Julian Assange and his Wikileaks is back in the news. It seems that his group has posted a couple of million e-mails hacked from the Syrian government to expose how really nasty the Assad regime is/was and probably will be. It also exposes all those bad people who are dealing with Assad and his cronies.
And this guy is hiding out in the Paraguayan Embassy seeking asylum from the Brits and Swedes because he is afraid the Swedes MIGHT turn him over for prosecution in the US for dumping the raft of secret diplomatic communications and military documents from the US Government.
What is this guy drinking?
I mean, first he busts all the conditions he agreed to when he made bail in Britain after he was arrested on an international warrant from Sweden on alleged sexual misconduct. There is not warrant for his arrest in the US. In fact, at last check, the grand jury was still out on whether or not their would be any charges in that case. The military probably will symbolically “hang” the young idiot trooper who thought it would be cool to violate his oath and the UCMJ to dump a bunch of files to Wikileaks. But Mr. Assange probably doesn’t have all that much to fear from the US.
Now, let’s see: The Brits are pissed because this Australian jerk (although I think most Australians want to disown the fellow) is now definitely a law-breaker in the UK.
But the folks who really now will want his head on a Pike (HBO already did that with George W. Bush) will be the Syrians and all those business people in Europe who were fudging the books to deal with the Assad Regime despite sanctions. If you think the CIA is bad, they ain’t got nothing on these folks. It isn’t even a close race. In fact, they probably have taught the CIA a few tricks or so.
I hope the Paraguayan Embassy has a good security team … or Mister Assange does, if he ever opts to leave it in the future. I really would not be surprised if some pissed of person (non-US and non-CIA) ices him rather messily. This guy really is living in his own little nether world … and has no clue how really ugly and mean the big, bad world is out there.
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