Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Once more, I venture into what I found interesting on the internet today … and pass it along … I thought about it today, and this is sort of like being back in “the Slot” as a news editor who picks and chooses what news will be in the next edition of a newspaper (a job I did for like 20 years). Anyway, I hope you find it interesting, entertaining, provocative, thought provoking and you find your own value in these stories.
This is so true ... and so underreported. Trees really are the answer to "global warming" but they aren't sexy, they take work and a lot of patience ... things that are in short supply in America these days.
And this is an example of what one person can do, if they have the patience, perseverance and dedication to the effort.
For some reason I always thought - when it came to animals - that poisonous and venomous meant the same thing. They don't. This is an explanation of the difference.
Interesting science lesson from 17th century art ... an early example of what genetically modified organisms turn into ... but don't bother the GMO opponents with the truth and facts.
It being the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Japan ... here is an interesting trivia piece about the two bombs ...
I wonder what the heck "+NDXOXCHWDRGHDXORVI+" means ... it looks like something out of Roman or Greek script, but it was found on what purports to be a 14th century English sword ... and boy those blades must have been tough.
The more you look into Margaret Sanger, the more you really don't want to approve of her stand on just about anything, much less in a Smithsonian exhibit on justice, assuming this article is correct.
It is interesting how this AP fact checker also veers from the truth ... whether it is in the number of workers available to work (work force participation is a 38 year low) to the headline, which should read ... Candidates get some facts wrong, rather than "veer from truth". The latter insinuates rather deliberate disingenuousness, which appears also to be applicable to the fact checker.
Saving Social Security – deja vu. I have heard this line pretty much all my life since it started coming out of the federal budget, rather than a separate account.
I am glad the Texas PD involved in this has called in the FBI. Hopefully, it will add credibility to whatever reports are released. Having said that, I am still waiting for the uproar over the shooting of an unarmed teen in Seneca, SC.
Two points for NBC, for at least posting a follow-up story to the Seneca shooting.
With all due respect, Ms Rodham, but your credibility on this topic has been shredded. Bless your heart.
Unfortunately, this a risk in Yellowstone ... when you walk alone in the woods with wild bears ... you run the risk of being prey
I think Al-Abadi is mouthing the right words, only I also think - given the culture in that neck of the words - I also think he is tilting at windmills.
What stories like this tend to gloss over is how many thousands of Japanese would have died if the bombs had not been dropped and forced the surrender. The Russians only declared war at that juncture because they saw the handwriting on the wall and wanted in on the deal to end the war (the Kuriles). IF the invasion had had to happen, while US losses would have been horrendous, the cost in Japanese lives probably would have been 10 times the Americans
This, I think, is one of the best explanations for the attraction of Donald Trump for people.
I find this criticism of the Fox News GOP Presidential Primary Debates pretty valid. That being said, I still think these were head and shoulders above the quality of the ones in 2012
This is a powerful video ... as the saying goes, if you get it, no explanation is necessary; if you don't, no explanation is possible.
Geologists say the Nepal quake was bad, but could have been much worse and even bigger ... in fact the bigger one is still out there ... much like those on the fault lines in California ... the big one is coming ... and may come in several jolts.
There are many things to find fault with the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, but you know she hides that she gets the most money from Wall Street backers than any other candidate very well. What else is she hiding? You know these donors are not putting up money for someone who really is a threat to them.
The US has mapped North Korean tunnels ... now, this story is interesting from an intelligence perspective ... and it is hard to tell why this information was allowed to go public. It would seem to me that you would not want your enemy to know the extent of your knowledge, unless you are using that information to try to shape some sort of behavior.
There is a point here about Warriors and Shopkeepers ... and in a perfect world, shopkeepers would be a much more preferable environment to live in ... however, today's world is nowhere near perfect and some people/nations see the need to be warriors as well a shopkeepers ... the question, of course, is does Donald Trump understand that the world is not just a marketplace where shopkeepers rule.
This is a very touching tribute to a fallen EOD Warrior and his K-9 assistant ... thank you Delta Airlines.
I find a pair of issues with this story. While these people are pretty much Cassandras when it comes to climate change, I still am a skeptic that is all anthropomorphic ... I think the science is still out on that, despite what the Cassandras say. Secondly, I really don't think that the blame lies solely with the US and therefore the US is not the only place where the solution will be found. I am sorry, but you can change all the laws you want in the US, even force change at the point of the bayonet, but it is not going to affect what is happening in Brazil, China, India, Russia, Indonesia, the Philippines, The Sudan, the Persian Gulf. Sorry, folks, but we really aren't all that powerful. And let's assume for sake of argument, that we eliminate all fossil fuel use and fertilizer and pesticide use in the US tomorrow ... question: how are you going to feed, house, heat, cool, transport, the 98 percent of Americans who don't live on a farm? Do they all starve? How will you provide energy? Solar? Windmills? Just how willing are you to be the first person to die?
Another counterpoint to the Global Warming hysterics ... maybe the polar ice is not receding that fast after all ... according to latest NASA satellite imagery
Just for curiosity's sake ... I think you will find this site fascinating
Interesting commentary on what is the role of the EU in Europe's current influx of desperate but illegal immigrants ... echoes of the debates we are having here
Very cogent criticism of the White House and its staff work, particularly in the foreign policy arena. President Obama has probably what vies for the worst presidential staff in the history of presidential staffs.
This commentary poses the interesting question of how well will the Chinese renminbi make it as a global reserve currency
Either the Iranians protest too much to divert attention elsewhere, or there is something going on here that they don't want to admit ... or a third possibility, they are setting the stage to bolt the agreement
As if there was not enough to worry about, let's all panic about the Yellowstone super-volcano erupting. Guess what, it probably will happen. Will it happen in our lifetimes? Well, there is a 1 chance in 700,000 in any given year that it will happen ... so run in circles, scream and shout ... the sky is falling
The Washington Post stirring the racial divide pot ... with sketchy use of statistics. But as Mark Twain said, or was that Will Rogers, there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics.
Interesting figures (statistics but be that it as it may). It is telling that the number of people out of the workforce is at the lowest level in 38 years (as a percentage), the same rate as when they started keeping track. As recently as two years ago it was much higher. But then if you subtracted the 9 million illegals employed in the US, could put that 6.something million under employed to full time work as well as the 2.something million long term unemployed to work ... nah ... that would be cruel to the illegals.
Ex-NATO top commander rips military cuts ... he probably has a point ... but what I would have done, instead of absolute cuts, I would have transferred 2 soldier positions to the reserves/National Guard for every one taken out of active duty. It wouldn't save as much, but we would be stronger. Still, I don't see why Congress doesn't just pass its budget bills and let the Democrats and the President take the heat of filibustering it or vetoing it. Oh, that is right, if Congress did, then the MSM would portray it as the heartless Republicans shutting down the government. Damn, there really is no hope for us folks. We are doomed to drown either in our own debt or watch the world go to hell in a handbasket.
And this IS the wave of the future, folks ... get used to it.
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