Does THIS Congress have better business?
You know something about the vote in the US House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Care Act? IT WAS pure political theater. Yup, it sure was … and it ain’t gonna pass in the Senate and even if it did, President Obama would have vetoed it … and there definitely are not enough votes in either the Senate or the House to override a veto.
Am I upset … not on your life. You see, I look at Congress much the way a New York judge looked at the legislature in a ruling he made in the mid-19th Century:
“No man's life, liberty, or property, are safe while the legislature is in session.”
Thank you, Judge Gideon J. Tucker, for pointing out what has been obvious to me for many years. You see, I would rather see the legislature (in this case, substitute Congress) doing something they know won’t make it in to law, than pass something just for the sake of passing something in to law.
So, could the Congress has spent its time better? Probably. But would have it? Doubtful, from my humble perspective … at least not this Congress and not this presidential administration.
Ironically, Americans seemed to sense this for many years when they kept the executive and legislative branches gridlocked. You see, when you are gridlocked, then little gets done and the less done usually means less damage to individual freedom. The less the federal government finds to meddle in, I contend, the better off us lowly citizens are.
But I know that isn’t very progressive of me … and to those who wish I was … well, look at this way, I want you to have the freedom to do what you want … I just don’t want to pay for it or have you shove it down my throat.
Anyway, keep it up Congress. I am rooting for gridlock.
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