Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Another day, leading into a long weekend (at least for government workers), with lots to read and some things to comment upon. If you get this far, I thank you for your attendance and hope that you continue the journey … and find it at least interesting and educational as well as providing something to tease your mind into thinking about.
Once again, the Obama Administration (as it is put in this article) has been led down the primrose path in its negotiations on foreign policy. And once again, it has gotten the worst of its options. The problem now is how far the president is willing to push the Russians to remove Assad from Syria? How much will, resources, and probably blood and treasure, is Obama willing to use to achieve that objective. Efforts to do it on the cheap earlier has just made it that much more expensive now. And, the question is: Is just stepping back, watch the carnage and deal with the refugees really the only answer?
I am glad Barney Frank no longer sits in Congress, as he is the author a much that has ailed us over the last 20 years.
Interesting argument against the Iran Deal relieving Iran sanctions ... another example, I think (assuming this report is correct) of the President and his minions playing fast and loose with the law ... ignoring those that hinder their agenda, even when it really is illegal.
The problem here is something I identified back in the 1990s, and still seems to be in effect: Neither the press nor the Democrats accept that the Democrats are in the minority and that an increasing number of Republicans are increasingly conservative and willing to say, as the Democrats said for so many years, what we offer is what you get, unless you are willing to give us more. Of course, the GOP doesn't have a large enough majority - like the Democrats did have for nigh on 40 years - to just ram stuff through when they wanted to do it.
Unfortunately, don't let facts get in the way of a good meme that can be repeated ad nauseum to discredit the opposition.
This probably is partially true ... although I still suspect there was more to it.
This may be the epitome of what has gone wrong with life in America. We have become so risk-adverse that children can't play, take risks ... and basically be children burning off some of the incredible energy they have ... so we have to control it with bottles
Well, WikiLeaks has its eye on the right prize ... for that is the key evidence that either will confirm the utter chaos of the battlefield ... or that MSF has been lying through its teeth and Taliban military were fighting from inside their compound. In either case, the sought-after video probably will show that what ever happened, it was not a pre-planned, pre-set target.
Interesting analysis of the problems besetting the policies affecting the Army. There is no easy solution ... and there really is no cheap solution. I disagree in that I think the reserve components, particularly those in combat arms, need to be radically increased, along with adequate support and combat support formations. But I will agree, that the reserve and active formations have to be trained to fight in a "come-as-you-are" and not one where we have months or years to train up for the mission.
It is my hope that our intellectual property rights protections maintain a vigilant fence around intellectual property - the realm of the products of the brain. I am not sure where my daughter, the intellectual property rights attorney in the family, comes down on this issue ... but I know I think intellectual property is worth defending at all costs.
This maybe should plant some seeds ... at least I hope it does ... not that 22 weeks is going to make all the difference ... but the concept of the school and how it achieves it has a lot going for it. It doesn't have to be military, but what the military does and the way it does it, helps.
We have identified the villains ... the question is: How will the Obama Administration choose to deal with them? I don't know, but I am not hopeful either ... too much else going on in the world.
Interesting on just wars and whether killing in war is moral or immoral ... which to me is moot. War is amoral ... that is it is devoid of morality. The only moral thing to do, when you fight one - for whatever reason - is to fight it so that it gets finished as quickly as possible. That means devoting all means necessary to complete the task. Not to do that is truly immoral.
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the method of execution for capital punishment should revert to something like the firing squad or the hangman's noose ... if it is to be applied at all ... and in some circumstances it really is the only option ... then the tried and true methods are the best.
The case for liberals and gun controls
It will be interesting to watch this spacecraft take wings in flight ... I hope it is able to do so soon.
I suspect that this policy will have about as much effect as previous ones in Syria ... hopefully it won't waste as much money ... trying to avoid the inevitable: the loss of American lives. Of course, the airpower guys are promising the sky again, and that ain't gonna work.
What a totally bogus story, to prop up Sanders. The point being is not all the reports are in ... so how can the headline be factual? Especially when three heavy GOP hitters have yet to file theirs. This story illustrates, rather plainly, the liberal bias that is eager to show Democrats are better. Of course, you could say they also are better at being bought ... but they would bridle at that description given their opposition to private funding of campaigns. The point being, if you want public funding, then be principled and don't accept any private funding - large or small.
I won't point out one of the obvious things not being said about the TSU murder, because if I did, I would be accused of being a racist.
Kasich gets raked over the coals for saying what has been obvious for many years ... that is life ... so get over it.
While its people basically starve, they are going to dance at the party party.
While this bill is fine with me ... why not export energy, since we now are essentially self-supporting. But it ain't gonna go nowhere ... neither in the Senate, where it will be filibustered to death, or past the president who will veto it
This is something people will have to come to grips with increasing numbers of Asian Minor and Southwest Asia Muslim refugees flooding into Western countries ... it is a cultural difference we are going to have to face, and in my opinion face down.
Interesting to note in this BBC report is that the race of the gunman in Arizona is blatantly portrayed with his picture, while the suspects in the TSU case remain incognito ... not implying anything here, just noting.
Obama probably will get away with this ... it just seems to me that rule by executive fiat violates my concept of a constitutional republic.
The politically correct food police strike again ... this time at Clemson University ... this is so stupidly asinine that it really is beginning to make me fear for my nation ... you may think that is an overreaction, but I think the complainers here are overreacting.
If it ain't bad enough in the Middle East, the Chinese have to rattle their dang sabers in the East.
More on the Chinese preparing to "defend" their rights in the South China sea ...
Liberals and progressives, you own this one ... and all the crap like it that has happened in all the major metropolitan areas of the country.
Sweet Lord Almighty, where is is the firestorm over this ... silence is deafening. Talk about racism!
Good talk from NASA ... unfortunately, it and the American people will move like glaciers on this
Maybe in this new world of social media, Dr. Carson has a chance of winning this war but picking fights with people who control the air time and buy ink the barrel is usually a losing proposition.
It seems that the Russian Orthodox Church and Putin have declared a crusade against Jihadists ... ok, progressives, lets hear you denounce this.
Interesting how the polls tend to screw up the story line and reflect the world as it really is ... chaotic and unpredictable.
I close with this ... I hope you get well, Vin Scully ... I know you are 88 but you are, for me, the voice of not only the Dodgers but of baseball.
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