Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Now for stuff from 9-11 … A whole bunch of stuff here to ponder and think about.
Disaster in Mecca ... it is tragic that so many people died in this construction accident.
And this is the reaction to the Senate defeat of the bill to reject the Iran Nuclear Deal.
The Swedes are not happy with the Russians about their threats to Sweden if it joins NATO.
It is questionable, given the rulings in other cases, if this is legal. It would seem, that if the law was applied equitably in the baker and floral cases, that this would be discriminatory.
Tis sad, in a way, but not unexpected. Given the pressures of the horse race driven by the media coverage it is not surprising. I miss when conventions really were party conventions where real decisions were made ...
My president again wagging his finger and saying "Bad, you are being bad."
Maybe there was life on Mars, and maybe there wasn't ... but the Earth is no strangers to cataclysmic events basically wiping the planet clean of living things.
This is sad, but not unexpected ... when you are faced with an onslaught, your humanity seems to take a powder.
Well, it seems that we survived this threat ... which doesn't mean it can't happen ... they just missed their target date.
Interesting article on Radical Islam and its cousin Apocalyptic Islam. Note: Not all Muslims buy into this stuff, but with 1.2 billion to draw from - even if only 1 in 1000 do - that means there are at least a million believers ... that should be enough to scare anyone.
A case for all scientists being militant atheists ... I don't agree, but then I am not a physicist ... just the son of one.
And a rebuttal to the above physicist
There are pros and cons to this article on Kim Davis' plight. It is correct in its observation about the left/liberal/progressive (or whatever they want to call themselves these days) take-no-prisoners attitude about forcing social values down the throats of people who have the temerity to disagree with them.
This is not good news for the federal government ... which depends on China buying those treasury notes.
Two interesting aspects to this story: First is sets the Republicans once again as the villains in this melodramatic farce; and 2. It is funny that the Treasure Department has been reporting that the level of government debt has not changed in six months. I mean not even daily or weekly fluctuations. It has stayed the same. My cynical side says that the Treasury has been cooking the books for a long time, and this is a political ploy that has been in the works for months to create a government shutdown, which can be then blamed on those evil Republicans. Even when it really is the Senate Democrats who won't let anything pass unless it meets with all their demands.
The PMs of Britain, France and Germany say the Iran Deal is a good one - well the question pretty much is moot now because the bill to disapprove it died in the Senate ... but still, I say, you all could go on without us. I mean you don't always do what we want anyway, so why should now be any different. So what if we say no to the deal, you and the Russians and the Chinese can still abide by it ... and try to enforce all its provisions. You don't need the US to do that. And if Iran balks, because the US isn't buying in, then you should tell them the deal was not just with the Americans, but you as well, and you intend to see Iran abides by it. Not that that is going to happen.
The trials of the Baltimore police officers won't move to a different venue ... I am going to bet, that if they get convicted, then it will be reversed on appeal because of prejudicial pre-trial publicity.
I can imagine all sorts of progressives and people in the White House who wish they could do this to their political opponents
I know it is theater ... but it does get it on the public record ... and that is important symbolically for the rule of law
Lindsay Graham is a very likeable guy ... and I have interviewed him a number of times ... usually sharing a coffee at a local diner in the town in South Carolina where I was editor of the newspaper and after a long day of campaigning. He beat the favorite son in the race for the Third District Congressional seat the first time ... so I ended up having personal relationships with both of the candidates. As I said, as I have watched him rise in Congress, he is very likeable guy.
The results of this year-long Marine study do not surprise me ... but even it will be ignored ... which is sad
In DC, where gun control laws are among the stiffest in the nation, the mayor and chief call for tougher enforcement for offenders.
The interesting non-point of this article about Netanyahu is that the Iran deal never was his to decide ... it is not a failure on his part. He made his case - which a substantial majority of Americans agree with - and President Obama decided that he wasn't going to listen. The President lined up 42 Senate Democrats to move in lockstep with him ... and any effort to have the US withdraw from the pact was mooted.
An argument against the progressive plan to have the government set prices for medicines.
The Obama Administration? Cooking the Books? Slanting Intelligence? Nah ... it would never happen. This is the open, honest, trustworthy and transparent administration in like forever ...Fears of Guantanamo North ... the problem with some of the critics is that they haven't accepted the difference between the war paradigm of fighting Islamic Jihadists and the law enforcement paradigm.
And you wonder why the French always seem to be against sanctions ... heck, they would sell the rope to their own hangman
I read this story about the US role in Ukraine ... and a thought struck me asking myself: Really, how much different is this from the Russians sending troops to Syria to help Assad. Think about that for awhile and it might give you headaches.
Hillary's vast right wing conspiracy net now includes the New York Times ... I wonder what they are saying inside the newsroom about that.
Another take on the women-in-combat Marine study ... these really are issues that matter, folks.
Mr. Rachel always is good for a little provocation of thought ... I understand the point he is trying to make, but I don't necessarily agree with it all.
Another one of those amazing benefits of trying to fly in space ... like so many before it, this invention may have a tremendous impact back here on the ground.
With the latest species find ... it is interesting to see how it shapes the debate about what makes us humans.
It always is interesting to read the real history behind fictional characters and movies
And then there is this view of history on 9/11 ... I guess it always is America's fault ... no matter what goes on in the world, we deserve all the bad press and ill treatment we get ... because we are, to use the words of the Ayatollah, the Great Satan.
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