Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Suggested readings from Oct. 21, 2015 (and before)

Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

I apologize, sort of, for being a bad boy and not posting here for a few days … my reason (I don’t offer it as an excuse) is that I got sidetracked reading a new novel by one of my favorite authors whose books usually suck me in to them (well, my pretty wife will tell that is not unusual for me … to get sucked into a book, not to reemerge for days). Having said, that, I guess it time to for me to catch up on a few of the events of the last few days. I hope you find these stories interesting and enlightening.

This is a plea for more money ... basically more American money ... but what about the rest of the world? When are they supposed to step up? The US contributes more than any other nation in the world to these funds ... and this is the thanks it gets.

More defense of Hillary Clinton from the WaPo opinion piece ...

I have two passing observations on this article: 1. When have lotteries be anything a but a regressive tax playing on the hopes and dreams of the less fortunate that they might just get lucky and struck by the lightning of a jackpot. On the same point, however, it is a voluntary tax. Nobody is forcing anyone to pay it. 2. In typical academic elite fashion, the study finds that we must protect the plebeians from their own wills and force them to accept the fates given them by the elites.

Golly garshes, you mean to tell me that the projections for all the potential benefits of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act were wrong? OH, tell me that isn't so. It just can't be that we were sold a pig in a poke ... our president and our Democrats in Congress (since they are the ones who passed Obamacare without GOP support) were not telling us the truth?

I think the Canadians are about eight years late to the hope and change party ... I just hope it works out better for them.

Interesting discussion of China's model of "meritocracy" versus Western 'democracy"

Joe Biden is not running ... does that mean we have to coronate Hillary ... my dear wife keeps reminding me, as I have reminded her, we are still a year away from the election, and just about anything can happen.

Canada's new PM withdraws it fighters from the Middle East ... I only open that ISIS/ISIL will return the favor and not target Canada

I guess we offended the current Iraqi government

An analysis of what to look forward to with the new Trudeau government in Canada

Interesting article on the role borders play in the 21st century ... particularly on how the US government treats the concept ... worth considering.

A book review of a book that explores whether the concept of heroism is under siege in the West

Excellent dissertation by Thomas Sowell with the problems we have with politicians' spouting words like "fair" and "rich" and "income inequality" and a host of other terms. The problem is that empirically, those terms are meaningless and merely serve to agitate emotional responses.

I would dearly love to hear the counter-arguments to Walter William's points ... unfortunately, I have heard most of them ... and I think that history, past and present, pretty much discredits the counter-argument because it assumes that human nature has changed ... it hasn't

Whether we want to admit it or not - and apparently we are trying to maintain the facade - the international sanctions regime against Iran is dead ... so stick a fork in it


Simple is best ... and simpler is better ... and so is the case with the language of politics ... always has been. Don't think so, read Animal Farm.

Personally, I think this particular person is full of bovine scatology ... and I hope we never get to the feeling that we are Gods.

This is known as a self-selecting survey, not a randomized or scientific study, so its outcome is pretty much pre-determined given who is interviewed. Having said that, I have to say to these young people: Get over it.

I suppose that Black Lives Matter will find this officer's death totally justified.

This report probably is false ... but still the health of Pope Francis, given his own predictions, is of considerable concern to many people.

Another report that the MSF hospital had Taliban operations active within its bounds. Please note (before you dismiss this) that the story is an AP story that ran of Fox News' web site.

The problem with this climate doom-and-gloom story is that is assumes that current trends will remain stagnant for the next 85 years ... and that is ignorant.

Among the good things to know: This is what Canada's new PM says he stands for.

Apparently, this is what young Canadians want ... well, I just hope it works out for them ... unfortunately, I don't think it will.

This is apparently an interesting twist to the world of high finance ... I wonder if will lead to a overseas cash flow

The sad thing is that we Americans get pilloried about the migrants crossing our border ... while the Mexicans get a pass ... you know, that is what really disgusts me about the illegal immigrant debate.

This is an example of the ignorance of the Congressional Democrats ... and a small case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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