Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Colombia says Russian bombers violated air space - New York News

Colombia says Russian bombers violated air space - New York News

Hmmm - Cold War Redux?

Now, I suppose that all those folks whose knickers are in a twit over US drones will let this pass without comment. I fully expect it.

You see folks, what bothers me with all the hue and cry about when the US does a or b, is that when anybody else does it, and they do - routinely, there is nary a peep.

The double standard just makes me so sick.

It is like the old bargaining stance that what is mine is mine and what is yours is negotiable. Of maybe it is "They are the bad guys so we don't expect them to play by the rules."

I am sorry, but I am tired of having to play by rules that nobody else is held to ... not when the US keeps getting asked to lead and to try to resolve this world problem or that world problem. There is an old saying from my military days that says "Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!"

All these people who have all these moral problems with whatever it is they don't like about US policy this week, never seem to spend an equal amount of energy on those whose acts make US policy seem pale by comparison.

Moral values are good ... and we should do all we can to uphold them ... but they should not bind us into a suicide pact that allows those who don't have such moral scruples free to do whatever they want to do.

Yes, there is  place for law, but only when there is a recognized, competent authority to enforce the law, otherwise all you are going to get is a mockery of the law. Unfortunately, there is no real international law, despite what various people will try to tell you, because there is no competent authority to enforce the law. That, my friends, is the dying truth and you need to face that reality.

You cite the ICC or IWCT or any of any number of multilateral or UN sponsored venues and I would point out two points: One, they are not universal nor are they immune to political influence. Two: They really are Lilliputian efforts to tie down Gulliver. I wonder what will happen when the US is no longer strong enough to play the part of Gulliver. Who will protect the Lilliputians then?

Nuff said.

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