Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
Well, the consensus from our media elite is that Hillary Clinton won the debate Tuesday night hands down … destroying all her rivals and showing that she really is ready to be president. I guess we just need to get in line for the coronation now. Why bother having any primary elections or even an election next November … what purpose would it serve … even if we disagree, we are dolts (in the eyes of America’s liberals and progressives) not to see the wisdom and excellent capabilities of Ms. Clinton.
Ok, I got that off my chest … here is today’s eclectic collection of various and sundry things I recommend that you peruse … along with my usual commentary (I apologize for last night, but I really wasn’t in the mood to be civil … or very cogent).
I guess I lived in the South for too many years ... where this courtesy is like expected and not a rarity.
Not wanting to upset my liberal friends on Facebook (directly), I have chosen to share this here on my blog. It is so true.
A salute to Jim Webb, one of the Democratic candidates (although you would be hard put to realize that from Tuesday's debate) ... who puts enemies in perspective
A fact-check on Bernie Sanders in Tuesday's debate ... in re: Denmark.
Even the BBC buys into the victimhood of Hillary Clinton, even as it declares her the winner from Tuesday.
China warns the US to back off in the South China Sea. Things could get tense, but I don't expect open conflicts
A plea to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to look to the needs of his Israeli Arab citizens.
One of many irons Iran seems to be stirring the embers of war and chaos in the Middle East.
Interesting analysis on the possible outcomes of next week's federal elections in Canada
An attempt at fact-checking Tuesday's debate ...
This is another view about why Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal is important ... as is the investigation into what happened in Benghazi. But Hillary is following the time honored Nixonian doctrine of stonewall, stonewall, stonewall, and deny, deny, deny until the public gets tired of trying to get at the truth. Nixon didn't get away with it, because major news outlets like the Washington Post and the New York Times were committed enemies of his.
This article mirrors my analysis, which I came to the conclusion long ago on. Hillary Clinton, like Bill, like President Obama, is coated in Teflon ... and whatever illegalities, falsehoods, etc., they do, are just brushed away.
If women are supposed to be given equal opportunity in the Army, then they damn well need to queue up and register for the draft. I fought this issue 25 years ago, when as the senior NCO of my organization I was charged with running the duty roster. Only I couldn't run it the way it was supposed to be run because I was given direct orders exempting the women in the unit from certain duties and to give them special considerations, like when they wanted time with beaus in the theater.
Unfortunately, it seems, the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon increasingly looking at the part-time reserves as full-time fillers. If that is the case, then to ease the burden on these folks, while you trying to accomplish missions needing a 2 million or 3 million member Army, you need to beef up the Reserve Component numbers ... significantly. Not that it will happen, but it should.
This reiterates my position that I have held since I was in college, studying history ... no war is over until there is a man with a bayonet on the end of his rifle, standing over a defeated enemy and saying: It is OVER now, you hear?
Unfortunately, there is enough fear on both sides ... but naked hatred of class is limited to one side.
This analysis of the Iran nuclear agreement is a bit like beating a dead horse ... while true, it still isn't going to get the horse up and running again.
This article illustrates what is wrong with US policy all too often. We make promises we can't or won't keep ... and we keep doing it ... not only in our foreign policy, but in our domestic policies as well.
US Secretary of Defense Carter tells Chinese the US will sail in what have traditionally been international waters whenever and wherever it wants ... and that China's claims to reefs and shoals are going to be ignored as sovereign territory.
I sometimes wonder what logic is being used here ... a mainland base is 1500 miles or so to the rear does a better job than one in Hawaii? I don’t think so, because the flying radii means there is a lot of the central Pacific that can't be covered routinely. But then I am not a Navy strategist.
This is the WaPo's anointment of the winners and losers from Tuesday's debate.
This is part one of a two-part essay on gun control by Thomas Sowell. (it was in last night's unannotated list) ... don't confuse people with the facts, he says.
This is part two of Thomas Sowell's rebuttal to anti-gun zealots.
The sad thing (since I am a First Amendment "absolutist") is that this "censorship" is becoming more acceptable and more prevalent.
This is a good book review from Walter Williams ... and it makes a few points I have tried, but I guess with little success, to impart to my circle of acquaintances. Never confuse income with wealth .... the income tax taxes income and not wealth.
Unfortunately, there is much truth to this commentary, when you stop and think about it ... rather than accept the knee-jerk response in agreement with the news coverage.
If our foreign policy elites and decision makers keep getting blindsided, then this commentary is correct ... they suffer from an imagination deficit.
Sometimes I wish the airdales would admit that dropping stuff from 30,000 feet is a bit dicey at best ... unless you have some really good eyes on the ground.
Pope Francis is an interesting character ... and, as is pointed out in this story, he does a lot of asking for forgiveness ... either for himself or the church ... or even the civil authorities.
The thing I love about progressives and candidates like Clinton and Sanders is how freely they spend other people's money. ... or lives.
Here is CNN's winners and losers from Tuesday night's debate.
In the air over Syria I sometimes get the impression of two dogs in a dog park growling that their stick is bigger than the other's
NBC makes it official ... Clinton has the "big mo" now, so let the planning for the coronation continue apace.
This story sort of reminds me why the Army traded in the Colt .38 caliber revolver for the M-1911 automatic Colt pistol in .45 caliber. Look up the Philippine Insurrection and Moro suicidal attacks.
This is somewhat illustrative of the anti-Israel slant of NBC ... it brushes away the Israeli narrative.
This is the "official" FactCheck.Org fact checking of the Democratic candidates on Tuesday night ... take it however you will ... to me it says ouch.
And I will close tonight on this bit of trivial information. Listen to where we get some of our most common clichés
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