Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Now for the front end of the Labor Day Weekend … all appears relatively quiet on the various news fronts … not too many bombshells going off.
I love it when all the blame is heaped on the "West" for whatever evil befalls any part of the world. Here it is the Turkish President Erdogan - the refugee crisis is all the fault of the Western nations. No, it is the fault of the people living in the Middle East who can't seem to get their fricking act together. You see it in Turkey, with its policies toward the large number of refugees who have fled from the fighting in Iraq and Syria ... and against those who want their own nation of Kurdistan. It isn't their fault that each side wants to crush the other(s) ... and Turkey wants to regain the role it once had as the center of the Ottoman Empire. Nope, no local fault here ... just those damn Americans and Europeans.
Here Russia's Putin joins in the chorus that is all the Americans' fault because they went trying to spread democracy and human rights everywhere.
Oh my goodness, there are more trees on earth than anyone thought ... I wonder what impact that might have on carbon climate models. But planting a billion new trees isn't enough ... which is probably true, but how do you get people to stop cutting them down for firewood.
This lady seriously needs to have her attitude checked ... if not adjusted ... sorry, madam, but all lives matter ... even cops.
For those who say Europe is not doing enough to address the migrant/refugee crisis that seems to be trying to overwhelm Europe ... this is a a reality check ...
He may be a scumbag ... or a hero ... but he is right: Clinton should have known better and her mail server made her stuff wide open for an easy hack.
This really illustrates how racist progressives and liberals really are. How dare do those nasty, evil, terrible Republicans and conservatives say they might even contemplate voted for a man like Dr. Ben Carson. They are just lying lowlifes.
If Ms. Rodham-Clinton really was sorry, how about taking a hike and going back to her mansion in New York. Sorry, don't cut it at this point, especially if she is saying it is just about confusing people. Heck, that is her and her husband's stock in trade - confusing those who oppose her or are undecided. And if she was too busy to follow the rules as Secretary of State, lord, I hate to think how she would be able to handle being president. More and more, she just disqualifies herself in my humble opinion.
Those outside the military may never understand this ... and, yes, it probably was unnecessarily brutal this year, but it is part of the rite of passage that bonds warriors together. That is what the Academies are all about ... creating warrior-leaders.
Why this new Starliner and the Dragon were not up an running before NASA stood down the Space Shuttle will always baffle me. But that is the way of the US space program.
Why are Democrats falling in line with President Obama on the Iran Nuclear Deal ... it is more about politics and control than it is about what Congress should be doing and its role in the government and in foreign policy. The Democrats, and to some extent the Republicans (especially the leadership), are loath to assert Congressional advice and consent rights under the Constitution.
This is one argument about the Kim Davis case that people should stop and think about. What we have here is not the rule of law, but the rule of emotion ... and that is really really dangerous.
An interesting take on Cuban migrants TO Mexico and the reception they apparently get ... I guess it all matters on what perspective you bring to the table.
With apologies to Mohammed Ali, but this is funny and a real hoot ... I wonder if that is what Trump has been studying ... old Ali tapes.
This, unfortunately, really is a sad commentary on the training and professionalism of this particular police department. I doubt very seriously that the police officers involved knew where each one of their bullets went ... which was drilled into my head when I was in small arms training in the Navy and marksmanship training in the Army National Guard. In the Navy, we didn't shoot warning shots because stray bullets could cause too much damage to vital ship's systems. These officers are lucky they didn’t cause a whole lot of collateral damage with all that stray lead flying around.
Interesting question: What happens to former ISIS fighters who return to their homelands?
This leads me to a thought: A person goes to work in a bar as a bartender ... and then later has a religious awakening that makes serving alcohol a thing he can't do ... how can he still be a bartender? I don't know, but in our politically correct and confused world that is getting to be the compelling type of questions people are forcing courts and administrative law judges to answer.
I understand the humanitarian urges here, folks, but I question how long the resources will hold out to continue letting in the flood. That and the undeniable cultural conflict that is going to arise is going to create difficulties in the days ahead.
Well, it seems that Arizona's "tough" ID checks withstand the first round of federal scrutiny
It will be interesting to watch how the pontiff in his visit to Cuba and the US will walk the fine line between being a politician/political ideologue and a leader of the largest religious denomination in the world.
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