More food for the brain … at least it helps me keep thinking … although there are those in this world who are convinced I am a close-minded bigot and a hater … I don’t agree with them, but they are entitled to their view just as much as I am entitled to mine. You see, the key, in my view, is to endeavor as much as possible to listen and be courteous … life is too short to be otherwise, even with those you vehemently disagree on whatever issue. So, you are welcome to comment either here or on my Facebook page on the links provided.
Note: It was pointed out to me that I did not make this format for my reading list perfectly clear. To that end: I point out that each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take to the page being referred to. Sorry about that.
Iran deal
One take on the Russian role, praised by President Obama ... please note the geopolitical and economic benefits that the Russians accrue
Another view - which leads me to ask are they just reciting talking points or are they that sure of their facts
Another view - which tends to underline why a lot of people are wary of the deal
Washington Post overview of the deal - a lot of hope in this
WaPo Graphic on who got what ... I hope it is correct
A negative assessment of the impact of the agreement
Another negative assessment of the agreement
It seems that the military's leadership is not so enamored of the agreement
Another negative view ... it is not all just politics, folks, some people have serious reservations
One of the reasons that President Obama and Secretary Kerry have credibility problems on the agreement
Criticism of the accord from another angle
One of the drawbacks of the deal - from a retired military leader - it comes with costs, but it is wise for the US to incur those costs?
Enough on the Iran deal … deal with it as you see fit. As for me, I admit, I am extremely cynical about the Iranians and the pact … except it is not a treaty, it merely an executive agreement between President Obama and the other nations involved.
Ok, having said that let’s move on to other things.
Army considers hollow-point round for new pistol ... other than it is a violation of one of the Hague treaties on the conduct of war (which the US never signed), I think this is a bad idea.
Three women progress in Ranger Assessment Course - go, ladies, go ... as well as to all the men, do your best and I hope you survive.
America's military decline - it is the progressives' wet dream come true
Transgenders in the Infantry ... this will be interesting to watch
Women in combat (by extension, transgenders) - another view ... think about it folks ... it ain't about equality, it is about effectiveness.
Women in combat - a view from a woman who has been there, done that, and lived to make this report
Maybe the poor MV-22 Osprey will get a little more respect now
Mr. Stossel again points out the fallacies in the progressive arguments about "progress" ... please, pray tell, show me where on a macro scale socialist policies have ever worked.
If this is true, and I have not found anything to discredit it, then it is a frightening use of psychology to re-educate Americans whose political views judges don't agree with.
This seems another case where religious conscience is falling victim to political correctness. When does it stop? Where does it stop?
This is a bit of a harsh indictment of liberals and progressives ... however, there is much truth in the charges here
Hooray for New Horizons ... and may the astronomers have a field day studying the photographs when they all are finally downloaded.
Well, at least the Pentagon leadership is presenting a united front: Russia is bad guy No. 1, ISIS is down the totem pole somewhere, but still a threat.
Concealed carry up, homicides down ... I wonder if there is a causative correlation there
Transforming the nation? Really, millennials, is where you want the progressives to take us. I hope not, because then we will have surrendered all our liberties and freedoms of thought, conscience and association to the altar of your vision of political correctness.
And finally a few observations on the Confederate flag
Has everyone lost all sense? Why are progressives treating Islamicists with more nuance than those who see more than racism in the various Confederate flags.
Dr. Ben Carson makes a valid and very cogent point ... please consider it.
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