Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
This is the weekend wrap-up… getting lazy in my old age …disgruntled... discouraged, disconcerted and generally downright grumpy.
Oopsie! It seems that somebody at the Department of the Army didn't get the memo from the White House on the need for strict gun controls and disarming American citizens of all weapons of military usefulness. See page 16.
Let us all run out into the night, spin in circles, jump and shout ... the world is coming to an end and we all are going to die.
Another perspective on on the collapse of the rule of law during the Obama era.
Unfortunately .... this commentator probably is correct ... and the US will be the worse for it ... it is sad that we have sunk this low ... but you can't say we shouldn't have seen it coming.
As studies go ... I think there are a lot of progressives who will go to great length to debunk these academic reports on the benefits of traditional two-parent families.
It seems coming out of the latest church synod, that the Catholic Church remains a bit of a house divided against itself ... and it will be interesting to see what Pope Francis does now. He obviously was not happy with the results of the synod.
Major tragedy strikes OSU's homecoming parade. The cynic in me asks the question which will the President ask to ban or at least put stringent restrictions on first: Cars or alcoholic beverages?
I think the Monseigneur forgot a part of his vow as a priest. You know the one about celibacy
I think Blair apologized not so much for going to war, but the mangling of the post-war period ... which unfortunately totally ignored the dictates of the Powell Doctrine ... for that the ultimate responsibility lies with George W. Bush ... but more of that really falls on the hubris and arrogance of Donald Rumsfeld. Oh, and the myth is wrong ... there were WMDs in Iraq ... as well as the capacity to make new ones ... but that truth has all but disappeared.
CNN is busy promoting a group to counter the NRA ... which has its share of misstatements about the National Rifle Association.
It looks like the bidding war has begun to bring an NFL franchise back to Los Angeles.
Kids face too many tests ... and those stupid teachers spend too much time teaching the tests, rather that having the freedom to explore concepts with children.
Oh those bad Russians might have bombed some civilians ... well, that may be a war crime ... but then again, since it wasn't the Americans it probably wasn't
Ouch ... this commentator takes the progressive icon Salon to task over guns.
As an intellectual argument, this raises some interesting questions about homosexuals and marriage.
The problem the Democrats probably ought to have with inequality ... but won't because it doesn't fit their political narrative.
Sigh ... I do realize that it is over a year until the presidential election, but it seems that everybody is busy crowning Hillary Clinton queen. If it happens, I fear that the US will be in deep kimche
This is one of the reasons I have major problems with Donald Trump. You can not suppress ideas without becoming a tyranny. Yes, those who put those ideas to work in contravention of US law need to be drawn to account quickly and surely (which given the current state of the US justice system is no sure thing).
The World Food Police are out on the prowl, it seems, folks ... just know that all that food you eat is bad for you.
The President's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act has absolutely nothing to do with defense spending ... as this article points out so well.
Interesting story ... however, as far as I can tell, the youth involved was guilty of being a young African American with an attitude. First and foremost ... don't argue with cops, even if you have a gun. Don't struggle with cops, even if they tackle you. Make it obvious that you are trying to comply with the officer. Don't run from an officer with a gun ... it could very well get you shot. And sometimes, police officers - at least in Georgia - are not known for their marksmanship ... so hitting a target running away from him in the head is a really lucky shot.
I love how this story conflates all abortion opponents with the vandalism of one teen.
Is Moldova the next target on Putin's calendar?
Yes, her mendacity is prodigious ... and we are buying it as a nation ... what does that say about us, as a people and as individuals ... nothing good, I would say.
Very excellent commentary on the wedding vendor and gays brouhaha.
I didn't know he was a K-State fan ... two points for him for being devoted to out Kitties ... but then his point in the commentary also is well taken ... unfortunately.
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