Thursday, July 16, 2015

Suggested reading list for July 16, 2015

I am a slowpoke, but here it is … for your edification and enjoyment … or whatever … I hope you find the contents food for thought.

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take to the page being referred to.

Welcome to Canada but don't get too comfortable - Al Jazeera - I suppose if Muslim countries would offer the same rights, etc., then I would find this more valid. As it is, I don't ... still, I know progressive Canadians will all be in a dither and have been.

Another interesting commentary from Al Jazeera - this on same-sex marriages. Most interesting is that it really doesn't point out the fact that indeed in Muslim countries, homosexuality is more than just a sin.

Another Al Jazeera story – This on the Iran deal … I love the ending … but what the heck … if the shoe fits, wear it. Only, I think they are far too sanguine about the Iranians than I am.

Leaving aside all politics, I hope George the First gets well, but I know that his time is close ... and I will, for one, always appreciate his job as president.

Gee, the law of unintended consequences ... or maybe the law of supply and demand, but the ACA ain't delivering what people got better before ... or so says WaPo

Scott Walker, Gay Rights, and Boy Scouts ... I think he said it best: I am not running to be the president of the Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, progressives and the press can't leave it at that ... either you buy into jamming the GLBT agenda in its entirely down everyone's throat or you have become a raging bigot at least, or a flip-flopper as worst.

More bad news for the ACA, from the WSJ: Federal Health Exchange Approved Fake Claims, allowed fictitious applicants to maintain coverage and re-enroll this year

Kudos to the Senate. I know that perturbs those who think the federal government should run everything ... but I don't agree and education should be a state and local responsibility.

Who or what shot down the Malaysian Air flight over the Ukraine. There seems to be less and less doubt about the what. The question remains: who was at the trigger and who ordered it?

Confederate flag on private property: Love it or hate it, you have to give this Sheriff's department official a kudo for a clever response.

As usual, I can not say enough about Dr. Hansen and his perceptiveness. Yes, folks, for those of you who don't realize it: Human nature is pretty immutable ... and despite all the progressive protestations that it can be molded and changed if we just educate and do it correctly, it isn't going to change much. Sorry, don't believe that, get over it because you are denying the undeniable.

Mr. Hunter here does an excellent job of pointing why the GOP sucks ... they ain't got a cogent plan. The progressives do and they are relentless ... which means even if every plan they have fails, they continue to push on as if they didn't.

Mr. Chapman has a very valid point ... unfortunately, there is no alternative at this point ... unless you really want to expend a ton of American blood and treasure.

Mexico: Crime is bigger than the crime bosses ... interesting analysis, but the question remains whether the Mexican government and its states will be able to reassert control and restore civil life now torn by turf wars.

And the rhetoric in the China Seas continues to ratchet up ... who knows where it will end. But it will not end because the US told everybody to cool it.

The Obama Administration is not speaking with one voice on the Iran deal. The DOD continues to pronounce its own reservations.

The Army wants more pre-positioned sets in Europe ... while withdrawing troops stationed there ... I suppose that works. Although I always wonder what good pre-positioned stocks were if you couldn't get troops there in time to man them before they were captured or destroyed.

Shipbuilding delays at the Bath Iron Works ... this is unfortunate, but if the quote from the union leader to the Bangor Daily News is accurate, once again it is the union that stands in the way of getting the ships built faster (on-time). This is an old story that goes back to World War II as my father could personally attest to.

Military terms got wrong ... one of the reasons the military gets so pissed at journalists ... cause they can't use the terms right.

Iran deal - yet another set of reasons to be cynical about it

Unfortunately, in the Age of Obama, there is a certain element of truth to this. Sad but true.

You want to know what is going to happen if entitlements have to be reduced in the US - look no further than Greece ... sorry folks, but those entitled will not take kindly to not getting their slice of federal largess.

An alternative view of Obama: In re the Iran deal, from someone who remembers the trauma of 1979 and the 444-days that followed ... as well as the continuing war with the US since then.

Pluto, we hardly knew you ... and now thanks to New Horizons by NASA we know much more about you ... and you are beautiful

This is one way to spin the Iran deal ... but it won't happen, at least not on Obama's watch.

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