Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Lots going on today in the world … little of it really surprising or unexpected … but that is because the world goes on despite what us mere humans do. Now, this list is in no order of relative importance … it just how the stories appeared on my browser tab bar today.
Given the spike in crime in some urban areas of the United States, I wonder how far we are from this happening.
Interesting question posed here: Can any public official be compelled to violate their strongly held religious beliefs ... and if so, then does that mean people with religious beliefs are disqualified from holding public office?
Another issue worth considering: Home Schooling and how much of a role does the state/government have in determining what parents should teach their children.
John Stossel on the magic of markets
The shooting down in Bexar County, Texas, may not have involved an "unarmed" man but may have been involved a man intent on committing "suicide by cop", which is a police officer's worst nightmare.
The efforts people will go to set up confrontations ... this "swatting" tactic really is something that is hard to believe people would do ... but then again, people are really are capable of just about anything
If anyone doubted this outcome, then they just don't understand today's political environment. Unfortunately it is being portrayed as a political victory for the President ... which it is, but at the same time it is a huge loss for the institution of Congress just so the Democrats can score points against the Republicans. The issue is, was and should have been that this deal essentially is a treaty ... and as such should have been submitted to the Senate for advice and consent. Unfortunately, the Senate these days is short of standing up for its constitutional prerogatives and rights ... bowing to an ever increasingly powerful executive branch ... reminds me of the Imperial Senate in the Star Wars movies.
As the man said: Clinton's e-mails often were "born" classified and did not need a stamp to make them so. And to divulge such information in an unclassified setting is a felony. Not that anyone cares and Clinton will walk because President Obama and his Justice Department want her to walk.
The Planned Parenthood video saga continues ... oh, I know, it is all just a put up job to slam an abortion provider and none of this really happened.
Sweden,long a neutral among the Baltic nations, seems to be preparing to jump off the fence and join NATO ... and that is going to make the Russians pissed.
Apparently Israel leads in the defense of cyberspace ... which shouldn't be surprising, given the types and number of threats it faces.
Interesting article on the battle, such as it is, being waged against ISIS ... I like the part about doing it on the cheap etc. ... wars are not won that way, but don't tell that to our political elites ... besides, for now, ISIS is not an existential threat to the US.
The meme now to save Hillary Clinton is that the information in her e-mails, including ones she actually sent herself, were not originally classified until recently ... so she is to be forgiven. Barley Corn! Sorry, but that dog don't hunt for me ...
This really bothers me ... mainly because of the way it looks at a black male. Let's see, he doesn't toe our narrative, so that must mean he is a sexual predator who views pornography. Damn, folks, get a freaking life.
This is why I love the First Amendment ... not because I approve of the message, but I am glad that such a message can be laid out there for all to see
It seems that President Obama is a little late arriving to the party ... or maybe just a press release will suffice ... which still is a day late and dollar short of what needs to be done.
I guess if we really want to stop climate change, then we have to eliminate fire from the world as a human activity. Won't that be just so much fun ... no fair rubbing two sticks together either.
Hillary investigations - it is interesting how many times the WaPo brings in the party affiliation in this story ... as if it just is a partisan issue. I don't remember them doing that to the investigations of Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan, when the Democrats controlled Congress. Maybe I just don't remember, but I think there are some valid questions being raised that are non-partisan ... but the left keeps trying to portray them as partisan in an effort to downplay the serious nature of the issues.
Interesting to see who the gatekeepers ignore a story, in hopes that no one will notice. Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain ... he is nothing ...
Of course the President is ignoring inconvenient views by scientists ... it doesn't fit his narrative and what he wants to do ... even if what he is proposing has absolutely zero effect in saving the world from climate change, at least he will be able to feel good about it.
Another article debunking the union propaganda about wages in right-to-work states and their impact on jobs.
Interesting explainer from our cousins across the Atlantic on the Hillary e-mail controversy.
WaPo commentary on why it is a good thing that Carly Fiorina most likely will be on the stage with the big boys at the CNN-Republican Presidential candidate debate
Former House Speaker Gingrich on how the left seems to be coming unglued at the revolt against the establishment politicians.
Well, anyone taking bets on how long the Hillary for Prison signs stay up?
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