Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
I apologize for yesterday’s truncated version … it was a really sucky day and I wasn’t up to do better. I will try to do better today, but unfortunately, because of yesterday’s suckiness, I wasn’t able to watch the big news, so my commentary on it will be limited. Today also has been a rather sucky day … but will endeavor to persevere.
There is a sad truth about experiential forces shaping views in this article. Unfortunately, the real truths about the the failings and downfalls of progressive and other socialist leaning ideologies has gotten lost in the education system ... or at least glossed over.
It seems Europeans are beginning to question the survivability of the European Union. The Euro already is in danger and now the borderless travel seems to be the next to fall.
A rather progressive view of the crisis in Europe ... but again it bodes that problems face the European Union's ability to remain intact.
A rather gloomy prospect outlined for the Palestinian-Israel conflict in Jerusalem and for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.
I didn't get to watch the "debate" but this is one view from the left that says Carly Fiorina won.
This is a classic mountain out of a molehill, elevated even further by our absolutely clueless president. Yes, the school overreacted ... and taking the kid downtown was an extreme ... but schools adopted zero tolerance for suspect things long ago ... something I strongly disagree with.
In keeping with the usual NBC approach to politics, this is a wonderfully superficial story.
The FED says no interest rate increases ... well, I for one, am pissed ... for years now my savings has been sitting in banks at basically zero interest rates. Somehow, I find that extremely unfair and a disincentive to do something everyone should do: Save for those rainy days.
This story points out, for those willing to see it, the centrality that trust in the axiom of equality before the law is essential for a modern society to grow and thrive. If the rule of law is not trusted, then nothing else matters. The US could do well to pay heed to this message.
You do know in the US that calling an ace an ace is not going to let you keep your job. We really have let political correctness overwhelm us and when people point certain salient facts out privately, but in a public forum, it means their head will roll ... this is so asinine
Privacy versus accountability: Body cams for police officers might not be a panacea but a Pandora's Box.
Today being Constitution Day - the anniversary of the signing of the original document in 1787 - this is a good reminder that we really should remember what it was all about and what the Constitution means ... not how it can be interpreted to mean. Granted, views evolve, but principles are good to rest your foundation on ... assuming that you don't just want to trash the whole thing and put a whole new ideology in its place.
This, I contend, is a very accurate portrayal of the hypocrisy of the American left/progressives
More spin on the GOP debates ... and that is all it is, as far as I am concerned ... not reality... just a fricking horse race for commentators to put their two cents worth in. Two points for Carly Fiorina for ignoring the spin room altogether.
Another interpretation of the GOP debate ... they matter ... but really only if you see them raw, or read the transcripts ... everything else is spin or someone else's opinion
This is Huffington Post's effort to put the best spin possible on the FED's decision not to raise interest rates ... we shall see, but I am an not as sanguine on the positive impacts as HuffPo is.
OOPS, another challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act seems to be headed to the Supremes ... will Chief Justice Roberts once again ride to its rescue?
Interesting discussion on what faith means in the context of Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk.
This, unfortunately, points out the great weakness with the current format for presidential debates.
An interesting discussion on Dr. Ben Carson as a political candidate.
Professor Hanson makes a very valid point here ... not that progressives and the limousine liberal class will admit it.
I like the poster graphic ... but then I always was a Gary Cooper fan ... who knows, maybe the good doctor is an exemplar of the Will Kane character.
Consider putting this book on your reading list ... and consider what the man says ... we made a mistake ... OOPSIE
Will Obama confront Putin on Syria ... good question
As this story indicates, war usually is very boring and very tedious and you get very tired.
Every generation, in every era, should pay heed to the advice given by this millenial to his compatriots. It is not just good enough to point out the problems and failings. You also need to come up with what to do differently.
On what was once a semi-submerged reef emerges a full-blown Chinese military installation. Make of it what you will.
This is what happens again and again in US defense projects. We just throw stuff away so it can't be replicated.
This outlines the problems of planning future military systems ...
This is a good lesson in strategy ... and in a sense, tactics ... but then learning history no longer is in vogue, much less trying to apply those lessons.
Excellent commentary on the significance of the Constitution and why it should be revered and honored ... despite those who cite its original flaws and seek to abuse it.
I wonder how many Pinocchios the Post should get.
The Washington Posts take on the GOP debate and Carly Fiorina
Interesting concept from this Army General ... but if I remember exploding bullets are against the rules.
The first part of this is absolutely priceless ... and should be spread to everybody
Well, I guess it is true. We did get change ... and Obama is to blame for it
I agree with Mr. Stossel, the drug war is a failure ... time to legalize drugs (all of them), regulate them for content and distribution and tax the ever-loving death out of them.
Reflective of another age and time ... yes, public schools are war zones these days because the basic civility and respect that literally was beaten into many of us as children is clearly absent. Not only that, but condoned by a generation of parents who have no idea of the damage they are doing.
Dr. Sowell makes an important distinction between opportunity and outcome ... unfortunately, too many people see that the former is dictated by the latter and the latter can only be measured by the former ... which, basically, is barley corn.
Ok, I will bite ... but really? A tasty MRE ... sounds like an oxymoron to me.
Gee, who would of thunk that the Iranians would decline taking in refugees from the wars it is promoting
Jerusalem's Temple Mount really is a flash point ... no matter how you look at it.
And finally ... the WaPo announces its verdict: Carly won on the basis of one paragraph.
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