Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
It pretty much as been a sleepy Sunday as this weekend draws to a close. Not much on the NewNewsRadar today … more after-action reviews and reports. I hope you find some of these interesting and thought provoking.
It does seem to beg the question, and there are many swirling around the man was the shooter in Oregon at that community college. Dr. Carson dares to broach one of them in that the shooter seemed to be gunning for Christians with murderous intent. One wonders why this does not get more attention in the media ... the only answer I saw was from a humanist is that it was deplorable because they were humans. If had been a race, or another religion, I doubt there would be such a thundering silence.
Yes, homeowners associations can legally do this, but the question is should they? Being one who flies both the US and Canadian flags, plus a US Army flag, 24-7-365 over my garage ... I guess I am prejudiced ... at least, so far no one has come to tell me to take them down.
I do wonder how open Doctors without Frontiers will be to reviewing their actions in Kunduz during the past week. I am not accusing them of anything, but they do have every reason in the world to make sure the Afghan and American militaries get blamed for unnecessarily hitting their medical facility in Kunduz ... if there were active Taliban militants and/or equipment like rocket launchers or automatic weapons there, then MSF is complicit in a war crime ... and they can't admit that ... it would sully their image. But then, the Taliban, like most irregular formations, gives a rat's derriere whether they commit war crimes.
Hey, Venezuelan official: The US and its government doesn't like your government and the way you treat your people, dissidents, private enterprises and your neighbors ... get over it.
As I said, MSF has every reason to deny any Taliban were there ... and so do the Taliban (cause it makes the Afghan, NATO and the US forces look bad), but it is odd that the shelling from the air happened over about an hour ... It is hard, for me, to accept that the Air Force and the Special Forces on the ground, would keep calling in shots if there was nothing to shoot at. It is interesting to watch videos of AC-130 attacks ... and how careful they are.
Donald Trump's rather simplistic view: Of course Saddam would have kept things stable ... despots usually do ... and for which the US get criticized rather roundly for accepting and tacitly supporting their reigns. We used to say, he maybe a son-of-a-bitch, but he is our son-of-a-bitch (meaning he allowed American and other countries to trade freely and supported the US against the communists) and for which human rights advocates would have royal hissy fits.
The BBC version of the MSF story ... which seems to be about the biggest thing out there.
And yet another point of view in the wake of the MSF hospital strike.
The problem with this argument, say the modern progressives and liberals, is that the world, politics, governance and human nature all have changed since these words were written by the Dead White Men of Privilege back more than 225 years ago. So they are no longer relevant. We have evolved past the need to protect ourselves from the deprivations and ravages of an out-of-control federal government. You don't agree? Too bad, progressives say, you are ignorant, stupid, gun-hugging, Bible-thumping idiots.
While there is a certain measure of truth in this commentary ... I fear the tipping point already has been passed ... and a dark time is ahead until we once again recover a sense of honor and dignity.
This is good advice for dealing with almost all veterans, not just Navy SEALs. They already have proven, for the most part, that they have the mettle and perseverance to accomplish the job/mission. That makes them usually good team players.
One wonders where this archeological find eventually fit in in the historical scope of human existence and, in particular, the texts of the Torah and The Bible.
Another example of blaming the tool and not the wielder of the tool ...
This pretty much stands by itself
Interesting rebuttal to those who advocate for more draconian gun-control measures. It seems counter-intuitive, which I guess is the reason that most people tend to dismiss it.
This is one of two photos I am posting in order to give context to MSF statements about their facility.
This is No. 2 ... my question, from strictly a security military statement would be how can MSF be so sure that those gates would keep anyone out if they didn't want to be kept out.
A very thought provoking article on the role of religion in the 21st Century ... much of it I agree with ... some however, I find a bit utopian and unrealistic. Yes, it would be nice, but I don't see such a convergence unless there is a great charismatic leader to lead such a movement that is accepted in all of the Abrahamic traditions.
I wish I was as optimistic as this editorial writer ... but I am not ... unfortunately, in the modern interconnected American, compromise and comity are fast becoming archaic concepts to be abandoned in a winner take all mindset
Interesting look at the changing face of the Republican party ... thought provoking.
This probably will be the choice we are reduced to.
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