Ok, it sounds like some music group, but apparently there is a bus-load or so of undocumented immigrants / illegal immigrants / illegal aliens (you take your pick) on a tour of U.S. cities flouting the fact that they have no immigration papers and basically, at least from my impression, are telling American citizens and their government where they can stick their immigration laws and rules.
Once again, folks, does this seem right to you? If it does, I surely would love to have an explanation, because I don’t understand. You see, I have first hand experience with the U.S. immigration system: My wife is, and still is and will be, a Canadian citizen. She has her “Green Card” which took almost three years to get. She has a work permit, which took a year to get. In other words, we played by the rules. We paid the fees, etc., too. So, between you and me, I don’t have a lick of sympathy for these people who have entered the U.S. without following the rules and the law. Sorry, like in the game of Chutes and Ladders, you get to go back to square one and start all over.
Unfortunately, that is not the politically correct view we should have. We should be empathetic and understand that most of these people are here contributing to the U.S. economy (supposedly doing jobs “normal” Americans refuse to do and would rather sit out collecting on welfare and extended unemployment), but I am not sure I buy that argument.
And then we are supposed to be welcoming of those young people whose parents brought them here illegally more than five years ago and are between 16 and 30 now because they weren’t responsible for their plight, their parents were.
With all due respect to what are probably righteous and upright individuals, but sorry but that is equine fecal material. Of course, we can’t apply the “law” to you because it wouldn’t be “fair”. That is part of the problem with our society today: We are carving out so many exemptions to applying the law that it no longer applies to anybody. And that really burns me.
You see, I happen to be one of those people who firmly believes that the law – any and every law – should apply to everybody. It shouldn’t matter what race, religion, ideology, color, economic status, wealth or whatever. When it comes to the law, we all should be equal before it. Is that what we have now? Not only no, but HELL NO! and that is wrong.
The easiest place to start is the federal tax code, particularly the income tax portions of it for both individuals and corporations. The code is so riddled with exemptions, deductions and tax credits (most tailored for specific special interest groups, rich and poor) that it is not surprising few Americans do their own taxes. They go out an hire someone professing to be a professional who has studied and understands the intricacies of it, or buy a computer software program that promises the same.
I know, and understand, all the various reasons given for all those exemptions, deductions and tax credits, but they are wrong. They are wrong because they make some pigs (oops, people) more equal than others, to borrow a cliché from George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
It doesn’t matter what the law is, you will see that it has been tailored to impact one group while leaving another group unaffected. You see this in all sorts of regulatory law and administrative law where the regulations and rules only apply to individuals or corporations that meet certain criteria. Don’t meet the criteria, and then the law doesn’t apply.
Sorry but that is bovine scatology.
So, these people going around the country making a big deal that they have no papers? Ok, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, where are you? Got a group that is making it easy for you and are in violation of the rules you are supposed to enforce. Oh, that is right; our President (you know the man who is constitutionally empowered to enforce the laws of the United States) has told you not to enforce that law. It seems that he either disagrees with the law as it stands … or he has some other reason (like trying to buy votes of the Hispanic community – please, people, don’t sell your souls and your votes so cheaply).
I didn’t know that we could pick and choose what laws we wanted to obey. Hey, do you think that is a great idea? Hell, why have any laws then at all. Let’s just let our hair down and enjoy the anarchy. I mean that why should we let government control any of our activities? Hey, progressives, I need to hear from you on this. Why should government tell us what to do on anything? Why should government be allowed to regulate any of our behaviors? If we want to go out and kill someone, Hell, it is our choice, where does the government have any business in it.
Heck, if we want something, aren’t we just allowed to take it?
I know I am being sarcastic here, folks, but it seems to me that when we stop applying the law to all, and only apply the law selectively, then we are drifting into deep trouble.
Yes, I know prosecutors will tell you all over the country that they and the court system is overwhelmed and that they can’t prosecute every case of a broken law. They plead for prosecutor’s discretion. Seen far too much of that in my years of covering court and putting court news in the paper. Plea bargains are fine, so are suspended sentences, but when you are prosecuting a person for a seventh offense DUI, or fifth time for driving while suspended, or the umpteenth time for assault, battery or burglary … or armed robbery or violations of stock exchange regulations, then it is time to reexamine your priorities. As prosecutors, they need to really get out there and explain why some laws are “good” and need to be enforced and why some laws are “bad” and shouldn’t be on the books.
However, I know that a) that takes too much work and b) it is easier to just game the system.
I guess, if this is what the American people like, or at least are willing to tolerate, then I should, as Pappy used to say, “Go back in the teapot.” I just wish more people would say it is time for this crap to stop.
Enforce the law, or repeal it and let us take the consequences.
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