Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
As we head into the weekend, here are the stories I have been reading today. I hope they pique your interest and that you find them food for thought … And feel free to pillory my commentary on each and every one … this old editorial writer is like a turtle and has a very tough shell.
If you didn't know you are racist, here are 10 ways to understand that you are.
Now this is about as stupid as stupid can be ... and I find it on HuffPo. That doesn't surprise me. Sorry, minority female, you can be just as racist - or even more so - than some poor white male that you excoriate for having white privilege.
Even off-duty, American servicemembers rise to the occasion. Two points for these Marines for being alert and listening to their surroundings. Without them, the French probably would have had a major tragedy.
Another view of the heroism of the American servicemembers - apparently Marines - in France. Well Done! or as the Navy says: Bravo Zulu
Hello? How obvious has the progressive/liberal assault on religious freedom have to be? Sorry, but you two Democrats have to realize that in some areas, religious people have the right to follow their consciences rather than your perverted view of discrimination laws.
Oopsie! All you who are slavishly defending President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal ... please take note: AP was right. What Obama and Kerry told us and are telling us are lies.
Not to say the President Obama won't pardon Hillary Clinton, but it is interesting how aggressively the Clinton Justice Department collected up the evidence when it happened with his former Director of Central Intelligence. ... gee, wonder why the Department of Justice has been so slack this time?
At least, according to the BBC, the Black Lives Matter movement now has a political agenda that can be debated ... that, at least, is a step forward from just throwing bricks, stones and Molotov cocktails.
This is a progressive's dream (not just in the UK) not that filmmakers are going to destroy all that many weapons, really ... because they need those weapons (most of which have been specially modified) in their next movie ... and besides, they probably rented them anyway.
Interesting counterpoint to the progressives who want to disarm everyone ... a side note: My wife was recently stunned to be told by a former police officer that the police are not there to protect you, but to arrest the culprit. Unfortunately, despite all the rhetoric about "protect and serve" that is the truth ... as many a deputy and police officer has told me in the past. Protecting yourself is up to yourself, because 99 times out of 100 the police will arrive long after you needed them to serve as your protectors.
Panic, Panic! We have only 100 days to avert catastrophe ... well, my response: Better start planning alternatives to deal with catastrophe, because all those wonderful goals ain't gonna happen. Countries can make all the pledges they want, but when push comes to shove and political realities come up against climate pledges, guess which one is going to give ... that doesn't take a rocket scientist. Secondly, never forget Mother Earth. She has many ways to alter the equation in her arsenal ... that the climate change fanatics never seem to want to take into account.
The next question is: How much is bluster and how much is a serious threat? Things could get really hot over there really fast is the North Koreans really are stupid enough to push their threats to actions
I have watched the stock market roller coaster several times in the past as a news editor ... and you never know what tomorrow will bring. Investors, market managers are a strange breed... and you never know when or what will spark the herd in a stampede for the doors. Say what you want about the market's recent record highs, if somebody rings the right bell and everybody decides to head for the exit, it will be a mess. Granted, due to modern market controls, probably a slow motion mess, but it will be a mess, just the same.
Reuters has an interesting background on the Clinton e-mail fiasco
A successor to the U-2 ... unfortunately for Lockheed, Kelly Johnson is long dead and gone. The story of the U-2 is one of the miracles as a designer that Johnson pulled off for Lockheed as an aircraft designer for them for many years.
Hypersonic weapons are just another reason to accelerate development and fielding of rail guns married to Aegis type control systems
The Navy version of the F-35 (as opposed to the Air Force and Marine versions) moves ahead with its testing program ... but then the whole program is moving like a glacier. It is sad to see that a lot of tests can't be conducted concurrently rather than having them done sequentially ... and stretched out over years. Just another example of the gold-plated procurement process of the DOD
Yes, it is true. The more soldiers sweat in peacetime training, the less they tend to bleed in actual war. Old saw, but so valid. And once again, it seems, the top Army leadership is speaking truth to its civilian bosses. In 2003, it cost the Army chief his job. Gen. Odierno doesn't have to worry about that, he is now retired, but his points are valid. Unfortunately, our NATO allies probably aren't listening - or at least their publics aren't and they expect the US cavalry to ride to their rescue should anything bad happen.
This is a touching eulogy ... for a man I never heard of ... but just the same, what he taught, what he believed in and the observations he apparently made are so true. Unfortunately, he came too late in the Cycle of Democracy for the US, I fear, for no longer do we think of what our obligations are to maintain our freedoms and liberties and our new generations only think of what their rights are (what they are allowed to do) and what they see they are entitled to have.
There is a point here about liberals in their defense of Planned Parenthood ... but I don't think that progressives would even acknowledge it.
My guess is that Platte River Networks really is regretting even bidding on the Clinton e-mail server upgrade project back in 2013 about now. It is sad that what appeared to be a coup in business terms has turned so poisonous because of the malfeasance that went on before it took the job.
Interesting analogy here ... pretty much makes the case why Congress (Democrats included, except those who will fall on their swords to protect the president and his nuclear deal with Iran) should stand on its prerogatives and privileges and tell the president that he made a bad deal that Congress will not be complicit in accepting.
Cotton-eyed Joe - in keeping with the Huffington Post's progressives to slam anything south of the Mason Dixon line, I wonder when the attacks on Stephen Foster's songs will begin ... I mean they already have stomped all over the Country Music brand without even blinking. Note: Versions of Cotton-Eyed Joe were around a long time - and quite popular in areas that I lived - long before some Swedish groups covered it in the mid-1990s.
Two points for Gov. Bobby Jindal
If Trump was president, then in the military, this would be called command influence ... and a smart lawyer would get his client off ... although, in the past, desertion in the face the enemy and misconduct in the face of the enemy usually did get you up against the wall facing a firing squad, if not a hangman's noose, or the 19th century British punishment of being spread-eagled over the muzzle of a cannon and then firing the cannon.
Very excellent point by Mr. Rachel ... and he is right, we should redirect ourselves to securing the blessing of liberty and the promise of our republic.
The problem I have with this study and the story about it is that it fails to recognize that according to its own definition humans have always been super-predators ... always. But being omnivores, we are in a different class then most predators. Still, by and large and for the most part, humans don't eat their own species.
The problem here is could should not be the operative word; should should be the operative word, as in should be prosecuted ... not that it is going to happen.
Hats off to these two officers ... they demonstrated what it takes to wear the Ranger tab: Never give up, never quit … also be tougher than tacks.
LOL ... let's see, nobody likes Kenneth Starr because he was such a straight-shooting zealot that he investigated a host of nefarious actions by the Clintons during their administration, which led to Bill's impeachment but failed to get a conviction in a partisan Senate. So, if you follow the logic of the Washington Post here, since Carly Fiorina's father was a judge on the panel that appointed Starr - and horrors, actually knew Starr - then by association, Fiorina is tainted.
Panic! Panic! Run in circles, jump and shout! Doom and the sky is falling because the climate is changing. Well, folks, I hate to point out to you that your data set is so small that it really is meaningless.
Two bits that this letter will spark a temper tantrum in Qum and Tehran ... and the Iranians will say it violates the nuclear deal.
Reading this can be very depressing ... or maybe help you decide where you need to live next.
and last but not least ... I need a deck of these tip cards ... solve all my everyday problems
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