Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Busy day out there, what with Pope Francis visiting the US … but I endeavored to look at a wider spectrum of reports … I mean the Pope is fascinating, but there are other things that we should pay attention to as well. To that end, I found these articles …
An Al Jazeera take on the current unrest in Jerusalem ... which is totally understandable from the Muslim point of view. The Christian Palestinian at the end points out what should have been the solution many years ago, but the PLO and other Palestinian factions refused to accept it. The West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem could have become part of the current Palestinian nation of Jordan (having been created out of whole cloth by the UN in its partition of the Palestinian Mandate in 1947). The problem is, and always will be is that Jerusalem is a thrice-promised city holy to three of the main religions of the world. Albeit not quite as holy to the Muslims as it is to the Christians and Jews, it still is a holy place. Hence, so much blood has been shed over who gets to control its land and monuments.
The politicization of the pontiff's visit is and was inevitable. And yes, this visit could be interpreted as a rebuke, if not a rebuff, to President Obama. The question is whether Pope Francis really is that obvious?
Interesting commentary on how the Obama Administration's focus on political correctness is probably going to create situations in the future where these mistakes will be paid with the blood and bodies of American Marines and Soldiers.
And interesting article on how science fiction is nearer to becoming military reality as researchers at DARPA and DARPA funded programs extend into helping US service members become literally bionic warriors.
This is a partnership that needs to be watched, between the world's most powerful democracy and the world's largest democracy.
Somehow, this conspiracy theory doesn't seem all that farfetched ... in fact, I suspect it is the truth that it happened. It is not like it hasn't happened before ... like the Atomic Bomb, the F-15, F-22, and the Space Shuttle on to Boeing jetliners and bombers (did you know that the Soviets reverse engineered and built their own version of the B-29 - right down to the battle patch on the tail of the bomber that had sought sanctuary in Siberia after a raid on Japan).
The saga of the French-built Mistrals is an example of how tangled arms sales and geopolitics has become ... it is a strange world we live in.
This commentary ends on a valid point: Who cares what the troops think. Those at the warfighting end of the chain of command are used to be being misused and abused ... which probably is why they look so poorly on those in senior positions ... sort of like the French high command in World War I
Interesting twist to the travails of flying in the US ... which begs the question of why these states have not been able to meet the new federal law.
Another view on the upcoming travails of flying domestically in the US
Those who really know me will understand ... I find this essay so refreshing.
If this happens, and I personally expect that Iran will do exactly as this article says, then say not that we were not warned.
An interesting historical view at the current woes of the EU.
Mr. Elder makes an excellent point about the selective outrage of many of this country's influential journalists, media elite, progressives and Democrats. Really is pretty discouraging to have a reasoned discourse.
Paul Greenberg sometimes produces some real gems - this is once such commentary ... not that I think that anyone is listening ... or am I just being too jaded and cynical in my old age? Too discouraged at the direction I see our leadership leading us in.
Women in combat units: Marines fall on your swords because it is going to happen ... just face it.
You want to know what is screwed up: This is an example of the "justice system" being perverted, distorted and twisted beyond relevance. I am sorry, but I think Shakespeare was right, sometimes (with deference to my daughter who is an attorney), Kill all the lawyers. The legal machinations and maneuvering that bogs down any attempt at a legal process is incredible and these cases should have been resolved a very long time with swift and sure punishment. Unfortunately, trying to be politically correct and to apply a law enforcement paradigm in what is a war context is about as stupid as it comes.
This is interesting: Just this past week, retired Army Gen. Patreaus was speaking on policy issues before Congress and now this surfaces. Not that anything has happened ... just lets update the status and in the process sling a bit more mud on the general.
If you can't get what you want one way ... you always can go to the UN Human Rights Commission ... they can be relied upon for a good bashing of the US.
Unfortunately, there is much truth to this essay about emissions cheating and VW. It is a point that I have labored to present for a long time. Yes, Climate Change is real ... don't doubt me ... but expecting anything that is being proposed to mitigate it to work ... if only applied to the USofA ... is insanity ... if not incredibly stupid.
Interesting profile from an interview with Dr. Ben Carson ... which may explain why so many people ARE listening to him at the moment.
I heard about this latest AP Style change ... and think this is an appropriate skewering of it. Remember, however, he who controls the terms in a debate controls the debate.
Another argument for limiting government programs ... unfortunately, waste, fraud and abuse or endemic to government contracting ... from top to bottom.
For those with romance in their heart about the old West ... nothing better than cowboys herding buffalo.
I had bats take up residence in my attic in my house in South Carolina .... we had them removed and built this really nice bat house in the back yard ... which they never occupied ... the best laid plans of mice and men ....
Well, according to this poll at least, a bare majority of Americans agree with Dr. Carson on the advisability of voting for a Muslim to be president ... slight conflict of interest.
I laugh at this ... if all political candidates would declare war on the nets that treat them unfairly ... it would be a bloodbath ... actually, Mr. Trump ... get a thicker skin.
The editors at the Economist are not happy with President Obama's feckless policy in Syria ... well, he deserves a lot of criticism ... but in the end, it is the Arabs who really need to sort these things out.
The Economist's view of the VW diesel debacle and how it might affect the auto industry.
I am never a fan of 'man on the street' interviews ... but this does serve to illustrate a point that it is difficult for Muslims to serve two masters: Sharia Law and the US Constitution.
Tragedy once again strikes in Mecca ... I wonder what sparked the stampede? I have a wonderful conspiracy theory ... but you just get to wonder.
This puts a different light on the idea of religious tolerance ... it seems, to me as a layman but a student of South Asian history, that such violent intolerance does not favor religious freedom in Muslim areas.
And for the nine-zillionth time, I point out that if there is a government shut down, it will have been the Democrats, not the Republicans, who have caused it. The problem is not that the House can not pass a spending bill, because it can. The problem is that the House is not likely to pass a spending bill that meets Democrats' demands. And since that is the case, the Senate Democrats will filibuster it in the Senate ... thus blocking even the courtesy of a vote and if it passed, it undoubtedly will be vetoed by President Obama ... and the Democrats in the House and Senate will obediently sustain his veto. Does any of the reporting reflect this truth? Nope … it is all those nefarious and fractious Republicans fault because they won’t meet Democrat demands.
Unwanted sexual contact? I give up ... there is no hope for mankind.
Please note that it was the failure of cloture vote to block a filibuster that has killed this bill ... not an actual vote on the bill ... also note that the president vowed to veto it ... And then the story shifts to blaming the fractious House Republicans for voting their consciences ... which they are supposed to do ... and not meeting Democrat demands.
Not that I am condoning how the Saudi government plans to execute this man, but his pleas of "innocence" just don't ring true. And the family and friends protestations sound so familiar to the defenses put up when young adult males in the US go on murderous rampages.
The Beebe's take on Pope Francis' address to Congress.
Another perspective on the Pope's speech on Thursday.
More progress on the laser as a weapon front ... this time from the Germans.
I get a little perverse joy when liberal and progressive hypocrisy jumps up and bites them in the derriere.
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