Monday, July 16, 2012

Tax increases


Big debate in Congress, should the tax rates enacted during the first term of the George W. Bush administration be allowed to expire? Should they only be extended for those people whose annual income is less than $250,000 per year? Good question.

However, the way it is portrayed is that the extention of these tax rates is a cut for the wealthy (not that the people who are poor are apparently unaffected, as President Barack Obama is claiming that the cuts need to remain for those of lower income) really is somewhat hiding the fact, as pointed out in the third from the last paragraph that these same people (those over $250K/annum) are going to get hit with a $2 Billion to $4 Billion increase in the taxes per year for the next 10 years starting on January 1, 2013.

So, if I read this right, they are supposed to sit still for two increases in the taxes on their incomes … and we are supposed to see that as fair. I guess that is fair only if you resent the fact that someone makes more money than you. I, for one, don’t, but that is just me.

It really has bothered me how the President and the progressives have done so much to demonize those people who make over $250K. I am sorry, but I was taught that jealousy was a bad thing … and to be vindictive was even worse. Pappy, Mom, I am sorry but your youngest son is having a hard time trying to accept that others don’t live by the golden rule. Not the rule that says “If you have the gold, you rule.” The other one: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Of course, the first one is true, and always has been, but it doesn’t mean we can’t strive to do the other. It seems in this country, I am sad to say (at least as far as some people seem to be saying), that we must covet what others’ have because it was not fair for them to have it. Where did we get that?

I guess it comes from the misguided notion that we, as a society, owe it to others to provide for their needs (regardless of their efforts) while we provide our best efforts to maximize our abilities. Hell, I know that there are unfortunate people out there. Heck, I have been one of them, but that doesn’t mean that I owe them my brains or my labor. That is mine … and I can sell it, give it, or not, but that is my choice and not society’s.

Now, I could say that I owed society a debt … but you know something, I think I have paid that debt several times over. I did serve my community and nation for more than 20 years. I didn’t do it because it was convenient. I didn’t do it because it was popular. I did it, mostly, so if I had to be cannon-fodder, at least I would be TRAINED cannon-fodder and might know enough on the battlefield to stay alive, if not in one piece. And why did I feel I might be cannon-fodder? Well, a) because war is a condition that will not go away and if you think so, then you have been hiding under a rock your whole life, and b) I felt an obligation, as part of my community, to be willing to rise to not only my own defense but also that of my city, county, state and nation. I am not saying that I was all that self-sacrificing, because I did feel it was in my own enlightened self-interest along the way.

But what bothers me is to see people expect others to do a job that they should be doing for themselves. I mean, however you call it, a lot of the time that “service above self” thing I have atop my blog is really about self-interest.

My point? If we really want to be fair, then we have to agree that voting ourselves money out of the federal treasury is really a bad idea and maybe we should stop doing it.

We need to stop playing games with the tax codes. We need to stop punishing this group because we think they got an unfair advantage and helping or rewarding this other group because … you fill in the reason.

Unfortunately, we have a president and his cohort of advisors who seem to think that the best way to win your vote is to make a big deal about how much a person is worth. Personally, I could give a damn. Unless they can prove he broke the law (I bet they can’t) or if any of the other people who have lots of money but are not on the BFF list, then they should just shut up. It isn’t really relevant.

But no, in America today, it seems that the call to arms is going out. People, rise up! Rise up and STRIKE! Take what you want from those more fortunate than you and the government will help you. Strike those people who believe in the intrinsic value of the individual! Strike at those who think they own their own labor! Strike at those who you don’t like because of some ancient grievance! STRIKE and STRIKE HARD! STRIKE NOW BEFORE THEY CAN ENSLAVE YOU AND MAKE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN LIFE!

Well, as I said before and I will say again: I regret the world I am leaving to my grandchildren. It apparently will not be as nice a place  in which – even with all the bad times – I have enjoyed the life I have lived. I wish I could do better, but – ALAS – I fear not.

FOOTNOTE – I don’t make $250K. Never have, never will and never even came close.


You know, I think the Democrats have a point: Let's raise taxes on everybody ... at least that is fair. It is not what they are saying, but the impact is the same. They are just trying to pander to one group to pressure their opponents into doing what they want, which is blatantly discriminatory.

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