Tuesday, October 22, 2013


High times 58 percent want weed legal

I find headlines like this rather ironic.

Why? You may ask.

Well, first of all, I have been of the conviction since my college days that such drugs as marijuana (and basically all recreational drugs) should be legalized. Not only legalized, but subject to an excise tax and regulated for content, just like alcohol and tobacco.

OH! Did I say “tobacco”? Tobacco is bad for you. And we need to outlaw it everywhere it raises its nefarious head. Stomp on it. Banish its practitioners. Better yet, draw and quarter anyone who smokes. We must protect everyone from its evils.

Ok, I will turn off my sarcasm.

You see, unfortunately for those proponents of legalizing the smoking of marijuana, I view smoking pot as little different from smoking tobacco. Both can have adverse effects on people, while at other times they can have seemingly beneficial effects.

I often have toyed with the idea of opening my own business – say a bar-nightclub-restaurant-smoke shop-tobacconist-social club  – and making all the employees sign an employment contract that points out that at this business permits the use of tobacco products, and other legal substances, on its premises and that they are fully aware of this fact and indemnify the owners from any liability (assumed, presumed or actual) from that fact. Then I would post a sign on the front door that patronage of my business means that the customer understands what the environment is and if they do not agree to accept their own responsibility they are welcome to go elsewhere.

And then I would hire the best chefs and bartenders around and serve the best food around.

Of course, the progressives would not like me. The liberals would do all they could to shut me down.  The medical community would be aghast and look upon me as something satanic.

Boy, I miss my pipe.

Still, I find it ironic that progressives are all het up over legalizing marijuana. Does that mean that they are for individual rights and individuals taking responsibility for their own actions? Sadly, I think not. I do think it is all about feeling good … or as the Huffington Post says: Having a “High Time”.

Personally, I find it repugnantly elitist … but then most progressives are just that.

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