Saturday, October 8, 2016

Trump reaction

Note: this section will not be G-Rated … Not even PG … it will be at least R …

WARNING: There will be obscenities and profane language past this point. I have been politic; you have been warned!

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! America (especially in its national media) is going fucking bonkers because one of its political leadership candidates talks of bawdy things (in a younger iteration) and shows that he is a God-damn, arrogant, loud-mouthed, profane, self-centered, self-absorbed, ruthless, son-of-a-bitch … so what else is new. Get the fuck over it. It ain’t the first time it has happened.

People are going ape-shit crazy calling him to withdraw his candidacy because he told some broadcast flunky off mic that he likes to fondle pretty women … what a bunch of fucking hypocrites. Damn, if there is a male in the room over, let’s say, 45 who hasn’t engaged in bowdlerized, locker-room talk about women and braggadocio about what they would like to do … excepting possibly those men who are gayer that the three-dollar bill … I probably would call them a liar and be right. I can’t say much about people younger than that because I haven’t sat in on many of their conversations, but what I have heard makes me think they aren’t much different.

Folks, take a fucking chill pill. The God-damned politically correct shit has to stop.

The problem with Trump is that he actually talks like he is one of the plebeians … you know, us common folks who actually worked for a God-damn living and not made a living getting paid by the government/state for a career.

I find all this faux-horror at Trump’s tax returns, his sexually explicit talks with people (especially those with recording devices, which is stupid, but then, what the hell, we live in a gotcha by the balls society these days), so freakingly fucking hypocritical that it sort of makes me want to stage a French Revolution here in the US? Trot out the guillotine for the “aristocracy”!!!!

Where is the Red Queen when we need her? Off with their fucking heads! 

I guess I have fallen a long way from my perch among the elites of the world as a college graduate who was the editor of one of the 1600 daily newspapers (at the time) in the USofA, assistant editor at another, editor at a three-times a week paper, and editor of four different weekly newspapers, not including a weekly and an every-other-day newspaper I produced in a war zone.

I no longer have much patience with progressives and those who education or position places them above the fucking masses. I am reminded to tell them, despite your fucking smarts, or God-damn worthless pieces of paper, social, economic or political positions, you stupid over-educated dumbshit assholes, you still put your panties on one leg at a time just like the rest of us idiots.

You know the people you find deplorable may be crude and rude, but they are people. They might not have high-fluting degrees or education, or even money or wealth, but they still are functioning human beings, who can – when called upon – actually have a thought or two in their head … and those thoughts just might be worth listening to. A lot may be stupid or silly thoughts, but given the facts, their common sense will usually win out.

So, Trump is a ruthless, fucking billionaire (or just a multi-millionaire, what does it matter) corporate slob of a businessman, that has never stopped such people from running and serving in public office before. Cue the damn Virginia planter class or the fucking Ivy League country club shit heads

The question you really should be asking yourself, you fucking dumbbells, is has he broken the law? How did he make those billions? By himself or surrounding himself and delegating to a vast corps of really competent deplorables?   I really don’t think he did it selling favors, like a former Senator from New York and Secretary of State, along with her sexually obsessed husband who is an ex-president now, who actually did “it” with a God-damn intern in the Oval Office … or was it her oval orifice … shit, I don’t even know any more ... much less really give a shit.

How many laws, lies, and other shit does Trump’s leading opponent have to break, say and do before you get the message that she really is a bunch of crappola. Do you really want that crappola? Do you really want the fucking status quo candidate to keep things running down the same God-damn track we have been going for the last 10 or so years … so be it … vote for the piece of shit.

Another question: Why is the “establishment” fucking going freaking ape-shit over the possibility of Trump being president? What is it they really are so fucking scared-shitless about? Do they know something about the checks and balances built into our system of governance that we don’t know that makes them think we can’t survive a loose-cannon? What is it that we have had for the last 25 fucking years? Cannons lashed down so tight their pussies squeak? I think they are just afraid he will upset the status quo and maybe, just maybe, fucking change the way things have been run in our fucking capital for that last shitting century or so. Maybe that is the change we need, fucking stupid America.

Now I am not saying anybody should vote for the jerk Trump, or anyone else, but I am saying look at what they say they want to do … ask yourself if those things are what you really want done or if they really are sustainable or just pipe dreams … or just products of your own envy of those who have shit you don’t. … then reach down and vote for the candidate who can win AND do the least amount damage to what freedoms you, as an individual, still have in this country.

One last point, a historical one: The last time the elite was in this much of an uproar, I think, was 1828. You know when that rude, crude and obscene Tennessean Andrew Jackson was elected and the Virginia planter class and the New England lawyers had a hissy fit over this frontier braggart capturing the White House. He was a populist too, if I remember my history correctly and really changed the course of politics and the shape of the American democratic republic. Is that what they are so afraid of?

Anyway, I apologize for my fucking profanity, but I am becoming more and more like the old fucking grunt soldier I was part time, rather than the urbane, cosmopolitan, liberal arts college-educated elite journalist I once was.

Still, I raise my rye on the rocks to all of you who are a) Americans and b) deign to read this rant. (tonight is was Canadian rye, tomorrow night it will be my Gordon’s vodka … I alternate nights on which poison I drink on the rocks).

May you all find your path blessed by the Divine, and you have the strength and courage to endure whatever travails may lie ahead of you personally and (if it so applies) as an American.


Footnote: This is a succinct summation why I don't give a fucking rat's ass about Trump's "hot-mic moment". OK, I am done


Kate Kennedy said...

Hello Rich,

I was just wondering last week what your take is on Trump and his run for the presidency. Now I know and although I didn't expect you to change your party affiliation I am a bit surprised that you aren't more upset with Trump's latest shenanigans. First, let me make it clear that along with Trump, I am not voting for Hillary either. I thought about voting for myself but if I actually vote at all, I think I might have to vote for Obama again. :)

I understand why you see hypocrites in the people bashing Trump but no matter what the Clintons have done, that doesn't clear Trump and his history with women. I have been following Trump since the 80s and knew all of his trash would eventually come back to bite him as he tries to win the presidency. Rich, he is scum and worse than that, he always seemed to be so proud of it. He is a shyster in his business dealings and a misogynist when it comes to his feelings about and his treatment of women. Doesn't that ever make you wonder how he views everyone else? Like men and especially men who aren't as successful as he is?

I tried to give Trump a break because what the hell, we might as well try something new. I also have a family member who has lost his mind and believes Trump is the man for the job so I kept an open mind and waited to see what would happen. I tolerated the nude photos of his gold-digging trophy wife and didn't lose my shit over his numerous bankruptcies and his tax write-offs or his questionable command of the english language. I even tried to ignore his narcissism since most leaders of powerful countries are narcissists to some degree. But then the video was leaked, a video where everything I knew him to be was right there for me to hear in his own words. I got a sick feeling in my stomach which only got worse as the days passed leading up to the 2nd debate. Until then I had put everything else on ignore or the back burner with some stellar rationalizations but even using those, I couldn't ignore this one away.

It's not about Hillary being as bad or worse than Trump, this is about a narcissistic bully who doesn't even know what he doesn't know about what it takes to be president. He is not educated enough, experienced enough, intelligent enough or emotionally mature enough to hold the office. While all politicians have some sociopathy in them, Trump has a certifiable, diagnosable personality disorder. No doubt in my mind on that one. And that one scares me. If you have ever known a malignant narcissist you will know why I am concerned. To put my thoughts into perspective, let's talk about W. You know I didn't care for his politics but that aside, I will always like him as
a person. I would have looked forward to having him over for a barbeque because he is charming and cute and probably tells great stories. I wouldn't invite Trump to a dumpster fire because he is a sleaze who makes my skin crawl. And because I would need to hire security to assure he keeps his slimy hands off of me; not because I am a beautiful model but simply because I am a woman. He doesn't hit on women because he finds them desirable, he hits on women to exert his power over them. It is nothing more than sport to him. He has zero respect for half of the world's population and has done nothing to hide how he feels. He allowed Howard Stern to refer to his daughter as a "piece of ass", for fuck's sake. He is a classless piece of scum and that is the last qualification I need in my president.

I could go on and on about the danger we put ourselves in if he becomes president but will stop this for now. Just remember...he has the personal integrity of an alley cat.

Unknown said...

Miss Kate,

Believe me when I say I really appreciate and understand your views. For the most part, they are quite valid. I appreciate the dilemma you must find yourself in.

I find myself facing a similar dilemma: How should I cast my vote?

I could vote Libertarian, but the announced positions of its candidate are a bit too progressive on a number of issues for my taste, particularly court appointments.

I could vote Green, but I haven't gone that far around the bend yet.

I could vote the Constitutional Party, but what would that solve other than to ease my conscience a bit?

I could vote for the Veteran Party, but again, to what end?

You see, it comes down to - for me - a choice who is the lesser of two evils. The other candidates are not going to win, period; despite the hopes of people I know. A vote for the other candidates will accomplish nothing but get one of the two major party candidates elected.

So the question above, then devolves down to who is worse? In that my choice is obvious: Hillary Clinton is clearly the candidate who poses the far greater clear and present danger to the United States, if not the world. That leaves Donald Trump.

I agree, he probably is all the pejoratives that you label him with ... but, and this is the important caveat, his stated positions on a number of key issues (not knowing if his administration would adhere to them), like Supreme Court nominations (probably the most key for me), gun rights and the Second Amendment, support for the military and veterans, at least make him acceptable to a point.

So, the question is: Do I vote for Hillary, who I see as posing clear and present danger to our liberty, or Trump, who may or may not?

Am I willing to take the risk to leap into the unknown or accept the demise and disaster I see coming if we don't change the course that our "establishment" has set for us?

And make no mistake, Hillary IS the Establishment, bought lock, stock and barrel.

The one solace I take from seeing a Trump presidency is that I see the establishment battling him at every turn, and fighting tooth and nail to preserve the status quo, which - theoretically - could produce a measure of gridlock and check on any of the excesses you expect from his administration.

Note that I have little faith that any such restraint would be put on Clinton, especially if the Democrats regain control of either house of Congress.

Having said all this, I do so with no expectations to changer your, or any one else's mind. It merely is one old man's views of the world. If you like or agree, so be it. If you don't, so be it ... it is your right and privilege to do so.

Rich B.