I do so love progressives and their belief that if they aren’t winning then it obviously is the result of a conspiracy.
According to the British, a retired American National Security Agency (NSA) analyst proves that the GOP has been stealing elections Arizona, since the state has gone computerized vote counting and machines.
The premise of this person’s argument is that the larger the precinct the more the vote count is skewed electronically toward a particular candidate (favored by the Republican Party elite, which apparently have corrupted the software). From what I gathered from the story, the assumption is that a candidate’s support should be a flat line, rather than one that gyrates wildly from precinct to precinct. Having covered a plethora of elections over four decades (most without the benefit of voting machines, which have been around for more than a century), I find his thesis a bit strange. If you plot precinct by precinct totals, your graph most likely is going to gyrate rather wildly, especially as larger precincts report in. This is not a conspiracy. This is reality.
My progressive friend out west who provided the above link, says to drive them crazy and vote anybody but Republican. But, if “they” control the software, then it shouldn’t matter who you vote for, the result is predetermined. So, what he is telling you doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Of course, there is the usual conspiracy nonsense about all the voting machine makers being in the hip pocket of the Republicans, but does that explain the documented reports of machine malfunctions in some Eastern states that were switching votes to the Democratic candidate.
Granted, paper ballots are – to a point – the most secure way of casting ballots. Of course, there is a long history of stuffed ballot boxes, lost boxes, found boxes, etc.
It would seem to me that it would take some really sophisticated programming to go without detection, at least at the levels I witnessed over the years.
I am not saying it is not possible. I am saying I am tired of progressives trying to discredit the election process before it even happens.
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