Sunday, January 5, 2014

USA to the rescue!

USA to the rescue! US Coast Guard Ice breaker asked to assist Antarctic rescue vessels trapped in ice due to #spiritofmawson fiasco | Watts Up With That?

Ok, I understand that the USCGC Polar Star was nearest icebreaker available, but I am having a little bit of fun with the thought that it is a US ship that is coming to the rescue of Russian and Chinese ships.

You have to understand that the Russians maintain a far larger and probably more capable fleet of icebreakers but all of the are stationed in the Arctic, rather than the Antarctic, which makes sense because of the Russians long Arctic coastline and the need to open its ports there for trade.

I am not aware of any Chinese icebreakers, although with their interest in developing Arctic passages for their shipping (and other less obvious reasons) one would think they  would have one or two at least on the drawing boards to ride to the rescue of their own ships should  they become icebound.

Still, I am glad the Coasties still have the capability, because our ocean-going icebreaker fleet is getting a little aged. However, don't look for the Congress or the current administration to suddenly see the light and order up a few newer ones, stronger and with greater capabilities. Tis not going to happen.

So, for now, lets just cheer on the crew of the Polar Star and wish them Godspeed as the make the voyage toward the stranded vessels.

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