Obama asks passage of tax on rich
President Obama is urging the House of Representatives to pass a Senate-passed bill that would extend the Bush Tax Cuts for those making less than $250,000, while letting the same cuts expire for those making more, thus increasing their tax rates.
I have a radical idea: Just repeal all the Bush tax cuts.
In addition, repeal the bill that chopped what people pay for Social Security and Medicare, don’t extend it.
Do those two things and tax receipts are bound to soar.
Sorry, but I am one of those who thinks that if we are going to have taxes, then the only really fair thing is for everybody to pay them. I know, that is stupid and callous and cruel and heartless to those whose needs exceed their income and therefore deserve not to pay as much as those evil, demonic people who have more than they need.
Granted, I don’t think I really have made more than the median income in my life, so I guess I should side with those who think the wealthy should be stripped of their riches and have it redistributed among those who make less. However, I don’t see it that way.
Sorry, I am an unreconstructed individualist, for the most part. You know one of those people who really, sincerely believes that we are all unique and as individuals deserve to be treated the same by our government(s) under the law, rather than have the government discriminate against us according to some rather arbitrary and capricious standard that is based solely on – as far as I can see – nothing more than jealousy and envy.
I mean we bar discrimination against people for their race, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation and so forth these days. It seems to me that if government is supposed to ignore all these factors of the human condition, well … maybe it should just ignore others as well … and treat people as individuals, not as alleged victims or members of this class or another.
I know … I am looking for Utopia again, but I still think the concept is valid and workable if our political leadership would just start thinking about the common weal and not how many votes they just bought. Yet, I am not so sanguine as to expect that will ever happen. Humans being human and all, and envy being about a primordial an instinct as self-preservation, people will continue to sell their votes to those who promise to take from those who have more and give to those who have less, using the power of the government to achieve their ends (rather than do it themselves … but that would be robbery and we can’t have that).
Still, I think, when it comes to taxes, we should just let all the previous tax rate reductions fall by the wayside and go back to whenever and make everybody pay those rates, especially if the rates are not progressive and apply to everybody without any loopholes that exempt certain incomes or certain individual disbursements (like mortgage interest, child care payments, health expenses and any and all other deductions, credits, etc., that currently clutter up our tax codes)
But, I know I am in the minority here, so in obeisance to our recently reelected president, I say … don’t just raise the rates a little bit on the wealthy, really stick it to them. Take all of what they get in income, interest and capital gains (as well as any other source of income) and leave them with no more than $250,001 income per year. Then they will be just like the rest of us poor smucks See how they like to live like us proletarians and plebeians. (Wait a minute, I have never made more than 20 percent of that, so that isn’t fair).
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