More of my wanderings through the world of articles on the internet … please peruse and read at your pleasure. Remember my purpose here is to provide food for thought … assuming you want to think … some is light extemporanea and others more challenging. Feel free as always to state your views either here or on my Facebook page.
Top story of the day: The Iran Deal ... Mr. Stein expresses my view.
And where are the apologies to Tom Selleck? Not happening ... which shows how the left and progressives work.
Bernie Sanders: I still am trying to figure out what happened - before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act become law, it was said that there were 35-40 million people in the US without health insurance. Now that the ACA is law, Sanders says there are still 35 million who are uninsured ... and if the Republicans repeal it another 27 million will become uninsured. HUH? I know Sanders wants everybody covered by Medicare or its equivalent, but that essentially makes all health care workers slaves to the federal government. Sorry, I don't want to put people back into slavery ... I would rather they own their own labor and can sell it at market price.
One-third on VA wait lists are dead. Eh-yup, folks, this is what you get with government-run health care. And you do know that veterans with insurance and above a certain income level get billed for their health care (Service Connected Combat Related care excluded)
Fight over Confederate Flag turns hateful ... eh-yup ... I can pretty much agree with this guy. It really is sad how the rhetoric of the left and progressives can ride roughshod over what was (admittedly political) a gesture of reconciliation.
Dr. Sowell makes a point I have been making for like 3 decades ... hello, the Civil War/the War Between the States/the War of Yankee Aggression is over and has been for a century and a half. Stop fighting it. Let us address today's problems and note that where the Democrats have rule for the past half century, their solutions have not worked ... in fact they have failed miserably.
Walker ... an interesting candidate ... with good credentials from the governance side. It will be interesting to watch how various special interest groups savage him and - assuming they play their usual role - major opinion making newspapers and the cable news nets treat him.
I don't agree with Cal Thomas on much (he is too strident for my personal taste) but on this issue I happen to do so. The Law Should Apply Equally To All. Period. End of Sentence. End of Paragraph. End of Chapter. End of Story. End of Book. Period.
Mr. Murchison leaves us with something to chew on. I happen to agree with him, but that is my right. I always wonder at what level a person becomes "rich" or "wealthy"? I used to joke when I would introduce myself "Hi, my name is Rich, but it is no indication of my financial condition." And while it was a good ice breaker (usually got a chuckle) it was a) true and b) an indicator that all my life I have felt "rich" even though statistically I was in the bottom third of the wage earners in the US. As for the progressive position on wages and wealth. The minimum wage is a cruel hoax and raising it is even worse. And at what level do we just start confiscating how much somebody earns or has (remember, most wealth is merely on paper and is not tangible)
18 bits of trivia about Scott Walker
Another interesting bit of trivia - the rifle that ALMOST became the M-1 of World War II
Interesting commentary on the existential risk the Russians pose to the US ... food for thought.
A look ahead at the world of soldiering - infantry style. Looks like something out of a science fiction thriller may be just around the corner ... but then I have been hearing that for years and it ain't here yet.
Yes, digging up Confederate bones and destroying Confederate monuments is only to make things worse. Take a page from the men who actually fought in the war: It is over. Get over it. Nothing wrong with honoring and respecting valor no matter what cause you are fighting for.
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