Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Here we have an eclectic collection of stories reflecting the news of the day … a footnote being that this day, 25 years earlier, is the day my Army National Guard unit arrived in Saudi Arabia, less that 14 days after we had been mobilized.
Lots of warning signs out there that the global economy maybe isn't all that healthy. Just keep that in mind
Interesting back story on the power of EMP weapons in space ... and how it came about.
Take a moment to thank our Canadian cousins ... and all the help they were on 9/11/01 ... they really went above and beyond ... the people and the government.
The headline on this story is one reason the military hates the news media ... hello, idiots: every death is tragic ... especially in training accidents ... and this was a training accident. One of the risks of jumping out of perfectly good aircraft to depend on a sheet of fabric to save you life is that sometimes, due to a packing mistake or something else, the parachute(s) don't work and you "roman candle" into the ground ... usually with fatal results.
I see the US is not the only nation plagued by religious issues ... personally, I think the Israelis need to adopt the five day work week.
My question to this story: And how many economic and violence refugees flowing out of Mexico and Central America are the Europeans and Canadians willing to take in? We already have taken in 11 million (very conservative estimate) and even though we call them illegal immigrants, they still are here.
I have often wondered what the progressives, etc., think is the appropriate response to violent demonstrators and rioters. This, to me, is a very appropriate response. If a crowd refuses to disperse after being given a lawful order to disperse, it sure beats tear gas, rubber bullets or real bullets. The alternative of course is the thermal radiation devices which make if very uncomfortable to be in front of them. Still, I do ask: What response is appropriate when rioters are throwing rocks and bottles, and Molotov cocktails, at law enforcement authorities trying to protect people and property?
This is a disturbing story. I remember all the accusations at the Bush Administration for allegedly cooking the books prior to the Iraq invasion in 2003. This seems to be the inverse of that. I am not sure it is any better.
More angles on the cooking the intel books story ... this really bothers me.
I think this is good news ... at least it appears to be on the face of it.
If the Beebe report is correct, one wonders why that much explosives were stored in the building ... I can think of a reason or two that do not involve terrorism ... but it still makes you wonder.
This is good news/bad news. It is good that Iran is fessing up ... but it also makes one wonder a) if there are other things they aren't telling and b) since it is indigenous sources, does if fall under the new accord or is it outside the purview of the restrictions.
If true, then one-third of Americans are dolts ... although, I can envision situations where the military would have to take control on the ground, like it did in New Orleans after Katrina ... it is just that I really don't trust any of the flag officers to do any better at governance. Besides, I think (and believe) that they are truly committed to their oath to the protect and defend the constitution and the civilian government.
You want to know what it is so expensive for the military to buy stuff ... and why it takes so long to field stuff ... this story tells a big chunk of it. Lockheed - get over it.
This comes as no surprise with the this Justice Department ... but then again, maybe it all was an innocent mistake.
My question to the Chinese: And how many Latin American economic and violence refugees are you willing to take in?
OH, BOY! Let the lawsuits begin. I often wonder why more people don't do this.
In this case, I suppose, it all depends on whose ox is being gored ... or what principles of the person involved are being violated.
Very long, but interesting article about the politics and ins and outs of the Vatican
This is not unexpected, given the current politically correct hysteria about anything religious in public life.
Apparently this study, as reported in The Atlantic, horrifies progressives and leaves them dumbfounded ... they just can't understand it. There may be hope for the US yet.
I really think atheists need to get over it. But then, I am not going to run down to see the Pope ... or give him gifts ... But the Freedom From Religion Foundation really needs to learn to live and let live ... and that really is what the First Amendment is all about.
THIS is a very, very good commentary on what should be the response to intolerance and those we disagree with.
Allen West has some very good points here. The primary one is that we need to move on. The Iran Nuclear Deal is a done deal. Deal with it. Was it done by extra-constitutional means ... I think so, but you have to have the leaders in Congress who are willing to stand up to the executive branch and say : No, this is not happening. But the Democrats now own this issue. I pray and hope that it turns out well, but my expectations is that it won't ... and unfortunately, at that point, a lot of people are going to be dying and we will be asked to help them somehow ... to rescue some, to defend others ... and we will be ill-prepared to do it. ... which will cost us untold number of lives.
Five will get you ten ... she is going to walk ...
Interesting profile on Justice Breyer ... I understand his point ... although I tend to disagree with it. My problem is applying "solutions" from other systems of jurisprudence to the American system is fraught with dangers, because the systems don't always have the same philosophical and legal principles as their basis.
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