Friday, July 31, 2015

Suggesting reading list for July 31, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Another day of news and views gleaned from my internet surfing. I hope you find them interesting and thought provoking.

Interesting video lesson on the role CO2 plays on planet earth, from the co-founder of Greenpeace.  Of course since it does not adhere to the current catastrophic global warming narrative, I guess the progressives, et al, will dismiss it and say he doesn't know what he is talking about.

The progressive view of President Obama. Well, I am not going to leap to the defense of any of the Republicans ... but I will point out something: As a Congressional force, they are doing nothing different than when Democrats wielded control of Congress and a Republican sat in the Oval Office.  It seems progressives have selective memories when it comes to that.

A little reminder how progressives treated George W. Bush ... and basically got a pass ... sorry, the hypocrisy is a bit much.

Yet another example of how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is tanking ... from a federal government audit.

US spies on Japan; What Wikileaks fails to point out, ad nauseum, is that all governments (friends, foes, otherwise) spy on each other. If you don't understand that, then you are clueless about the real world. You spy on your friends so they don't pull any surprises on you and they spy on you for the same reason. It really is a jungle out there folks, and you had better understand that. No Marquis de Queensbury rules apply in international relations.

A very valid point about the brouhaha over the death of Cecil the Lion. Hint, it ain't about the lion.

Another example of the Obama administration undermining the rule of law and efforts to make it accountable.

Maybe the federal judicial branch finally is going to stand up to the Obama Administration and force it to stop fiddle-farting around and ignoring the rule of law

As the evidence of malfeasance in the Obama Administration continues to mount ... why aren't people being charged by the DOJ and going to jail?

Given Hillary's track record as illustrated in the latest IG reports, it amazes me that the Democrats are still touting her as presidential timber ... give me a break.

I definitely don't think the Iranians are reading off the same sheet of music on the Iran Nuclear Deal as President Obama and his staff and John Kerry. Big disconnect here that I don't think is just a glitch in translations.

The twists and turns of fate as Afghanistan tries to deal with the demise of Mullah Omar ... could ISIS be the real winner.

More on Hillary's e-mails and how she is just not telling the truth.

As this commentary points out, the California superior court judge blocking release of one of the Planned Parenthood expose tapes really needs a course in First Amendment law ... his restraining order should go down in flames.

This story about Putin and his plans puts a scary twist on it all ... is he really gearing his people up to justify a war? I sure hope not ... may it all be just a bit of bluster.

A progressive response to Republicans oppose the Iran deal ... hmmm, it doesn't mention the Democrats that also oppose it. I would point out a number of things: A. First and foremost, this is not a treaty, so don't make is sound like one. If it was, then it would HAVE to go to the Senate for advice and consent and that is why it is not a treaty because Obama probably would lose that battle. Second, there are no moderates in positions of political power in Iran ... and you are deluding yourself if you think there are. Third, to accept the deal, you have to accept an awful lot of what the Iranians are supposed to do on faith ... and given their track record in the past, that house of faith is build on a mound of sand.

Donald Trump's call for mass deportations make a great sound bite ... and while I support the concept, unfortunately actually trying to do it would be extremely difficult if not impossible

This HuffPo commentary is an example of the coarsening of America ... there was a time when people actually took pride in their appearance ... but that is too passe today ... too judgmental ... but is also undermining civility in our society with a lack of respect ... for anyone or anything

And I leave you tonight with these words of wisdom ...

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