Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thank you, Libyans … stand up and be counted

Benghazi counter protest

Libyans storm Ansar-Al-Sharia compound

Libyan protesters overrun militant compound

Libyans attack militants

Libyan counter-demonstrations

These demonstrations being reported where Libyans protesting the death of the U.S. ambassador and the destruction of the American consulate in Benghazi show something that needs to be shown in the Muslim/Arab world. It shows Muslims/local residents standing up and taking back their communities.

I, for one, want to salute these people and commend their bravery.

One of the principles of asymmetrical warfare is that the fighters have to be able as Mao Tse-Tung put it “The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea.”

In this case, it seems that the sea maybe getting hostile to some of the “fishes” and that is a welcome sight. If we hope to see any end to the Islamicists violence, this is what it going to take, just as it would take in any urban neighborhood here in our country that wanted to take back the streets from the gangs and hoodlums of today … or anytime in our past.

This shows that there may yet be hope in the Middle East.

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