Court: Bloggers have First Amendment protections - AP News 1/17/2014 8:40 PM
Amen and amen!
I have argued this for years and years, much to the dismay of others in my chosen profession. I kept telling them that the first amendment does not just protect news gathering and disseminating businesses and organizations, but is a protection that is extended to every one.
It is like my argument about "shield" laws. They are not based in the Constitution nor can they ever rest on the First Amendment. If you want to have a "journalist" privilege, like that of doctors, priests and lawyers, it can't happen in the Constitution or really based in common law. You can base in statutory law, that passed by legislatures, but you have to remember that what the legislature can giveth, it taketh away ... plus it gets to define who or what is in the protected class, not the Constitution.
I hope the Supremes uphold this ruling on appeal.
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