Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Interesting day today … not much really new on my NEWSRADAR, but interesting takes on a variety of issues. I hope you find them interesting and food for thought.
When I read commentaries like this I am often put of the mind of asking Why? Why has so much of the world come to believe that it is ok to spend money you don't have? Why are people always jealous and envious of people who have more money than you do? I don't have a solution for the Greeks, anymore than I have an easy solution for Americans, who are quickly spending their way into tyranny and despotism. Why are we addicted to think that we can get anything from the government for free? Nothing is free ... and if you think it is, then you have enslaved those who provide whatever you get for free.
I am not sure all this Euro-skepticism is good or bad ... but it seems to be a rising tide that threatens to turn the European Union into the European DisUnion ... a reversion to its tradition state of affairs.
This commentary makes a valid point ... even if only 1 or 2 in every 100 refugees is a ISIS militant ... then if the US takes in 20,000, then you are talking about 200 Jihadists washing up on our shores ... 200 committed people can do a lot of damage. The situation in Europe is even far more dire.
The British, as would be expected, are doing their best to enforce and abide by the rule of law ... particularly with migrants.
Welcome to the New World Disorder, President Obama ... and thank you for helping to facilitate it.
The new Trans-Pacific Partnership deal has been reached ... but it has a long way to go.
This summary outlines some of the hurdles the TPP has to survive
It will interesting to see if President Obama ultimately decides to try to keep US troops stationed in Afghanistan ... after all his rhetoric about ending wars.
I never did have much use for Brzezinski ... even when he was back advising President Carter ... I see he still offers up stupid suggestions.
I can see the groundwork being laid for a blame game in the attack in Kunduz ... some people need to be getting ready to be scapegoated and told to fall on their swords. I suspect two things: One there is video of entire engagement taken from the AC-130. But, like the video in the movie Rules of Engagement, the question will be whether it ever will see the light of day. Second, I would not be surprised that such a video shows Taliban activity in the courtyard of the MSF facility ... but the MSF can never admit that because it would destroy its own credibility and make it open to war crime charges. I understand how the doctors on the ground would make compromises with the Taliban in order to do their good work, but compromises often violate the rules of war.
Once more the Iranians are making with the threats ... I wonder when, if ever, any US government will a) take them seriously and b) do anything about it.
It is interesting how the military personnel system works ... and how it has changed for the worse over the years. The irony to me is that I can remember sitting for several "job" interviews when I was in the National Guard when I was being considered for a number of top NCO positions.
Interesting commentary on whether the US should promote democracy or not. The current administration by its actions has clearly demonstrated that it think promotion of democracy is a bad idea.
More twists and turns in the legal cases over Hillary's e-mails. I know she is trying to stall and wait people out until they get disinterested and quit trying in disgust ... and people want this person to be president?
It is interesting how liberals and the progressives call for new gun control regulations, when - if they just looked - they would see most of their demands already are law ... but then Hillary wants to play Queen and start doing things by executive action. That is far more dangerous to your life, liberty or pursuit of happiness than any gun.
A rebuttal to President Obama's politicizing gun violence speech.
Interesting chart on mass casualty events involving firearms, cross indexed and weighted by population ... paints a somewhat different picture than we are told.
And here is an argument for banning all guns
Mr. Gerson makes a very coherent point here about a problem that is facing our country ... our leadership no longer believes in democratic processes. That is scary.
New book out - Give Us The Ballot - on voting rights gets totally panned in this review. Justifiably so, it appears.
Flying the unfriendly, crowded skies of Syria ... there are major risks of untoward things happening there. Especially, if one side decides to go on air defense role for its proxies.
Snowdon says he wants to come home ... but only if he gets a plea deal first ... I say, come on home, get arrested and charged and then talk about a plea deal ... otherwise you are putting the cart before the horse.
Well, the "Green Zone" is Iraqi territory ... so they get to say who comes and goes.
Thomas Sowell scores again with this column on statistical disparities and equality of outcomes ... unfortunately, progressives will have none of it.
Dennis Prager is correct: Conservatives do have a viable alternative to gun control ... it is just the left will never accept it.
The cargo ship MV El Faro is gone ... as is her crew ... may the Good Lord take them into his embrace and provide comfort for their grieving families.
Special Ops folks look to field Iron Man ... science fiction becomes military reality ... but I will bet dollars to donuts that some will complain how expensive the suits are. ... Like lives aren't worth anything.
Fake IDs ... I guess it all depends on whose ox is getting gored.
More politically correct bovine scatology in our schools ... will it ever end?
Another case of it depends on whose ox is being gored whether you are treasonous or not
Interesting column in the WaPo that rebuts the myth that armed civilians never stop shooters in mass casualty incidents.
Unfortunately, people like this Ivy League professor never seem to be held accountable ... I find that extremely frustrating.
Mr. Rachel points out the obvious that the Oregon Shooter was not a conservative or a Republican
A scare story, to be truthful, but probably not that far off from the truth.
In this case, I agree with Mr. Trump ... the issue is not gun control ... it is how we deal with mental health issues.
It might seem cruel, but it is the time honored solution: No future where you at, then vote with your feet and go somewhere where you have a future.
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