Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Once more we endeavor to look at today’s news and make sense of it … but chaos continues to reign, along with stupidity and ignorance … I wonder when people will start believing people mean things when they say things that seem outside the realm of our comprehension or imagination. You know, not everybody is putting on an act … and when they say they can/should/could/will do something, however outrageous, maybe – just maybe – we should take them at their word and prepare ourselves accordingly. Having said that, I hope you find todays dose of Random Thoughts articles informative, if not educational and thought provoking.
One of those stories that draws parallels to events 100 years ago and how, in many ways, the world of global politics seems to be going down the same path.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) downgrades its outlook for the world's economy ... not good news by any measure ... and given the instabilities in the various markets ... forebodes more turbulence.
The murders in Oregon do point out something that should be disturbing and that is the killer apparently targeted people for their religious faith. Part of the problem lies in the demonization of people who disagree with one another on the grounds of their faith. Demonization, as this article points out, engenders and assists violence and that is not the American way. Unfortunately, on so many issues, especially Christians, people whose faith puts them on an opposing side or some issue, it its the Christians who can be verbally assaulted with impunity. I have often pointed out that their is a minority in the US that you can abuse, acuse and say just about anything about and there will be absolutely no repercussions. I call them the WASPCEMPCVs ... it used to be longer, but I shortened the acronym. You can try to figure it out, and once you do, I think you just might agree.
This is a progressive counterpoint to reports of defensive gun uses ... it basically dismisses all of them
Interesting argument against providing a "free" college education. Of course, the bottom line is that no education truly is free ... somebody has to pay the teachers, professors, etc., build the classrooms, laboratories and libraries. Otherwise, those people who do the work are merely slaves.
I don't totally buy into this meme ... but there is some doubt in my mind that says it could just be true.
A less than fawning profile of Donald Trump ... to wit I say: Get over it.
Interesting concept for the much-maligned F-35 ... totally sci-fi
I don't care how the WaPo portrays it ... if this bill dies, it is the Democrats who did it ...
The Planned Parenthood raw video gets to go to Congress ... personally, I think there should be a total data dump ... and let the American people sort it out.
This rule actually makes a modicum of sense ... that you are equal before the bar, but you can't hire a substitute to represent you.
Dr. Carson continues to make waves over his stand on the Oregon shootings.
Interesting discussion on how immigrants, legal and illegal, sway and skew voting in the US ... even though they can't vote, they influence how Congress is apportioned and how many votes each state gets in the Electoral College in presidential elections.
In case you haven't noticed, according to the AP, the number of deportations for all reasons had plunged almost 50 percent in the last two years ... Makes one wonder why we even have immigration laws.
This is one view of the games being played over Syria. This is getting dangerous.
I have yet to be convinced that Christians in the US are being "persecuted" for their faith, but it is pretty obvious that believers increasingly finding themselves in a hostile and intolerant environment.
This commentary raises an interesting issue that it seems that no one really is talking about ... however, it does fit with the Obama Administration's actions in other realms that appear to seek to subjugate American sovereignty to UN control.
Apparently, Australia's gun control regime is not so great after all ... or so it would seem from this report.
Thomas Sowell says the "legacy of slavery" is merely a magician's distraction used by politicians and others seeking to avoid responsibility for the policies that actually have reversed gains that were being made.
It is sad when people start talking about criminalizing intellectual and political differences ... it really is dangerous ... remember, what people say, they actually may mean.
Bob Barr is not one of my favorite writers (his is a bit too much of a bomb thrower for my taste) but in this case he has a very salient point: When did we lose our willingness to stand and fight in our own self-defense?
No, Mr. Blackwell, while you have right, principle and justice on your side, the Obama Administration is just carrying on a tradition established in Vietnam that we abandon our friends and allies and turn our back on them when they cry out for what we promised them.
This author contends that Obama's foreign policy is beset with mumbo-jumbo ... I think it is just a mess
Another view on air incidents over or near Syria ... sigh ... this is insane
This story brings back memories of college, when I was studying south Asian history at Kansas State ... I remember delving into this epics that form a basis for so much of Indian culture and history.
And if the fact that Iran is gaming the Nuclear Deal should not come as a surprise to anyone ... in fact, I have my doubts Iran will abide by the deal
The reports outlines one view of what is needed to rebuild and reconstitute the US military after 13 years of being at war. While it probably is a pretty good plan ... it ain't going to happen.
This is an example of the intolerance exhibited primarily by progressives in the realm of public debate.
Dr. Carson makes a point ... probably relevant ... but how many others would stand with him? You never know what you really would do until you are really in the situation.
Interesting focus on Toyota ... I suspect they are selling their trucks to legitimate third parties who then turn around and provide them to ISIS.
You know, in the final analysis it comes down to the fact that the Oregon shootings were not the fault of guns, or the mom, or the father, or some physical or mental illness - as comforting as that would see to some people to explain away a seemingly unexplainable horror - it is the fault of a 26-year-old man who decided that he wanted to go out and kill some people. The responsibility for his actions fall on him, and him alone, despite what everyone else says.
Another view of the air intercepts over Syria by the Russians ... be scared people ... be very scared.
Here is an effort trying to explain why gun control plans are going nowhere ... and how could all these people be so silly.
And yet another perspective of the air conflict over Syria ... I figure if we read enough of these, we might start to get a picture of what actually is happening.
The BBC takes a look at the problems and the challenges of trying to manage the potential for conflict in the air in the Middle East.
Obama apologizes to MSF for hospital attack .... man, I hope this doesn't turn out like the movie Rules of Engagement .... but I am betting that it will.
A BBC explainer on what we know about the Kunduz hospital bombing.
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