Whomever said life was fair was selling a bill of goods. Life isn’t fair. Nothing is fair, except when everyone plays by the same set of rules, and then varying abilities make it unfair.
It appalls me to see certain political types calling for this group or that group to play fair or pay their “fair” share. Give me a flipping break.
Take taxes: Unless everybody pays the same rate, then the tax is not being fair. Somebody is paying more than someone else. Given all the tinkering that is done with the US, state, county, municipal and other tax codes. no one is being treated “fairly” in my estimation.
See that is the problem: No longer are we equal before the law. As Napoleon the Pig decreed in Animal Farm, “some animals are more equal than others.”
We as a nation have discovered we can manipulate the tax code and other government policies to pay ourselves money and that is why democratic forms of government fail. Once the people learn they can vote themselves money out of the common treasury then it eventually will collapse. As I have said, someone done let that cat out of the bag already even.
I shudder to think what my grandchildren are going to face, because it ain’t gonna be pretty. I wish I could leave them better, but I don’t have the power.