Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
It is Labor Day, and I decided to labor on this. It is a day of hamburgers, family, being with friends, having a beer or two, and basically just chilling out … except for politicians … who were out saying ridiculous things as they are wont to do … and in some cases, acting as imperial as ever.
This commentary in the BBC is striking. I guess the Brits and Europeans are discomfited by the fact that many Americans don't take their authorized vacations. And the Americans interviewed all blamed management for their own choices, with some saying that if they took their vacations they would lose their jobs. I wonder who they worked for. Yes, the American culture is designed to reward those who work very hard ... and I guess the latest generation would rather not to.
It looks more and more like Joe Biden is going to throw his hat in the presidential contest ring. Go for it. The only problem I have when he starts talking about being angry about the economy and trying to blame it all on corporations ... Hey, Joe, you and your boss have had six years to right the economy ... and if it ain't working ... then you need to own up and admit that maybe, just maybe, it is your policies that are screwing it up. Just saying, mind you.
Cartoon for the day, lest we forget
Emperor Obama ruling again with his executive pen. There was a time, not so long ago before Congress abrogated its job to executive branch agencies, that these things needed to start in Congress. Now the president enacts things with a stroke of his pen. Sorry, but I find that seriously disturbing.
No, Clinton and Sanders will say nary a ill word about the other ... they will leave all that nastiness to surrogates and other operatives.
This commentary raises an interesting point ... like if more people register, why is it discriminatory?
And there is this news. And I thought the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was supposed to help people instead of making them pay more. I know, we just have to increase the subsidy ... how come I don't get any ... oh, that is right, I already paid for mine.
Our friend Mr. Snowden is saying that curbs on rights in Russia is wrong. One wonders how his hosts will take such criticism ... but then we will never know, really, how much he gave up to them, either.
It seems the guy who championed the Euro, now is worried that it will be used as a backdoor to impose a single European government ... gee, who would have thunk that? But then, it depends on what you wish for.
Interesting analysis on the status of the US presidential races ... but I would say, I don't think Jeb or Hillary are taking many notes.
Oh-Oh ... another thesis that may say that the science on global warming is not so settled after all. Sigh ... but then we shall see if what these guys say pans out.
This is an interesting approach ... to wit, I say to CAIR ... get over it.
In true Democrat fashion, the state's attorney for Baltimore blames all the problems on a governor who hasn't been in office for 8 years ... give me a break, Democrats, and start owning up to the reality that a lot of your policies are flat failures.
The long weekend is not even over in Chicago and it is a bloodbath ... sorry, but Democrats, you have controlled Chicago for how many years? And your policies have solved which problems?
I wonder if this discontent is wider than I think. But this police woman says a mouthful
Hello, folks, get ready for the deluge ... if not the onslaught. It is this bad in Central America and now it seems that Mexico and Brazil are on the brink of going belly up. And where are all these economic and political refugees going to go? Well, it ain't China or Venezuela or Russia or Saudi Arabia. Hey, my Canadian friends, how about we just let a bunch just pass through to you like Greece and Hungary are doing to the rest of Europe.
You have to understand something about the French ... 99 times out of 100 it is about how they can profit. They aren't into the human rights thingy ... just the almighty franc ... or is it the euro these days.
Interesting proposal to defeat ISIS. Well, in my humble opinion, it doesn’t stand a chance of happening. First, there ain't no way that Obama would sign on ... and Second, I doubt the American people will sign on ... we have been snakebit and no matter how righteous the plan or the cause ... it will be a really hard sell.
Personally, I hope Bergdahl rots in Leavenworth ... which means, despite whatever excuses his lawyers dream up, he is guilty of misbehavior before the enemy and desertion. We don't shoot deserters or spread-eagle them across the muzzle of an artillery piece before firing it ... but we should.
It looks like Marines are going to reinvade Guam ... well, in slow-motion ... assuming that Congress funds the move and the island doesn't tip over ... it better not, because my daughter and my three grandkids are there for next few years. Stay safe, Daughter.
This is a good list for those thinking of sending military care packages.
Interesting take on the old saw about teaching someone to fish
I hope the UAE pull this deal off ... if for no other reason than to keep the ship out of Russian hands. But again, it is a case of the French being French.
An argument by someone who ain't been there. Ok, I will say right now: Women CAN fight ... but there are significant problems in the long run .. and that boils down to the sexual dynamic and it is not conducive to maintaining cohesiveness, regardless how progressives and feminists want to cut it. You want to develop all women units? Have at it. I know there are those who will say this is no different that racial integration, but that is a canard. Sex is different than race ... and you can't say it isn't.
Update on Chinese vessels in Alaska .... keep cool folks, this is known as the right to innocent passage between two islands, even if it brings you within the 12 mile limit. Nothing to get all het up about.
The lengths people will go to shut down charter schools and school choice. It really is not about what is best for the students, is it?
What a racist this lady is ... deal with it, woman
It would be interesting if Congress actually took this stand ... but it ain't going to happen ... so we have to get over it.
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