Friday, December 18, 2015

Passing thoughts on events

Note: Many of these blocks of text actually is a link to a story or a web page that I am commenting on. Click on that text and it will take you to the page being referred to.
 I apologize again … for having been derelict in adding to my blog … but I have been having some software issues between the program I have used to compose my blog and publishing it here ... to wit I thank Windows 10 ... but I am endeavoring to adapt and overcome.
In addition, I have been torn of late with intense feelings of frustrations … with events in the world around me, with the reactions by our political leadership, by the expressions of profound idiocy from our media and social elites. Other than that, as the saying goes, things have been just hunky dory … which means I also am taking bids for the Golden Gate Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, the London Bridge in Arizona, along with some Pacific beach front property there.
First, would someone please tell me what planet President Obama is residing on? It sure as hell ain’t the same one the rest of us poop smucks live on … and that goes pretty much for the rest of the Political Left in North America, the progressives, the liberals and the Democrats. Although the Republican are having similar delusions. Having said that, let us begin with the links.
Basically, President Obama is flunking as a rhetorically inspiring president. Not only is he not a Wilson, or a Roosevelt (take your pick TR or FDR), or a Truman, a Kennedy, a Reagan, he is not even, for God's sake, either one of the Bushes.
This is the problem with the progressive left: They can't seem to bring themselves to understand that we are at war ... yes, Virginia, a real shootin', tootin' war that unfortunately doesn't fit into the four century old concept of Westphalian Concept of just and proper wars and how they are to be fought. ... and if you don't understand that reference, educate yourself. Look of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia and how it changed how wars were fought in Europe for the next four centuries. Not elsewhere, so much, but in the West.
 A view into who the enemy is ... and why it has to be fought
And for those who don't think ISIS and the Islamic Jihadi are not the enemy, then you need to understand this.
This essay points out the reality in North America (it was written apparently by a Canadian) ... I know the progressives will pooh-pooh and dismiss this view ... but it is closer to reality than their world view is.
Having been one of these troops over the past 25 years, I know of what this author speaks. I know he speaks the truth ... and it frustrates me when others refuse to accept what our experience has taught us.
A digression of sorts ... but 50 or so responses to the mythology propagated by our liberal and progressive friends.
For those who view the U.S. Constitution as a very important document, one not to be interpreted as evolving, but in context of what its words truly mean, I would hope this essay would be an eye-opener ... and my hat still is doffed in respect to the short-little, red-head from Virginia. He truly was a man of great honor and integrity and deserving of your utmost respect.
Me thinks the Paris Climate Accord is much ado about not much. It really doesn't solve the problem - if the problem they are trying to solve really is the problem - nor is really enforceable on those who are doing the worst ... It, as often is the case, throws millions on the pyre of good intentions.
The next time you consider the case for progressive taxation ... review this article and ponder what it offers. Food for thought.
If you remember, I keep warning that you really need a score card to keep up with who is doing what to whom and why when it comes to the Middle East. Another piece of the muddle is offered here.

I think the former governor of New York has the right take on this. I do wonder why progressives and Democrats seem so busy trying to criminalize speech.
This is what groups like the Black Liberation Collective and Black Lives Matter are demanding. I, for one, have a real problem with them claiming victimhood status, but you are welcome to make your own judgments on their demands.
You know something: Sometimes our president just destroys his own credibility. It is getting to the point where I don't know how anyone can accept his leadership on anything.
For those who are buying into the Climate Change solution, I ask how you answer this points. I make them all the time, but no one seems to think that they are anything to worry about.
And one final point about warding off Climate Change: How disingenuous and blind do those who don't realize that this HAS to happen for their dream of no-fossil fuels to be realized have to be. Your science doesn't hold together and a lot of people of die unless you keep this power source in the mix.

There are more random thoughts in the pipeline … I am just too much of a procrastinator (make that lazy for those who have trouble with polysyllabic words) so, I don't know if one of the others I have stacked up will be able to make the conversion tonight ... but it might happen if this conversion works..

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