U.S. Army mulls wiping out memory of Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson - Washington Times
This is another one of those silly stories. I call them silly because they make no real sense. It is like those Southerners who still are fighting the War of Northern Aggression. Folks, the damn war is over and as Gen. Lee said, it is long past the time to bind up the wounds and focus on being one nation.
It seems to me that the Politically Correct Police are running amok these days. Denying that Robert E. Lee was an American soldier who served his nation with valor and dignity. Yes, he chose to fight for the Confederacy because he could not raise his sword against his state. The Army he led against the Union Forces rarely fought outside his state, and those times it did, it came out on the short end of the stick.
Lee was a tactical genius for his time. His victories were tactical victories. His leadership both in battle and as an educator are something to be admired and not forgotten. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson also was an exemplary soldier and leader.
It is distressing to see people now who fail to see that both sides of the American Civil War were Americans. It truly was a brother-against-brother war ... it was a family squabble. For a place like the the US Army's War College to try to degrade the efforts of some of America's best military leaders is not only foolish, it is stupid.
But the PC Police are not content. To them, you have to toe the reigning viewpoint and champion it as your own. If your views do not comport with the views of the PCP, then you are to be condemned. There is no tolerance allowed.
Witness the hissy fit being thrown over the views of the leader of the Duck Dynasty reality show clan because his religious views prompt him to say that homosexuality is a sin (i.e. a wrong type of behavior). He said it didn't alter his treatment of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transvestites - he would treat all with the respect that he would expect from them. Well, since they are trashing him, trying to deprive him of employment, then I guess he should change his approach ... and start advocating that they be trashed, etc.
Of course, the PC Police won't allow that. It wouldn't be tolerant.
Witness the hissy fits being thrown at various military bases around the country over Christmas nativity displays. Give me a break folks.
I am sorry, folks, but being tolerant means accepting that people are different. It does not mean that you have to condone or endorse whatever it is that makes someone different. If that is what you think it means, then you are wrong. Sorry, but there is not other way to put it.
I can disapprove of what you do. I can say it is a wrong in my world view. I can call it a sin against God. But as long as I treat you with dignity and respect - even though I disagree with you vehemently - then you damn well better be willing to accept the fact that I am not going to endorse your views or condone your behavior. You need to tolerate me.
Now, in the cases of the above gentlemen. Accept the fact that they look at the world differently than maybe you do and get on with your life. You might even learn a thing or two from these gentlemen, each of whom had/have a right to view the world from their own perspective.
I know that soldiers can learn a heck of a lot from the examples left by Bobbie Lee and Tom Jackson.
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