Note: Each block of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
To anyone following this blog, I apologize for the hiatus … but I had to deal with a number of issues that precluded me giving my attention to it. I probably won’t be as regular in the future, but I will try to post more often … complete with commentary.
Having got that out of the way, once more into the breech with today’s headlines. Most of which will concern the tragic events in California and the inanities of the responses in a variety of forums.
It seems that the attack might just have been the work of Islamic terrorists/radicalized Muslims or whatever you want to call those people who adhere to Islam and go on killing sprees of non-Muslim people. Folks, get with the program ... this was not workplace violence or random gun violence, this attack was a premeditated act to glorify Allah.
CNN can't quite bring itself to face that the workplace violence meme doesn't fit in this case in San Berdoo. They admit it might be a Islamic terror attack ... but it has to mention the workplace retaliation thingy.
This is our president. Would someone please take me to the planet he is on, because this one ain't even close to the one he is describing. The question arises: Is he really that misinformed or willingly delusional? You know, Mr. President, there is a whole world out that that doesn't seem to conform to your progressive views of life on Planet Earth.
Now, it seems to me that the progressive left in the United States is coming unglued and losing contact with reality. But to attack all Christians and those who may think there is value in prayer and thinking kind thoughts of others facing the evils of the world. Give me a break, HuffPo.
First of a series of different views on the progressives efforts to shame those who are praying ... one wonders why they feel the necessity.
This view point observes that the progressive left and secular humanists seem to have made government their deity
And another view about the prayer shaming effort ... where does it stop?
This is an interesting essay on the power of language and how we seem to be losing ours ... it seems that Orwell was right (well he thought it would happen by 30 years ago), but his NewSpeak seems to becoming more fashionable every day ... much to our detriment, I would say in my own view.
Part of the problem with what is going on in Southwest Asia and Asia Minor is that everybody is playing their own game. This especially is the case with Turkey, as this essayists points out, which makes it a very unreliable ally. Guns of August, anyone? I still think that is a very viable scenario.
It seems that the President wants to close Gitmo on the cheap ... well, that is not going to happen if you want to deposit the remaining detainees in the continental US ... but I have an option ... call it my Botany Bay alternative. Reopen the facilities at Johnston Atoll in the Pacific and set up a new camp on Sand Island.
This article makes me want to pray a little harder that nothing will happen untoward in the East and South China Seas over the next two-plus years, because I have peeps on Guam who are near and dear to me and I don't like to think of them being at Ground Zero. I am not going to worry (he lies) but I love them dearly and with the world being in the shape it is thanks to the current administration ... I can't help myself.
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