Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
This is a beautiful start to tonight's links ... as it really isn't a story but a video. It becomes a very special video when you put it in the context of why the choir is singing this particular song … in today’s age which seems to reject such sentiments.
You read this, and you get the feeling the Iranians are just looking for a reason to blame the US for something so they can bail on the deal
OOPSIE .... I think this pilot may need landing refresher training.
Syria's Assad sees difficult times (as if they aren't already) ... but it begs the question: What is the end result that the Obama Administration really want?
A-bomb plea - Nukes should never be used again. Ahhhhhh ... nor should blow darts, spears, knives, swords, bows and arrows, rifles, pistols, machineguns, rockets, bombs, missiles, bombers, fighters, warships ... but you know something? If you face reality, you realize that someday, somewhere, sometime, they will be used ... and that is what it means to be human.
This is part of the reason a lot of people actually like George W. Bush.
Drop a flag on the ocean bottom and I guess you can claim the entire ocean ... Maybe China should take note from the Russians ... no they just build coral reefs up into island bases ... Isn't the world wonderful? And the coming wars over resources will be nasty ... even if you don't believe in them.
Makes you wonder what the Iranians were thinking. I can testify from personal experience during the Cold War, when my ship came under the guns of a Soviet frigate at about 1500 yards, that things can get might tense at close ranges and you really hope nobody slips up and bullets start flying. It would not be pretty.
I think somebody needs to tell this good old boy that this isn't going to be like the movie Southern Comfort. Maybe one of his kin can tell him to knock it off ... or go to the authorities and explain himself.
Yes, it is true, the First Persian Gulf War did change the world ... and one of the commentators in this article is right ... The US did not really learn the lesson of the Powell Doctrine, which is why everything is messed up and PGW1 was a success.
Having been treated by the VA for almost 25 years, I know that most of the staff mean well, but most of the professional staff are overwhelmed with the case load and don't always provide adequate or best care.
Another example of the problems plaguing the VA ... now, for a moment, extrapolate these problems onto a much bigger tableau of a single-payer government-run health care system ... and if you don't have nightmares ... then I think you willfully are deluding yourself.
It looks like there are two women candidates in the final round of Ranger School. Go, ladies, go. Note: I have no doubt in my military mind that there are not women out there who are tough enough to be Rangers, as long as they are held exactly to the same standard as the men. My problem always has been that women have not been held to the same standard, and that is not fair. Secondly, there is a little problem of introducing the sexual dynamic to the problems of small unit leadership ... which I think is a bit much. Say what you will about hormones, but they really are a fact of life.
Fox News picks Thursday night's lineups ... I actually think the warm-up card could be more informative and interesting than the main event ... but we will see.
It will be interesting if this compromise proposal on background checks for gun owners will survive a Democratic filibuster because it isn't their bill.
This article makes an interesting case about defunding Planned Parenthood of federal money. Food for thought.
Mr. Stossel on gun control statistics ... believe him or not ... but I have no doubt he can back up his points six ways from Sunday.
OUCH! And we thought all those vile insult throwers were conservatives and Republicans
This illustrates something many today want to ignore: You didn't have to be African, Asian, Hispanic, Muslim, Jewish (just to name a few groups) to have faced discrimination in the US ... no, our American predecessors were not perfect by any means, but you know something, the melting pot (rather than the tossed salad) really did lead to a more perfect union of Americans.
This GIF indeed is breathtaking ... and a real reminder that we all should remember of exactly how small and insignificant we all are ... despite what we might think about ourselves. So keep it in perspective: People like Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and anyone else you want to think of is just like you ... no, they really are.
The president is right ... it really is an important debate ... only he apparently really doesn't want to have one.
I like Mr. Williams' article here ... but then I have saying the exact same thing for decades (showing that nobody listens to me) and the progressives have been saying the opposite for even longer ... and they are winning, unfortunately.
Women in combat ... yes, they are there ... and for the most part we need to make heroes of them ... but that is something our culture is opposed to at the moment: The Warrior Hero (whether it is male or female). We have lost the capability really to honor valor in those who go in harm's way ... we think that going in harm's way is never justified and therefore never heroic or valorous (unless you can somehow be a victim of oppression back here in the US)
To the author of this article in a British newspaper: Wake up fellow, your 18-year-old unarmed teen was not some wimpy little waif of a kid. He was a man ... and apparently a dangerous man. And as for the officer who shot him, he has remorse. Every day he has to live with an event that didn't have to happen except for the choices of Michael Brown. It is regrettable that Michael Brown died. A tragedy that didn't have to happen, but authorities from the city on up to the federal government found no fault in the officer's response to the situation.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions ... of people who absolutely have no clue what life really is like on the ground in Zimbabwe or other wildlife management and conservation zones ... unfortunately.
Pay inequality ... oh, you don't think people who go around killing people and destroying things in your name should get much ... I suppose
Love him or despise him ... the Donald always is good for a good round of stirring the pot.
While judges can overstep in prior restraint, there always is Congressional Privilege, which judges can't stop. Interesting way to stop Planned Parenthood from preventing any more of the CMP videos from being made public.
The WaPo and the MSM strike again .... this is known as gotcha journalism and it is an art form where you blow a few words up into a major gaffe. I am not a fan of Jeb Bush (I think we have had enough Bushes in the White House for several generations) but to make his comment as major assault on women's health issues is really amazing ... and so illustrative of the people who are creating the story's bias
I am not sure I buy the premise of this story ... but it offers another perspective on China
And the pot that is the South China Sea continues to simmer
Sad report on the status of the Canadian Navy ... not surprising to me ... but it is sad just the same.
and last but not least ... It seems the "shooter" in Nashville wasn't carrying a firearm? Oh CRAP, all those gun control things would have done nothing in this case ... where another wacko decides to take himself out in suicide by cop.
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