Again, I hope you enjoy these articles … I hope you find them food for thought and that you see a benefit in sharing either this blog page or individual articles with others, for that is how ideas spread.
Just when you want to give up, it takes an Australian to point out what has made America different. Unfortunately, he is right in his worries. All too often no the right to fail is being taken away from us and those who do fail always find someone else to blame so they are a victim. It is time, people to just pick up and move out.
Mexican drug lord escapes Max-Security facility. It ain't the great escape, because someone outside built the tunnel for him, but the precision of the tunnel would have benefit the prisoners in that Stalag in World War II
Memphis ... don't flout the law ... just leave Bedford Forrest where he lies.
Race matters I guess when it involves people who kill a bunch of people. Some dominate the national headlines and others get little squibs on the AP.
Hate Old Glory ... this is what I mean that it seems to be an "American" is something to be ashamed of these days. Sometimes I wonder what these people think it is like living in other countries that are not so open to allowing free expression of even silly thoughts.
Cakes and bakers ... flogging a dead horse, I suppose, but I find this action by regulators obscene ... and those who support forcing people to do things against their faith being tyrannical
Cakes and bakers ... in order to be fair, I offer the progressive defense ... I don't agree with it ... but you can make your own choice.
Rule of Law v. Obama and Illegal immigrants ... unfortunately, to me it seems, this commentary makes many valid points. However, I doubt that the law really is part of the equation in Obama's eyes ... I know, I am being cynical and bitter, but it really does distress me to see Democrats like Clinton and Obama to get passes for not following the law or changing it at their whim.
Flea Market shopper offended .... I am sorry, offended person, but get a life. This is ridiculous ... and I don't care what you think of Nazi or Confederate stuff ... either get over it, or let's trash the First Amendment.
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