more we take the plunge … it seems that there was just a plethora of things to read today …

This seems strange ... not that it didn't happen ... but it just doesn't seem probable ... but the Vatican is issuing a neither confirm nor deny statement ... which leaves it open

A defense Hillary's e-mail debacle ... my point being several fold: 1. She has lied about it in various ways, changing her stories at times. Not a behavior I like to see in a president. 2) She showed terrible judgment and didn't follow the rules when she left (Powell did, so that parallel doesn't hold up). Another non-presidential attribute. 3. She really did expose herself and the State Department to cyber attacks ... something we were far more aware of than a decade or so earlier ... so her hubris leaves us wanting better in a presidential choice.

This is true ... but the left will have none of it ... leading from behind is not a good thing to try.

To me, this is a tempest in a teapot that Warren is using to bolster herself in our hyper-critical politically correct world. It is akin to criminalizing dissent

Every death is tragic ... whether or not the state is involved. Not knowing the particulars of this case or its trial history, I have to side with the Surpremes, and say capital punishment was correct. I see capital punishment as punishment of last resort ... which is to say that people who cause others' deaths are to be punished ... not rehabilitated. There are some things that a civil society cannot accept ... and premeditated murder is one of them.

Given what we have seen and heard the chances of this city being retaken probably lies between slim and none.

This is an entirely expectable development ... and if you didn't see it coming ... wake up

Typical ... National Defense? Democrats approve? Oxymoron. It is sad the story focuses on justifying the reasons for the Democrats opposition ... I seem to remember that when the shoe was on the other foot, no such consideration was given to the Republicans.

I think Hillary is about to turn Obamacare (aka the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) into a greater disaster than it already is ... just to pander to union votes ... this is the problem with democracy ... once special interests realize they can get benefits from the government, they vote for politicians who will give them those benefits.

There are those in the US who would stand at the pier and wave "bye-bye and good riddance" if the UN chose to do this ...  but it would not be in the US's best interest.

The sad part about this article is that it ignores the fact that the Russians and the Chinese are not all that het up about giving up their veto-powers either.

In away, this is a priceless response to an absurd demand. Ranks up there with Ridgeway's "Nuts"

To me, this is an abuse of the American judicial system ... and illustrates a certain hubris in some quarters about the power of Americans to change policies in other countries. Of course, we could all stop eating chocolate too.

Thomas Sowell makes an excellent point that the Congressional Republican leadership has done an absolutely horrible job of getting out front and explaining the issues and to stay out there talking.

As much as I agree with the thrust of this article (but for different reasons), I am also resigned to the fact that it is going to happen.

Now this seems, to me, just a little bit out of line for a school to be asking children to answer about things outside of school.

Jumping from perfectly good airplanes is - was and always will be - inherently dangerous. And since paratroopers are human, sometimes mistakes are made and people die. Each death is a tragedy, and it seems the Airborne community is adding just another layer of checks ... which will help ... but won't stop another paratrooper from dying.

IF you can wade through this story (a lot of Arabic names, which always makes it difficult for me to follow), it pays to remember that the objective of both sides remains the same ... death to the infidel ... it is only the approach that is being revised.

Why is the US tactically good but strategically stupid? Hell, if I know, but it really is an American tradition. Most of the time our leaderships don't think strategically but get bogged down in how to fight tactically. It is a good way to lose a lot of good people.

It seems that it is politically incorrect to point out that the US Constitution and Islam's Sharia law are mutually exclusive and point out that there are those in the US who are abusing the Freedom of Religion to advance a particular political religion.

Judicial Watch rides again ... it is amazing the things they turn up

Sometimes policy analysts at the Pentagon get lost thinking that what is there is everywhere. One of the precious advantages of the US military is the people down at the bottom don't always follow the book. They listen for what the mission is, and then they solve the problem.

US Director of National Intelligence says he is skeptical that the Chinese will abide by new cyber accord ... duh ... now why would he think that ... maybe because he knows the Chinese leadership is playing chess while our leadership is playing checkers.

This is an argument why the Chinese can't build a super carrier ... which probably is true ... for now ... but there always are work arounds

And interesting article on what direction some experts seem to think US foreign policy should go ... if we can ever get out of the hole we are falling into now.

This is one solution to building a habitat on Mars

and here is a bunch more ...

You know those Iranians ... they are just hungering for a new start  ... and if you believe that .... how about some ocean front property in Utah I have to sell you.

Now, where could these nasty old rockets and launchers come from ... Iran says "not us"

The Haj stampede is going to have things get uglier before it gets better, I suspect.

Well, another case of the pot calling the kettle black. But then again, the PLO and other Palestinian groups never really bought into the Oslo Accords, or they would have accepted the last two or three deals that gave them 95 percent of what they were asking for.

Don't watch or listen to the video, because the on-air airhead says things that are not supported by the text below. But since most people don't want to read ... they will accept her line uncritically.

I dearly love the thrust of this story, which I take it is I am supposed to be upset that there is a filing fee for candidates to appear on the South Carolina Republican Party Primary ballot next year.  Sigh. Actually, I think the fee is a good thing, but it also should be the responsibility of the party to conduct the primary and not the state ... so they probably would need the bread to pay the freight ...

I am not sure how to take this story ... I guess getting a college education is not enough ... but then not all student-athletes are on full-ride scholarships. Actually, I have long contended that college athletics, at least at the top levels, should be part of a farm system funded by the major leagues. But that is not going to happen.

Another cop falls ... unfortunately, his assailant was not of his race. I wonder how that is going to play out

Another view on the Palestinian-Israeli situation - from the BBC

This is a rather slanted story ... the headline gives you that warning with the use of the word vigilantes to describe the fighters for the anti-ISIS units.

Not that this is going to stick on Hillary ... but it is, unfortunately, against Nevada law ... in fact it is a felony offense.

This seems to be another example of White House minions using the power of their position to attack opponents and dissenters

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Suggested Readings from Sept. 29, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Most of the action today seems to be in the form of after-action reviews of stuff that has happened over the last few days. Still, it provides interesting reading … and things I would encourage you to consider.

A commentary from a sitting Republican Congressman who thinks there is time to vet and consider a new Speaker of the House.

Summary of this commentary is: The world is going to Hades in a handbasket and President Obama calls a meeting. I think that is the progressives solution to everything: Let's talk about it. Well, while others are acting, the US is getting more and more egg on its face. But we have made this choice ... now we have to live with these consequences.

No. 1 threat to the battlefield today is cyber attacks. I saw this coming 25 years ago as the military began to depend more and more on networked computers for command and control and communications ... what happens when the network goes down? How are you going to fight then? Computer networks are wonderful force-multipliers ... as long as they have power and uninterrupted bandwidth. Lose that and you are back at square one. Never, ever, troopers should you forget the basic warrior skills no matter whether you are an infantry grunt, a cannon-cocker or a tanker ... or a truck driver or a mechanic or a stevedore ...

This commentary points out yet another fault of the Obama Administration's approach to policies that have a potential military component. The President may boast he commands the world's most powerful military (although political gridlock in Washington is rapidly calling that into question), but if it doesn't show the flag in disputed zones ... then no one will take it seriously.

Another commentary pointing out the absolutely clueless nature of President Obama's foreign policy team. Ignore someone, apparently, because it would be inconvenient and offend someone who is not going to agree with you ... and probably show his derriere in the process ... which is exactly what happened.

An argument worth listening too ... and yes, there are many, many, many faults in the Defense Department's procurement system. But I do think that the author does not pay enough justice to the parity model ... which in other words is that other nations get a lot bigger bang for their buck that the US does.

And this article provides a cogent counterpoint to the previous article on defense spending.

And it appears the Obama Administration has rolled over for the Chinese on the issue of cyber attacks to commercial and economic targets.

Interesting point of view from an Air Force officer on the best uses of air power. It serves to remind us that air power (or sea power, or land power) is not enough alone to with the battle, much less the war ... but the trick is to figure out how to apply adequate levels of all three in order to achieve your political goals.

While achieving what probably is a progressive's dream, it makes you wonder where the Obama Administration's head is at.

You sometimes wonder where the top leadership in the military hangs their hats ... because it seems apparent they don't have much brains.

The officials at Wesleyan University almost make  you think there might be hope yet for the system of higher education in the US.

Dr. Sowell points out that providing affordable housing is relatively simple: Allow the construction of enough housing units to meet or exceed the demand ... and prices will come down to affordable levels.

Interesting collection of rules of thumb for American politics.

Mr. Greenberg makes a good point, as usual, on resisting the impulse to centralize all power ... or in other words, looking to the federal government to fund another program to address some victimhood

Another lesson in Liberal/progressive hypocrisy

I am sure this will not be accepted ... but it appears that the claims the Planned Parenthood videos were carefully and skillfully edited are bogus ...

Well, this definitely is not a politically correct video ... but it makes the point between Islam, the religion, and Islamism, the ideology

Hillary wins the battle for endorsements from colleagues with Bernie ... I haven't a clue why ...

And if the US doesn't, Raoul? Ah heck, Barack will just do it by executive action.

A rather scalding view of Obama passing the baton to Putin.

Interesting perspective on the debate over whether Carly Fiorina lied over what one of the anti-Planned Parenthood videos shows.

I read this article and I was put in mind of a quote from Abe Lincoln: A house divided cannot stand. I wonder how much of that is true now.

Yet another reason to question whether Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders really is what the country needs.

This is absurd ... but it is indicative to the take no prisoners of the LGBT alliance and its efforts to impose its beliefs on people who disagree.

Suggested readings from Sept. 28, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Lots of back and forth at the UN … which adds to today’s mix … Read some of these articles – whether or not they relate to the UN – and think about their impact on the larger scheme of things .. I hope you find them interesting and informative.

In a sense, this is sort of like the pot calling the kettle black ... when one considers the Russians' activities in Crimea and the Ukraine (and elsewhere), but he is making it clear that the price of cooperation is the survival of Syria's Assad ... even though Assad is responsible for 75 percent of the dead in that conflict.

It seems the Obama Administration is pulling back and trying to regroup after all the catastrophes in its red lines and other efforts in Syria ... I figure if they sit out on the sidelines trying to figure out what to do next long enough, the war will be over ... with Assad as the victor, ISIS hurt but not destroyed ... and the Americans wondering what hit them.

This is the legacy of lawlessness that is being increasingly found acceptable in the US.  Unfortunately, much of it condoned by our President and his staffs.

Royal Dutch Shell decides to abandon Arctic drilling effort off Alaska ... partly due to market forces and partly due to the uncertainties of the US regulatory policies. Which leaves me to ask: If Global Warming really means that the Arctic Ice is all going to melt, then why should Arctic ice be a factor ... I mean if it isn't there, then what is the risk to the drilling efforts from ice? Something doesn't compute here.

It seems that this lawsuit - finally by the House of Representatives as an institution - finally may be getting some traction. Congress has to stand up for its prerogatives as part of the Constitutional balance of powers, or then they are meaningless. This is an important case to follow.

Interesting argument for prosecuting EPA officials for the waste spill in Colorado ... but unfortunately, it ignores the doctrine of "sovereign immunity" which probably will apply in this case. In other words, government officials can not be prosecuted for executing their jobs (usually) however incompetently that may be.

Like this is a no-brainer. Of course, Obama is going to let Assad off the hook ... Putin has him by the gonads, and Obama will do anything to appear that it is a diplomatic victory ... and not a military one.

Obama preaches cooperation to UN ... which is all well and good as long as everyone is on the same sheet of music and playing by the same rules ... but unfortunately, history has shown us repeatedly that is not going to be the case. Unfortunately, our president and his coterie of advisors really seem historically ignorant and living in a fantasy world where everybody has the same interests as they do; they all are willing to play by the same rules; that all words mean the same thing; and everyone's interests are congruent. And if you think that is the case, fine ... I wish you luck. But from my humble point of view that ain't the way the world is and the realist accepts that fact.

This policy runs counter to the principle of unity of command ... which the 7th and 3rd Fleets should remember nearly caused a disaster at Leyete Gulf.

This is an outstanding treatise on the lessons in life you can learn from the military ... but you don't have to be in the military to learn them ... they also apply in all facets of life and human endeavor.

This is an interesting question around "what if?" On the 65th anniversary of the landings at Inchon during the Korean war, it is interesting to wonder what would have happened if the US would have pursued a policy of liberation rather than containment. It didn't happen, so really, the question is moot.

Interesting argument on the failure of the US drone strikes in Yemen. Which I won't dispute ... but my problem is, as always, what realistic alternative - given the current situation - do people like the author have to offer? I didn't see one in this article, other than an acknowledgement that if the Obama Administration stopped the strikes tomorrow, it would take decades reverse Yemeni attitudes. I often wonder, as I do with our president, at what point do these people think military force is appropriate (reminding them I am of the member of the Powell Doctrine School and not the Rumsfeld/Obama Doctrine of minimalist effort and risk).

Interesting argument ... from a religious point of view ... but I think the last paragraph sums it up for me: After we deny ourselves all these things in the name of the environment, who gets to choose who lives and who dies? Because that is the stark choice you are left with.

This is really scary when you think about it but not entirely unpredictable. The progressives have been looking for ways to criminalize our differences so they can silence dissent and other thoughts. I find that absolutely frightening. What say  you?

Interesting argument on the efficacy of the big aircraft carriers in a a conflict with China. Given the current aircraft mix, it makes sense ... but the F-35 could change some of the considerations, with a tilt toward the America class smaller flattops.

Hillary takes a page from Obama's playbook: It is not my fault. I didn't have anything to do with the mechanics of it. I just used it. Give me a break, folks: How long are we going to put up with this stuff. You know, where is the commander who takes responsibility for mistakes and failings and doesn't try to apportion blame out to subordinates, etc. People like Ike, who already wrote his message if the landings at Normandy had failed.

An interesting view on what might be the fallacies of some of the Pope's positions and talk ... like the author, I was looking for some guidance on what concretely could be done to stem the tide of war and conflict. Unfortunately, talk is not going to get it.

As I said ... sometimes I wonder what world Obama and his minions live on ... although Ambassador Rice is totally correct: It is totally fair to describe US policies as complete and utter failures. Now, what are you going to do about it?

Clash of egos and nations at the UN

This photo speaks volumes about the clash of egos between Obama and Putin

Maybe there is some silver lining in this cloud ... but I fail to perceive it. Maybe one of you can enlighten me.

The people who play professional sports really have to do some serious rethinking of their behaviors. This was totally beyond the pale ... but it shows the childishness and narcissism of modern athletes.

Mars has running water ... this is a huge development ... makes colonization that much easier.

This New York District Attorney has her head so far up her derriere it ain't even funny ... despite it being illegal and unconstitutional.

Iranian president says terrorism is all the US's fault ... and since he said it, it has to be true ... Just ask our president and secretary of state.

The BBC looks at how divisions over Syria are highlighted at the UN General Assembly meeting

This is an interesting story ... I wonder how much legal standing it has.

I this protest of Carly Fiorina is what they call "astro-turfed"

Monday, September 28, 2015

Suggested Readings from Sept. 27, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

If you missed tonight’s lunar eclipse … you missed a treat.

Having said that, here we go with our usual eclectic collection of Random Thoughts. I hope you find them at least interesting, if not informative and thought provoking.

When I read this, I almost laughed ... yeah, right! This is assuming that domestic policies don't ground NASA plans long before the 2030s ... and that this government program can be brought in anywhere near its budget. Personally, my bet is on Mars One project getting there first ... if they don't get discouraged or stopped by bureaucratic inertia.

This is a difficult choice to have to make ... because of the phobia against being "islamophobic" or at least being called that, one wonders what risks we are taking. It is worth thinking about.

I smell the odor of another deal in the making ... it will stink, but it will be touted as a victory ...

Actually, I find this photo of President Obama and Pope Francis just outrageously funny ... no special meaning attached to it ... but President Obama's critics can have a field day with it.

All I can say is a) I hope the president's view turns out to be one that is achieveable (although I have very serious reservations) and b) I am somewhat glad that I am too old now to fight in these battles, because I am afraid President Obama is in a world of his own.

This just seems to be a sidebar to everything else going on in the Middle East, but it is worth keeping an eye on ... things could get very complicated.

Major Mars research discovery announcement ... my bet is on finding water.

Interesting stock market-watch type story that focuses on who in the US could help Ukraine replace the navy the Russians stole.

That this story is on CNN says a lot ... the drip-drip-drip and limited-hangouts (to borrow a phrase from the Nixon Administration in my youth), it seems that Hillary's nefarious and basically stupid activities are not being just dismissed any more.

Putin wants coordination on fighting ISIS and the price tag, undoubtedly, will be calling off the dogs on Syria's Assad.

A Beebe wrap on Pope Francis' visit to the US ... I watched much of this today ... and have very mixed feelings - unfortunately.

An interesting perspective on the 70 years of the UN from the BBC

President Obama plans to press his agenda at the UN General Assembly. The question is will anybody really be listening? His foreign policy is rife with disasters ... one wonders what else can go awry.

A little reminder about the sacrifice made by those in service of the United States.

Unfortunately, for the rest of us, Pope Francis' words apparently were ambiguous enough to leave much open to interpretation ... or at least that is the view of leading Democrats.

This headline says it all ... unfortunately that perspective is not resonating.

Interesting commentary on the state of Christianity in the US, and how we have gone astray ... because we have ... Listening to Pope Francis this past week has illuminated many of the areas I agree with the leader of the Catholic Church ... but the most important point, in this article and his words, was that the changes have to begin with the individual and in the individual's heart and view of the world.

It is sad, almost tragic, that it seems we have come to this end ... in the disintegration of the extended family and the loss of a sense of responsibility for those who have served us, whether as parents or warriors.

This young man is right to stand up for what he believes ... and you have to respect him for that ... however, it would be interesting to see how, 25 years hence, that he balances the conflicts between Islamic texts and the US Constitution (assuming it is still intact by then). Unfortunately, the Rule of Sharia and the Koran can not coexist equally with the principles of the Constitution and our system of Common Law . The question for a Muslim will be: Which rules how you govern?

And the problem as it now stands with a slight majority of Muslims in the US, the U.S. Constitution and its legal system must fall to the dictates of the Koran and Sharia law.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Suggested Readings from Sept. 26, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

I was tempted to forgo today’s edition … I have been pretty busy going hither and yon, plus I spent the better part of the evening watching Pope Francis at the Festival of Families Conference … very interesting … and I probably will take the time at another point to go into depth about my reaction. Still, there is some papal stuff among this list … so  you can make your own mind up.

I sometimes think progressive socialist Bernie Sanders has his head up his derriere ... this commentary explains why. Unfortunately, today's educational system apparently does not do a real good job teaching about what the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution really say ... nor the battles that went on in shaping both documents.

Another article that lays the blame for the gridlock and chaos on Capitol Hill at the feet of the Republicans ... while failing to acknowledge that it is the Democrats who are using the power of the filibuster and the veto to force compliance with its demands ... such as to fund Planned Parenthood. They are the one who are blocking votes and refusing to let the majority in Congress to act. Doesn't sound all that democratic to me.

Yet another WaPo analysis that fails to acknowledge that gridlock takes two to cause ... and it is not just a small group on the right that wants to fight, but then entire Democratic membership of Congress, which seems unwilling to make any accommodations or compromises ... especially on any issue tinged with the taint of abortion.

And another WaPo analysis that ignores the take no prisoners and yield no ground policies of the Democrats in the House and Senate. It is no wonder that the GOP gets blamed for everything, because the gatekeepers who feed us our daily dose of opinion-making news keeps painting that it is the dysfunction and debate within the GOP that is the problem.

Kevin McCarthy, John Boehner's apparent replacement, has his work cut out for him ... but even then it is being painted that not confronting the Democrats and "governing" is more important that challenging them on their obstructionism.

Not to defend the current government-corrupted version of capitalism that seems to be in vogue right now, but the criticism of Pope Francis' view of capitalism is quite accurate, in my humble opinion ... which would distress most progressives. Just because a man is the Pope (despite papal doctrine), he remains a man and therefore is fallible and quite often wrong. That is why, in my humble opinion, Pope Francis seems to close each of his remarks with a plea to is audience to pray for him or at least wish him well. The pontiff, I suspect, recognizes his own humanness and its frailty and fallibility.

Welcome to America, Pope Francis, where you will find that people will ignore what you say that they disagree with (like you never said it) and overstate your position on things they like. It is the American way.

Interesting commentary referencing a piece on the web site The Onion ... a parody news site for the uninitiated ... but it makes a good case for free markets.

Another ringing defense of capitalism ... based on the evidence and not emotion.

Paul Greenberg on the impact of the Pope on Cuba and in a way, the world ... I think he has a point.

It seems that the Russians are back to revising history ... and the Poles ain't buying their new version.

Now this development about the tragedies comes as absolutely no surprise to me ... remember my conspiracy theory? Well, it seems that the Iranians at hell-bent at destroying the Saudi kingdoms authority as the Custodians of the two Holy Mosques (Mecca and Medina).

I watched this on TV ... it was quite an interesting performance ... Pope Francis' is one of the most charismatic leaders the church has seen, probably, in centuries ... and I suspect surpassing John Paul II, who is now a saint for his efforts.

Ben Carson strikes again. And, yes, the media should stop being stupid and grow up. It would also help if they would report and base their analysis and commentary on what a candidate actually says and not what they think they heard or the spin they want to put on what the candidate said.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Suggested Readings from Sept. 25, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

A few bombshells apparently fell today … it does seem that we indeed live in interesting times … as the ancient Chinese curse/adage says.

It seems that Pope Francis' speech to Congress yesterday was well received. Which is good and bad. Good that our representatives can see truth in what he says; bad in that no matter what he said, different people heard different things ... and now they all will be saying "but the Pope urged us to do this"

John Boehner's decision to step down has opened a Pandora's box ... but it highlights the reality of Washington today. Newt Gingrich's take on it is most insightful. The problem, really, is this. There are certain things that the Democrats are willing to go to the mat for and shutdown the government ... and they will have the backing of President Obama ... secure in the knowledge that regardless how it plays out, the Republicans will be blamed for any shutdown. In a nutshell, the Republicans don't have an absolute veto-proof majority, and the Democrats know it. So any bill that comes out, has to meet whatever demands they put on the table, or there will be no bill. Simple. And, of course, anything that can put egg on the GOP's face is all that much better. So, the segment of the GOP which is saying that if the Democrats are willing to go to the mat, then so are we ... which is fine in principle, but folly in practice. Too many people depend on the federal government now for it not to create a maelstrom. The Democrats know this and that is why they are unwilling to compromise, period.

This illustrates the problems the Republicans have in presenting a united front ... which is irrelevant anyway, because of a lack of absolute majority. Add to the mix the inflated egos of all the people on Capitol Hill and in the White House, and you begin to see why the US is in such trouble.

And you can put out reports like this left and right .... and as far as progressives are concerned they are irrelevant. The important thing is domestic spending and income redistribution.

The problem with the Highway Trust Fund is that it hasn't been a Trust Fund for years ... it has been yet another piggy-bank to be raided to pay for pet projects and domestic entitlement programs.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, Hillary Clinton just seems to be immune to all this, and you would think that will all these cuts, people would finally get the drift of what a disaster she really is.

This commentator makes probably what is a valid point these days: Disagree with a progressive/liberal and you immediately will be labeled with some pejorative term dismissing your argument ... not because they don't have a counter-argument but to change the subject. My favorite one came at me when I was in a class on International Relations in high school having a debate with our resident left-winger (he still is by the way) and my arguments had backed him into a corner (well he already was sitting back in a corner of the classroom) and he screamed at me that I was "politically and socially naive". Well, that definitely stopped the debate. How does one respond to that?

Paul Greenberg has an interesting point here ... sometimes imperialism has its positive and moral goods ... and maybe we don't need to be apologizing for it all the time.

Interesting point here ... instead of Islamophobia, maybe there are those among us (primarily progressives and liberals) who are suffering from Islamophoria.

This article identifies the real problem in the US these days: We have just got to stop trying to not offend anyone. People, you are going to get offended half the time no matter what is happening. Get used to it. Get over it.

It seems the government of Colombia and its foe FARC are near a peace agreement ... which is good, if the Colombians can work it out among themselves ... unfortunately, as the story points out, human rights advocates and sticklers for international law may cause it all to come undone. That would be sad.

A gloom and doom reaction to John Boehner stepping down as House Speaker

US-China Cyber Truce? I hope so, but I have my doubts .... just like I have my doubts how committed China is to reducing carbon emissions. We shall see.

Mr. Rachel offers his interesting take on the new meme: #SHOUTYOURABORTION

I appreciate what Pope Francis is trying to say ... and in a perfect world it would be as he says. But man, unfortunately, is terribly imperfect and despite millennia of trying ... man is no closer.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Suggested Reading List for Sept. 24, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Busy day out there, what with Pope Francis visiting the US … but I endeavored to look at a wider spectrum of reports … I mean the Pope is fascinating, but there are other things that we should pay attention to as well. To that end, I found these articles …

An Al Jazeera take on the current unrest in Jerusalem ... which is totally understandable from the Muslim point of view. The Christian Palestinian at the end points out what should have been the solution many years ago, but the PLO and other Palestinian factions refused to accept it. The West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem could have become part of the current Palestinian nation of Jordan (having been created out of whole cloth by the UN in its partition of the Palestinian Mandate in 1947).  The problem is, and always will be is that Jerusalem is a thrice-promised city holy to three of the main religions of the world. Albeit not quite as holy to the Muslims as it is to the Christians and Jews, it still is a holy place. Hence, so much blood has been shed over who gets to control its land and monuments.

The politicization of the pontiff's visit is and was inevitable. And yes, this visit could be interpreted as a rebuke, if not a rebuff, to President Obama. The question is whether Pope Francis really is that obvious?

Interesting commentary on how the Obama Administration's focus on political correctness is probably going to create situations in the future where these mistakes will be paid with the blood and bodies of American Marines and Soldiers.

And interesting article on how science fiction is nearer to becoming military reality as researchers at DARPA and DARPA funded programs extend into helping US service members become literally bionic warriors.

This is a partnership that needs to be watched, between the world's most powerful democracy and the world's largest democracy.

Somehow, this conspiracy theory doesn't seem all that farfetched ... in fact, I suspect it is the truth that it happened. It is not like it hasn't happened before ... like the Atomic Bomb, the F-15, F-22, and the Space Shuttle on to Boeing jetliners and bombers (did you know that the Soviets reverse engineered and built their own version of the B-29 - right down to the battle patch on the tail of the bomber that had sought sanctuary in Siberia after a raid on Japan).

The saga of the French-built Mistrals is an example of how tangled arms sales and geopolitics has become ... it is a strange world we live in.

This commentary ends on a valid point: Who cares what the troops think. Those at the warfighting end of the chain of command are used to be being misused and abused ... which probably is why they look so poorly on those in senior positions ... sort of like the French high command in World War I

Interesting twist to the travails of flying in the US ... which begs the question of why these states have not been able to meet the new federal law.

Another view on the upcoming travails of flying domestically in the US

Those who really know me will understand ... I find this essay so refreshing.

If this happens, and I personally expect that Iran will do exactly as this article says, then say not that we were not warned.

An interesting historical view at the current woes of the EU.

Mr. Elder makes an excellent point about the selective outrage of many of this country's influential journalists, media elite, progressives and Democrats. Really is pretty discouraging to have a reasoned discourse.

Paul Greenberg sometimes produces some real gems - this is once such commentary ... not that I think that anyone is listening ... or am I just being too jaded and cynical in my old age? Too discouraged at the direction I see our leadership leading us in.

Women in combat units: Marines fall on your swords because it is going to happen ... just face it.

You want to know what is screwed up: This is an example of the "justice system" being perverted, distorted and twisted beyond relevance. I am sorry, but I think Shakespeare was right, sometimes (with deference to my daughter who is an attorney), Kill all the lawyers. The legal machinations and maneuvering that bogs down any attempt at a legal process is incredible and these cases should have been resolved a very long time with swift and sure punishment. Unfortunately, trying to be politically correct and to apply a law enforcement paradigm in what is a war context is about as stupid as it comes.

This is interesting: Just this past week, retired Army Gen. Patreaus was speaking on policy issues before Congress and now this surfaces. Not that anything has happened ... just lets update the status and in the process sling a bit more mud on the general.

If you can't get what you want one way ... you always can go to the UN Human Rights Commission ... they can be relied upon for a good bashing of the US.

Unfortunately, there is much truth to this essay about emissions cheating and VW. It is a point that I have labored to present for a long time. Yes, Climate Change is real ... don't doubt me ... but expecting anything that is being proposed to mitigate it to work ... if only applied to the USofA ... is insanity ... if not incredibly stupid.

Interesting profile from an interview with Dr. Ben Carson ... which may explain why so many people ARE listening to him at the moment.

I heard about this latest AP Style change ... and think this is an appropriate skewering of it. Remember, however, he who controls the terms in a debate controls the debate.

Another argument for limiting government programs ... unfortunately, waste, fraud and abuse or endemic to government contracting ... from top to bottom.

For those with romance in their heart about the old West ... nothing better than cowboys herding buffalo.

I had bats take up residence in my attic in my house in South Carolina .... we had them removed and built this really nice bat house in the back yard ... which they never occupied ... the best laid plans of mice and men ....

Well, according to this poll at least, a bare majority of Americans agree with Dr. Carson on the advisability of voting for a Muslim to be president ... slight conflict of interest.

I laugh at this ... if all political candidates would declare war on the nets that treat them unfairly ... it would be a bloodbath ... actually, Mr. Trump ... get a thicker skin.

The editors at the Economist are not happy with President Obama's feckless policy in Syria ... well, he deserves a lot of criticism ... but in the end, it is the Arabs who really need to sort these things out.

The Economist's view of the VW diesel debacle and how it might affect the auto industry.

I am never a fan of 'man on the street' interviews ... but this does serve to illustrate a point that it is difficult for Muslims to serve two masters: Sharia Law and the US Constitution.

Tragedy once again strikes in Mecca ... I wonder what sparked the stampede? I have a wonderful conspiracy theory ... but you just get to wonder.

This puts a different light on the idea of religious tolerance ... it seems, to me as a layman but a student of South Asian history, that such violent intolerance does not favor religious freedom in Muslim areas.

And for the nine-zillionth time, I point out that if there is a government shut down, it will have been the Democrats, not the Republicans, who have caused it. The problem is not that the House can not pass a spending bill, because it can. The problem is that the House is not likely to pass a spending bill that meets Democrats' demands. And since that is the case, the Senate Democrats will filibuster it in the Senate ... thus blocking even the courtesy of a vote and if it passed, it undoubtedly will be vetoed by President Obama ... and the Democrats in the House and Senate will obediently sustain his veto. Does any of the reporting reflect this truth? Nope … it is all those nefarious and fractious Republicans fault because they won’t meet Democrat demands.

Unwanted sexual contact? I give up ... there is no hope for mankind.

Please note that it was the failure of cloture vote to block a filibuster that has killed this bill ... not an actual vote on the bill ... also note that the president vowed to veto it ... And then the story shifts to blaming the fractious House Republicans for voting their consciences ... which they are supposed to do ... and not meeting Democrat demands.

Not that I am condoning how the Saudi government plans to execute this man, but his pleas of "innocence" just don't ring true. And the family and friends protestations sound so familiar to the defenses put up when young adult males in the US go on murderous rampages.

The Beebe's take on Pope Francis' address to Congress.

Another perspective on the Pope's speech on Thursday.

More progress on the laser as a weapon front ... this time from the Germans.

I get a little perverse joy when liberal and progressive hypocrisy jumps up and bites them in the derriere.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Suggested Readings from Sept. 23, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Lots of stuff to look at today … I hope you find it interesting, if not informative. Unfortunately, circumstances are such that I don’t have the time or the energy to annotate this list with commentary. I will try to remedy that in the AM … although I probably will leave it as is. So here is the list:

Readings from Sept 23 2015

Suggested Readings for Sept. 22, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Lots of news today … I hope I can get to it all … so be indulgent (you know like the indulgencies the Church used to sell – if you don’t get the reference … look up Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation – it was a major issue back then) with me. As usual, I invite your commentary if you agree or disagree with me on any of this, either here or on my Facebook Page. I always am looking for feedback – it is an ego thingy.

Of course, there will be consequences ... every time a politician opens his or her mouth, there are consequences ... but the White House is wrong on two counts here: A. If we are to condemn and ban all offensive speech, then there will be no speech. B) as usual, with the left/progressives in this country, they just refuse to acknowledge that Islam is more than just a simple way to worship or honor the Creator that stands behind the universe, Planet Earth and this human lifeform that can rationalize and think in the abstract ... and change to fit moral values. No, Islam and its Sharia Law is a theological, political, social ideology that happens to be inconsistent with the US Constitution, US laws and its English Common Law system.

Interesting commentary on the pontiff's visit to the US and his views on a variety of issues ... and how those will and will not be reported ... unfortunately, it seems that this is probably an accurate representation of what will happen.

Interesting heads up for cases to watch when the Supremes return to action on the First Tuesday in October.

Interesting - albeit a bit long - article on Al Qaeda in Syria ... and how it has evolved. It illustrates to me, how muddled things are in Southwest Asia/Middle East and how mini-alliances of convenience are made and broken every day.

Apologies are good ... but bad staff work is endemic it seems in this White House.

McConnell has a point and a plan ... only problem with it is whether the Democrats will cooperate ... not if they can see a way to blame the Republicans for any shutdown, which will be dutifully reported as such by news organization such as the WaPo and the NYTimes and ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Newsweek, Time and other outlets. It is interesting it is all over $500 million funding for a non-essential non-profit organization.

Let's see ... how can we find a way to tear down the image of one of the GOP presidential hopefuls. Sign. I hate to tell the WaPo, but the state-side of the National Guard has been "political" for decades.

And this visit, potentially more important than the Pope's (and how many divisions does he command - Joseph Stalin) but will be overshadowed by it.

This new plan for fighting ISIS in Syria has all the potential to turn into a real disastrous furball ... just saying.

Hillary is being a Clinton here ... pandering to an audience ... in this case the progressives who think that any climate change has to be caused by us evil humans ... particularly those of the species who live in North America.

A good explanation why people should eschew the current coverage of the political campaigns ... because the rules may be changing ... and the old order doesn't necessarily provide the right template to analyze the state of the presidential primary races.

Mr. Rachel always provides an interesting view on things. And, whether you agree with him or not, his point here is very valid.

Interesting article out of Harvard that debunks any allegories aligning JFK's foreign policies and Barack Obama's

This White House response to reports that American service members in Afghanistan are just to stand and let happen when they see Afghan authorities sexually abusing boys ... raises the question: And just where does the buck stop in the Obama White House. Obviously not in the Oval Office at the President's desk.

It will be interesting to see how defense cutbacks in the Chinese army play out over the coming years.

IT is all in the mind and the mindset ... and like Orwell's 1984, people believe what they are told ... and what is being said in Russia these days is extremely worrisome ... and I, for one, really see no way to counter it. Unfortunately, this train of events will be ignored by the progressives and the left in the US and the West because they really think that everyone is as rational as they are. ... until the train wreck arrives at their station.

Quality does not replace the need for quantity ... unfortunately, the leadership of the US has succumbed to the siren song that it does.

This part of a continuing series by Mr. Praeger offers an interesting view ... and I see validity on both sides ... unfortunately, the world is not like a giant United States once was ... and multiculturalism tends to fragment upon its own disparate views of what is right and what is wrong.

A very excellent summation of the costs of implementing progressive polices advocated by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ... but then the government does have the power of the printing press.

Too little, too late and probably will wind up in the hands of the enemy ... what else can you expect with President Obama and his liberal advisors running the show.

Hosting Pope Francis does not come on the cheap ... but what the heck, it is only money

Interesting treatise on how planning is strategic ... I learned that military lesson long ago ... down at the platoon level ... but still, models and plans only will take you so far ... and when hit reality they rarely are the solution.

This illustrates why President Obama is a lousy leader and a lousy president. It is your fault. All the rest are reasons, but still you are responsible and you have to own up to it.

The Corps is going to lose this battle ... the fix is in. I only hope that when it comes down to actual combat that it doesn't result in more blood being shed than was necessary ... but knowing US military history, I also know how foolish that hope is.

From an Arab point of view on how President Obama's fecklessness and ineptitude basically has screwed everything up.

This article makes a valid point ... unfortunately, I don't think the powers that be in Washington are listening. Nothing is static, everything changes ... that is the way of the world ... it is how you manage your expectations and how  you prepare for the vicissitudes of life on this planet that determine whether you bleed or not.

Excellent article on the utility of models ... this in a military-strategic context, but the point that all models are wrong sometimes get left behind in today's debates ... Models can be helpful, not in accurate planning but in possibly mitigating to some extent potential problems that may be encountered along the way.

Interesting and somewhat optimistic view of Russia's Middle East gambits

The Pope will criticize the US ... because it really doesn't cost him anything to do so. That is the reality ... that is the truth. He is less sanguine about criticizing other regimes because either a) he sympathizes with their political philosophy of tyranny, or b) their tyranny would flash back on his flock of faithful ... and that he doesn't want.

This really illustrates the problems with this administration ... and soldiers who do face charges and disciplinary action. I think some thing stinks to high heaven here.

Mount Vernon - a real tribute to The United States. Interesting, where I lived in South Carolina is near where Ann Cunningham lived and we would do a story every so often on her old family homestead

While I hope that Mr. Bergen is correct, I do find his dismissal of the ideology that is Islam and Sharia Law rather naive. Also, remembering that I only know what I read in the news, but there are jurisdictions around the US where local communities have be asked to permit Sharia courts in lieu of government courts.

The Reality here is that it really is about government money subsidizing an ostensibly American corporation, but which in reality has morphed into a supra-national corporation that has no allegiance to any flag.

Interesting take on the Muslim kid in Texas and his clock

and the market roller coaster resumes its gyrations ... this ride ain't over yet folks

I sometimes feel, when reading stories like this, that I have been transported back in time ... only now it is the Chinese playing dangerous games instead of the Soviets.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Suggested Readings for Sept. 21, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Lots of media feeding frenzies out there this week … which makes it fun to pick up differing views on various events. Bear with me, and read some of the following for edification and education … or at least thought provocation.

Walker withdraws ... this did not surprise me ... although I think he is ultimately a good candidate for president, he did not seem enthused about the prospect  .... and that matters

The funny thing about this story in the WaPo is that it treats a mere plurality victory as some sort of major mandate for the Greek prime minister ... one has to remember (roughly) that for every 3 Greeks voting for him and his party, 7 were voting against him and his party ... where is the popular mandate then?

This a good story on why John Boehner will stay House Speaker ... but it continues to perpetuate the myth that it is the Republicans fault if the government shuts down because the House votes not to give Planned Parenthood $500 million. The bill will be filibustered in the Senate, not by Republicans but by Democrats who are unwilling to let anything pass that would defund Planned Parenthood. If it passed the Senate (which it wouldn't), President Obama would veto the government spending bill ... again to protect the funding for Planned Parenthood. So unless the Republicans submit to the minority (at last look, the Democrats were in the minority in both the House and Senate), it is the Democrats who are going to force the government to be shut down. Don’t look for it ever to be phrased that way however. 

More on the unintended consequences of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). Will it never end?

I find this all well and good, assuming that the people in these positions are competent with a modicum of integrity ... but it makes me think of Andrew Jackson and the advent of Jacksonian Democracy where the winner got to appoint only his supporters and hire only his supporters to federal office ... I thought the Civil Service reforms of the 1880s were an attempt to get away from that. It also, to me, smacks of a special interest spoils system. I wonder if we will soon get the the point where all federal jobs have to be apportioned out according to various diversity quotas. Something to think about, anyway.

The Syrian situation is going from bad to worse ... and I see dangers ahead that could really get sticky

This, like most commentaries about Dr. Carson's comments on a Muslim not being compatible with the office of the President, really ignores the point of what he was saying; which was that Islam is more than just a religion. If it was, then I don't think there would be any problem ... but Islam IS Sharia Law and Sharia Law is Islam ... and Sharia Law is not compatible or consistent with the US Constitution.

The Beebe, like the WaPo, makes the same mistake about Dr. Carson. And most of the politically correct demands that Carson drop out or retract his statement also ignore they reality of what Sharia Law means. There is no Catholic Law in the US, or Methodist Law, or Church of God Law, or Jewish law ... there is a system based on English Common Law in the US and that is not compatible with Sharia Law.

This BBC commentator again fails to understand the issue ... hence his position.

And the progressives and Democrats of at HuffPo are falling all over themselves condemning Carson for imposing a "religious test" when he was saying that a) he would not vote for a Muslim for president nor did he think that a devout Muslim could be compliant with Sharia Law and the US Constitution at the same time.

This blogger does a good job at pointing out the nuances of what Carson said ... and the implications of Sharia Law and Islam have versus the US Constitution and its system of English Common Law.

I am all for this bill ... not that it stands a snowball's chance in the Dark Underworld of ever even getting voted on, much less pass. Believe me, Congresspeople are like the rest of us: They vote their pocketbooks and they ain't about to vote taking a hit.

A rather telling tale, unfortunately ... that could have been alleviated by better staff work on the part of the President ... instead of a knee-jerk response.

Good grief, this is so obvious it shouldn't be a surprise. Everything in Washington involves paying off one special interest or another ... that is the dirty, ugly truth that no one seems to want to admit.

Will the Pope be safe in America? Probably about as safe as he is anywhere else. If someone wants to get to the Pope and is willing to die to do it ... then his safety can never be guaranteed.

Like ... the security people weren't already aware of this potential? Dang, if they weren't and if they weren’t taking affirmative measures to counter it, then they ain't doing their dang job right.

Oopsie, doopsie ... VW has been very bad and it is going to get spanked really hard, me thinks.

I am not defending this corporate decision ... other than to say: And who gives whom the right to say what anything should be priced? Sorry, I have real problems when you start down the path to price controls in any area ... but that is just me.

I am not sure what the Russians are up to in Syria ... but I can bet dollars to donuts that it ain't good.

And then the eternal question arises: Who checks the fact-checkers?

The Hillary E-mail furball just gets worse and worse ... The fox is in the henhouse and it is the guard dog.

Thomas Sowell joins the list of Americans who are not jumping for joy about the Pope and his visit to the US.

Another one of those stories that you wish weren't true, but you know are. And yet not enough Congress peeps are willing to call the Obama Administration on it and its incursions into its prerogatives. And if you keep re-interpreting things, it gets to the point where all law becomes meaningless.

Gee, and I thought legalizing marijuana in Colorado meant that everything was going to be sunshine and roses for everybody ... I guess I was hallucinating again.

The headline on this story is so bogus, it ain't even funny. They were not arrested for racist signs on their truck ... they were arrested for making a false police report that it was criminal mischief. Major difference there, Mr. Headline Writer.

I am not sure how wide this brush should be ... the connection to Ms. Clinton eight years later seems rather tenuous.

And I doubt very seriously that the pontiff would have done anything to express sympathy or try to help these people. It doesn't fit with the old Jesuit Liberation Theology in Latin America.

When I read articles like this, I am struck by the hubris of the author(s). These articles always seem so US-centric and seem to ignore that a) the US really is just a relatively small slice of the problem and we could do all these things (basically destroying the world these people live in) and without changing the behavior of the other 6 billion people on the planet ... we will have accomplished nothing. Unfortunately, we can't dictate to the other 6 billion how to live their lives.

Yet another article that distills the world down to what the US is doing, or not doing. Hello, you freaking idiots, there is much more to humanity than just this group in North America ... and they ain't taking orders from progressive idealists from the US on how they do things. Sorry, ain't happening.

You betcha Red Rider ... this story really is spot on ... and this is the reality of North Korea.

Well, ain't this the truth. This piece in Der Spiegel in Germany pretty much points out that Syria is toast and is only going to get worse. And it really is not the fault of President Obama, although his stupid policies sure helped. There are too many players in this game playing their own games .... sort of like the old saw about too many cooks in the kitchen tends to spoil the stew.

And if this happens in Palestine ... it really won't be the fault of the Israelis ... even though they will get the blame. It is not like the solution has not been offered a number of times that gave the PA and the Palestinians 95 percent of what they were demanding ... it was that they (like the Democrats in the US Congress with Republicans, unless it concedes all points) can't be seen agreeing to anything the Israelis are willing to sign.

I hope they catch these people ... and I hope the meat left behind can still be put to use.