Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Some more interesting articles found to read. I hope you enjoy them … and you are welcome to skewer my comments on them, for that is your right and privilege, either here or on my Facebook page. I only ask that you be civil about it.
This story illustrates what I see as the major problem in world affairs: Communication across languages and cultures. It truly creates a host of Alice in Wonderlands out there, because not only are you dealing with linguistic differences, but cultural interpretations and concepts as well. Some things just don't translate very well. We need to realize that and accept it as part of our perception of reality.
This story, for some reason, conjures up visions of Vulcan Mind Melds by Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame. It is amazing the directions that modern medical research goes in.
This is another story on how the world of science is changing us rapidly into what we used to think only was the realm of science fiction. I will make only one observation - based on human nature - if it can be done, it will be done, by somebody somewhere on the globe. No amount of regulation or rules will prevent it. Get ready for that fact, for it will happen. It can happen for good, but by the same token it can happen for evil. The cat is out of the bag and there is no controlling it now.
I think those who believe that tech and all that will replace "hard" currency really are living in a world of their own. Our tech relies on one thing: Electricity ... and if that goes, what good is all the tech? It becomes usually hunks of silicon, plastics and metals ... and what do you do then? Think about that and you quickly realize the slender thread that modern civilization exists on.
I wish somebody would explain why - given the opening up of the US to Cuba that has been hailed by all around the world - that this is happening. But then, maybe Cubans are just greedy (like the rest of humanity) and have a different perspective on the Havana regime.
If this is true ... too bad Kim Jong-Un wasn't at the controls and didn't walk away ... well, maybe not ... that could really throw things in the Hermit Kingdom into a tizzy.
This is an example of the "disparate impact" view of the world. Which, in this case I find extremely humorous, especially if you read the following link.
Women control three-fourth's of America's wealth ... duh, that has been the case for most of my lifetime that I have been aware of such things. It seems to me that they have the power to do a lot of things and if they aren't ... they whose fault is it? Ironically, between my studies of history and my mother, I learned a very valuable lesson as a young man: Women control an immense amount of power ... and very smart women (and even very stupid ones) can wield that power in such a way they can manipulate men to do just about anything they want ... of course, leaving no fingerprints to identify themselves.
Scandalous sculpture .... oh what twaddle ... I guess you can get worked up over just about anything. I am sorry, he was an artist who knew his market and catered to it. Get over it.
Rainbow push back - Hello? Was no one expecting this? And to place all the blame on American evangelicals? Give me a break. Is that not hubris of the highest order ... and about as racist as they come. Oh, Yeah, everybody marches to the beat of what Americans say, just like they all were marionettes.
And please, President Obama, don't lecture other cultures on gay rights. Again, American progressive hubris raises its head. Do you wonder why people in so many countries don't like Americans and their propensity to tell others what to do.
The War on Uber - Mr. Stossel has a very good point (but then he is a Libertarian with whom I tend to share a lot of sympathies and have for many years) about how the Left seems to just want to stomp out individualism and the innovations they offer. Uber offers a lot to individuals, but the Democrats can't stand that.
Progressive Socialist Bernie Sanders seems to be riding a wave these days. Granted the "take from the rich and give to the poor" mantra plays well with those who seem to think that the federal government owes them everything ... But socialism being socialism - and outside limited and very specific circumstances - which has proved itself repeatedly over the last 150 years incapable of creating a self-sustaining, non-corrupt, free society that respects the rights of the individual. Sorry, Bernie ... but it doesn't work.
Another one of those problems with technology ... no matter how well you try to work it out ... there always is some really smart hacker out there who is going to find a way to break the code and create mischief. It is called human nature facing a challenge ... and some of us really relish the challenge. Only sometimes, those people are not just intent on mischief as much as malevolence.
Things are going to heat up in the South China sea - don't think so ... this story shows partly how it is going do just that.
This story partly explains why things are so muddled in the East and South China Seas ... Oriental cultures have very long memories, and some of them place really high values on apologies (and possibly atonements) and if the apology does not fit their view ... then the memory lingers on to stir the pot of the future.
And then there is the Middle East .... Turkey, NATO, Syria, et al. Things could even more interesting than they already are.e
And then there is Europe v. Russia and ISIS ... Are the Europeans waking up from their long slumber under the American defense umbrella? Or is this just another manifestation of the declining faith in the U.S. as an ally ... and a realization that maybe they need to be prepared to defend themselves.
And it is become fairly obvious that the Saudis don't really trust the American's to keep their umbrella over them ... do you fault them?
And the Afghans seem to be looking to the time when the American umbrella no longer helps them. Once again, America abandons its friends in the face of its enemies.
This commentary argues that President Obama should be held accountable by Congress (I know, stop laughing) for the Iran Deal ... which could be interpreted by some as a high crime and misdemeanor in office. At least this author (who is a lawyer and knows his Constitution and history) makes that case.
Another commentary, couched in humor, of the Iran Deal.
Another view on John Kerry and President Obama on their negotiating tactics in the Iran Deal. At least it is food for thought ... and maybe should applied as lessons learned in human behavior.
And interesting treatise on the Iran deal ... with applications on the broader schemes of life. The level of our expectations pretty much drive what we can accomplish.
An interesting rebuttal to a CNN story on the 1001 Muslim Myths and an exhibit apparently now making the rounds. You do know, of course, that things like math, science, medicine, music, art, etc., did not suddenly spring from the ground 13 centuries ago. Actually, most of those things have been around since the dawn of recorded history between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago. And not all of it sprang from the Arabian peninsula. Some of it originated in China, some of it in the Indus Valley, some in the Euphrates valley, some of in the Aegean archipelago, some in Africa ... so don't accept the celebration that all of Western civilization's discoveries are rooted in Arabic and Muslim thought.
This is one of the problems with people today ... we are too immersed in the faults and failings of people who came before us ... and claiming that it gives us some sense of entitlement to something. As long as it continues, then we are going to have problems, especially when people - due to some past ill - demand scarce resources from new generations. It ain't gonna fly well, and there - eventually - will be push back which will lead to strive and probable conflict which will lead ... to wars.
Another example of the entitlement ethos run amuck. Sorry, Gazans, but sometimes other people don't have the money to fund even your limited lifestyles. Learn to cope with it and use your own workarounds. Don't think that is fair? Get over it, life is never fair. Too many people just don't seem to have learned that message and think life can be forced to be fair. Ain't happening folks, so get used to it.
This is commentary is illustrative of how American politicians are using race to divide us. Unfortunately, journalists also have a hand in it, as they are the gatekeepers as to what is news and what isn't. Still, why do we just stand by and let them collectively get away with it?
Interesting point of view of the new proposed EPA regulations ... of course, this doesn't really matter ... it is like I usually say about those who go overboard (in my opinion) trying to protect the environment: Are you the one who chooses to be the first to die? Your children? Are you willing to make the sacrifices needed, or do you expect the unnamed masses of others to be the ones who will die.
I dearly love conspiracy theories ... even this guy doesn't really believe his own.
This is a beautiful interlude ... both cinemagrapically and musically.
Ok ... I can resist a cute video of a puppy dog ... and this is one cute puppy - talented, patient and well trained.
And finally, this is what the presidency really is reduced to … a bubble, an echo chamber … and we wonder why our presidents become so disconnected with reality.
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