Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Random readings for Dec. 22, 2015

Note: Many of these blocks of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.

Not sure when I am going with this tonight ... so it is going to a bit eclectic ... I hope you enjoy and learn from some of these articles.

 This offers an excellent discussion about the necessity of property rights for people be free in thought, conscience, speech and press. Without the liberty to "own" your own property whether it is physical, labor or intellectual, then there really isn't anything else. If we don't own our own labor, we are slaves. If we don't have the right to own our own ideas ... then what are we? Again, nothing more than slaves. If we are not free to exercise our conscience, then our soul is chained to the constraints of the beliefs of others ... and what gives them that right? Sorry, nothing does. You may not agree with my religious beliefs and they may be culturally incompatible with what you believe, but that does not give you the right to dictate my compliance with your beliefs. That is known as tolerance and in our Politically Correct world, plus in the world at large, tolerance is sorely lacking everywhere.
 Mr. Thomas Sowell, as per usual, offers his rather pointed view on those who think their elite status as experts gives them the right to dictate to the rest of us how to live. How rude and crude is that? What about leaving some of these things to the individual and letting them pay the consequences of the success or failure of their own decisions. I know, that wouldn't be "fair" or "equal" but guess what neither life nor the world ever will be fair and equal. Ain't gonna happen.
  An interesting essay on the rules for "boys and girls" that probably should be the basis for all our life's lessons.
  Interesting ... it seems that "miracles" are more prevalent and enjoy more support in unexpected circles than we are supposed to think. You can count me among those who believe ... in that I have experienced more than one and literally felt the warmth of prayers offered up in my name. You can take that for what it is worth and disbelieve and attempt to debunk my view ... but it doesn't change what happened.
  Sad commentary on reality today ... of course, I suppose Christians deserve it for all the privilege they have.
 I offer this up ... well, because I thought there was a bit of truth within its "humor" ... Not that I expect anyone who aspires to call themselves a progressive would agree.
  The Afghan deserter Bergdahl enters the next phase of the military justice system and this is a little primer. I call him a deserter, because - despite all the rationalizations - that is what he is.
  Last call for tonight ... a little comparison between the Koran and Bible ... take it or leave it as you will.

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