Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Suggested reading list for July 29, 2015

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Once again, into the breach: Here are articles I commend to your reading.

Mullah Omar is supposedly dead ... and has been since 2013. Well, good riddance to bad rubbish ... and hopefully the death of the leader of the Afghan Taliban will help solve that nation's divisions. I have a special place in my heart for Afghanistan due to a man named Nassimi who by father befriended long ago. I only hope the Mullah doesn't resurface with the classic Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain line: The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

And the mystery of Malaysian Air Flight 370 goes on and on ... is this a tantalizing clue to what happened to the plane.

More information on the death of Sandra Bland in Texas ... I wish most people would understand we need to wait for the investigation to conclude before accusing the police, or the jail, of misconduct.

From Venezuela: This is devastating news and, actually, revolts have been spawned for lesser reasons.

Interesting article in the local newspaper on the homeless ... two things struck me: A. that this is a long term situation - they have been here for generations (note the reference to the Hobo Jungle, which is a term from the 1940s and 1950s) and B.  it seems the majority of the people involved are choosing not to avail themselves of what services, however limited, are available ... that is their choice ... they should have to live with it and not expect others to provide for them. I know that is cruel ... but are we to force them to accept help?

South China Sea - Very interesting article on things that the US can do to deal with China. The one assumption I would challenge is that nations respond to rules ... and they don't. Maybe someday, but today, whether it is in Asia, or Europe, or the Middle East, we are seeing conflicts and threats of conflicts in order to expand or contract spheres of influence.

South China Sea - It seems that China is doing a little saber rattling. Any one other than its neighbors watching and appreciating what is being done here?

It seems the Swedes finally are going to get a grip on one of those mini-subs it keeps telling people about. Of course, the question is: Just how long has it been sitting there on floor of the Baltic Sea?

Specter the Gunship could be going high tech and non-lethal ... the good old AC130J continues to labor on.

Reform military acquisitions ... gasp ... if Congress passes this, listen for the Democrats and the bureaucrats to howl like stuck pigs.

South China Sea - Obama policy? What policy? How not to win friends and influence enemies (or at least competitors for power)

John Kerry - When it is expedient, ignore the law, the Constitution and the process because you can’t get your way.

South China Sea - Interesting outline of what China's long term goals are. One must remember, the Chinese are not like the Americans, who seem enamored with instant gratification and next quarter's bottom line. The Chinese think in longer terms, much longer terms ... like years and decades. The Chinese are patient, whereas Americans are impatient. China also has a 6000-year tradition that it falls back on. They are planning for 2040s and beyond, while Americans have trouble focusing on the latest celebrity dustup between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. 

This story about current job compensation trends is an excellent example of the instant gratification society. It also pretty much renders the wage debate obsolete, but then I doubt those with wealth envy will make that connection.

Discovering life not on Earth ... I am sorry, but if anyone ever thought we were alone ... they were wrong ... and despite the contentions of Secular Humanists and Atheists, it does not preclude the existence of God - I always found it so limiting for those who read which every translation they read of any holy text and say that it does not allow for life elsewhere. My personal view is that God would not be so limited ... and it really is a big universe out there that God has created with all its myriad of rules that we continue to discover.

This commentary is rather a scathing indictment of the erosion of free speech and freedom of conscience in New England states, particularly Massachusetts. Given the political climate up here, I don't find it all that surprising that individual liberty, rights and responsibilities are under assault.

An interesting convergence on two issues, seemingly unrelated, but an indictment none the less of the progressive views. You can take it for what it is worth. I find value in the author's points, you may not.

Governed by Zealots ... I love the new acronym BANANA ... to replace NIMBY.

Interesting slant on a defensive use of a gun ... not that it will be reported on

Now the question is ... how serious is this woman.

One view of Islam, apparently as it is practiced in Pakistan. Now, I know this is not universal, but it seems to widespread, which leads to the question: Where can you compromise with this?

On Mike Huckabee ... please note the sarcasm here ... it is in full throat.

Oh the foibles and follies of racial identities ... would that we would just let them go and identify ourselves as human ... and those residing as citizens of the United States simply as Americans, with equal treatment before the law and everything else.

As the commentator in this article says: Who the freak cares? Why is this even mentioned anywhere?

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